19L – Walking the Dog with Bil Dwyer

Bil Dwyer

Bil Dwyer

In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 – Welcome in to the NNF Players Club! 19L!

Jimmy’s arm is killing him from the allergy shots. Distractingly painful. Double dip of pain!

Cubs are 1 and 1! Jimmy watched some of the game with Anthony Rapp and Danielle prior to going to Anthony’s show.

Jimmy’s got a story to tell and Matt’s already heard it.

Talking Spotlight and Irony.

Talking Glen Ballard.

Jimmy’s withholding the story now!

05 – Talking salads! Wedge or otherwise. Chopped salad is too small for Jimmy.

He talks more about the meal and what happened.

$10 bet just blows up in Matt’s face. He still owes Jimmy $9.

Jimmy continues the story about a fan coming up to the table and complimenting Jimmy and NNF, amongst a star of Disney shows, Glee, etc.

He had a really nice time with these folks and at the show.

10 – 30 is Prime Time baby!

We’re going to dive into my Facebook post.

We talk about the post regarding Prop 60.

Jimmy reads through it the post.

15 – It’s gonna be a while.

20 – More reading of the facebook comments.

25 – Bil Dwyer is here!

Bil is wandering!! Looks great!

Cuck phooey!

NNF-Mail call copy

Some mail!

35 – Jimmy opens a card addressed to him.

Is this Rick Emmet’s new album? Nope!

This is Indochino related. Measuring tape.

Thanks Indochino! Stealth sponsorship!

He’s not golfing and he pocket dialed Jimmy the other day leaving him a voicemail.

They listen to the voicemail. Bil is walking his dogs Walt and Roy or Jax and Pepper.

He thanks his dogs.

Talking about his dogs names and hopscotch.

40 – Bil talks about hitting a girl in the head with an ice ball when he was a kid.

Talking about Chicago suburbs and almost drowning in a swimming pool.

45 – Here’s Tide in your eye!

Eliot describes Sprout as “The Scrappy-Doo of Vegetable Sales.”

Reusable toothpick talk.

50 – Email talk. Matt had 11, now has 5.

Bil talks about Oprah and Deepak Chopra – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepak_Chopra


Talking phones and cleaning.

Bil tells a story about Jimmy that Jimmy does not remember. “Who made your bed?” “ I DID!”

“I’ve got an elegant neck.” – Bil.

We’ll be right back!

55 – We’re back!


Round the horn!

Trivia talk!

Johnny on the docks.

Great necks!

Jimmy talks about Jimmy Kimmel.

60 – talking jokes and the Chevy Bolt. Matt’s interested.

Bil talks about a guy offering him a blowjob when he was hitchhiking one day.

65 – Talking more about eating Crickets for money.

Bil talks about doing a watermelon eating contest.

Matt talks about giving a guy his age a ride every day after picking him up once when he saw him hitchhiking.

Betting on Joan Van Ark’s real name.


Bil is debating the merits of the bet.


Joan’s daughter – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanessa_Marshall

Matt met Robert Redford played catch with him.

75 – Eliot is so confident that he is SO confident that his L word is correct that he will give Jimmy a dollar if he is wrong. We’ll come back to him.

Matt’s L word is Lucas (legend, labyrinth, longest yard) Happy birthday Matt’s dad! He sang happy birthday to him on a voicemail.

Bil’s L movie is…………………………………………………………………..(not little man tate) Lolita with Dominique Swain, who he did a movie with.

95 – Kevin Bacon – Daniel Stern: one movie – Diner.

Happy Birthday Hillary!

Back to Eliot’s L word. Less Than Zero. Great guess but no winner! Eliot pays up his dollar.

The Longest Yard! Matt was circling it!!

No winner!

100 – Matt wants to hear about John Heard’s meltdown.

San Francisco 2177. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/san_francisco_2177/


We’re out of here!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth