14Q – Pop Quiz with Gary Lucy
NNF 14Q – Gary Lucy
Garon’s Q Guess: Queer.
00 – YES INDEED! The door is open to the players club! Come on in for a hot tub or a canasta or a baccarat
Canasta – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canasta
Eliot is already talking, sans mic.
Jimmy apologizes to Eliot about the drummer issue.
Matt explains the Kickstarter comment on the pardcast boards. We get into it!
Fuck the people that don’t get it! Relax baby!
05 – Soulard, St. Louis – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soulard,_St._Louis
Matt also watched The Woman Who Wasn’t There. It has a weird ending.
Jimmy did a little research on it too “she would not talk to that guy.”
Jimmy talks about how people turn 9/11 (or other things) about them. Like how he was on one of the first planes to leave.
Jimmy’s arm raised and red from his allergy shot.
Jimmy says if you are getting on an elevator on floor 6 to go to floor 7 you can go fuck yourself. “Take the goddamn stairs you fucking sloth.”
10 – Matt is mad at people who take up elevator space when they can use the escalator. Let them have stroller space!
Jimmy calls them Lifts. He tells the story about having worn lifts in the past and his father in law calling him out on it.
110 floors in the WTC.
14 Quizno. Eliot has Quincy. I had Queer. Matt Quaterflash.
15 – Big NNF music news. Steve Perry returns to the stage performing with The Eels in Minneapolis. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/music-arts/journey-frontman-steve-perry-returns-stage-article-1.1807334
Jennifer Nettles came on Conan and gave the best performance they’ve had on the show and purged Jimmy of Alan Parsons Project. She got knocked out by Steve Perry’s return.
Eliot is always on the edge of foot and tooth.
Eels – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eels_(band)
Jimmy talks about the video.
Jimmy overthinks it: Steve friends with eels, we’ll do motherfucker and maybe if I feel like it we’ll do a couple journeys.
Gary Lucy has shown up with a giant piece of Styrofoam.
20 – Jimmy says perry sounded fantastic on the live albums he has from 94/95.
If you don’t masturbate there’s something wrong with you.
U2 is the band that Tig said never went solo!
Jimmy is not happy with his Harry’s ad. Like putting a song across your face.
Matt is really overthinking the party keyword.
25 – We covered everything I think. Allergy shot, comments, Steve Perry.
Jimmy bought the Chicago Podcast Authority URL.
Shorn head! Matt supports the self-cutters. Doesn’t think that sounds right. He means hair cutters guys!
Jimmy reveals his email alerts. Tweet Tweet baby, whack job, and that airplane scene.
Jimmy loves the concept of a ring tone.
Book and comic giveaway.
We’re giving away a book now! The winner is number…221!
And the winner of the Hit! Comic will be figured out later.
30 – Jimmy wonders why Gary brought Styrofoam. He recalls the banana incident. You can see that on youtube on the nerdist channel: Write Now!
Jimmy reenacts the one funny scene in Multiplicity.
35 – Jimmy enjoys Michael Keaton. Oliver loved the Batman movies! Jimmy reveals the first time he heard the term wicked.
Gary Lucy is here! He is wearing a Big Star t-shirt!
We’ll be back!
Welcome back to Quiznos 14!
Jimmy might be coming around on fig newtons after having this snack from the nature box. He loves it!
Jimmy loves Nick DiPaolo!
I’m freshly shorn.
Eliot’s in jeans.
40 – Jimmy is wearing his first pitch T-shirt in honor of “fiddy” cent’s disastrous pitch.
Gary Lucy is here! He hosts a podcast called The Ketchup.
Matt shows Carl Lewis’ horrible first pitch also. 50 Cent might be in the players club. Matt and Gary watch 50 Cent’s pitch with shock.
We’re now seeing/hearing the gary delabate pitch and commentary. “Oh Jesus Christ!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfLIyT8HExY&feature=kp
This Diamond Ring – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Diamond_Ring 1965
45 – Crazy names! From American Ninja Warrior – Akbar Gbaja-Biamila
Gary brought a Summer Jam Quiz!!
The winner of the Chicago book is Brett Stewart!
Gary brought a gift. He was a week and one minute early for a show at amoeba.
He broght in Todd Rungren’s Utopia album POV.
50 – We’re gambling on this game whatever it is.
Summer Jam Quiz.
55 – I am choking. Jimmy 3, Matt 2, me 1. FUUUCCKKK. Jimmy wins!
Gary explains the Styrofoam. He wants Jimmy to do a martial arts demo. It’ll be too messy.
Jimmy’s in after all.
Clean cut! Boom! No mess.
2nd time Mess!
3rd time disaster! I’ll be vacuuming this up.
60 – Gary snuck into a screening of A Million Ways to Die in the West and liked it. He thought neighbors was great also. Says Million Ways wasn’t as good as Neighbors.
The guys go through comedies they loved.
Gary asks about Major Payne, Jimmy asks if he needs to take off.
65 – Gary talks about his celebrity sighting list. He saw Lawrence at the newsstand at caheunga and Hollywood. Jimmy says Larry loves to read. Proven by the act that gary later saw him at another newsstand.
Gary recommends the book There Goes Gravity by Lisa Robinson. http://www.amazon.com/There-Goes-Gravity-Life-Rock/dp/1594487146/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401310335&sr=8-1&keywords=There+goes+gravity
Showroom shopping is browsing a store and buying online.
70 – Gary talks about the Paul Stanley book. Jimmy thought the stuff about his childhood was great but the later stuff was too familiar with stories Paul has been telling for decades.
Ace Frehley lost demo – http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/2014/04/ace_frehleys_long_lost_demo.php
Jimmy’s busting some jams.
Gary wonders if anyone’s thought about why music is so important to them than anything else.
Jimmy’s first song that he connected with Seasons of the Sun and some three dog night song.
Jimmy says Jim Croce’s greatest hit album is fantastic and you are good to go if you get it.
Jimmy and Danielle are going to see Queen with Adam Lambert. She also enjoyed the Billy Joel show. Jimmy again apologizes to Billy Joel.
Davey Johnstone of Elton John’s band joined Billy on stage. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/posts/la-et-ms-billy-joel-hollywood-bowl-20140518-story.html
80 – jimmy sings some Summer Breeze.
Top ten Yacht Rocks of all time: http://www.ign.com/articles/2006/05/30/top-10-yacht-rock-songs-of-all-time
Henry Lee Summer – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_lee_summer
85 – Gary asks about various new music including The Both and Cortney something who sings Avant Gardner.
90 – We hear some EELS.
Jimmy asks about one last idea for us to talk about before we go. In fact, he has a new bit for us!
Jimmy does a little Mandy Patinkin or Hugh Jackman in Les Mis.
Jimmy goes into a sexy song medley!
Things we can all agree on is Gary’s game.
Jennifer Lawrence: National Treasure
No Better Feeling in the world than a new pair of socks.
Peeling a sticker off in one shot with no gunk.
Mad Men is great.
Jimmy saw Million Dollar Armed, liked it a lot.
100 – more stuff we can all agree on: Clean Car runs better
Milk shake with the extra silver cup of milkshake
We can all agree that was fun.
Talking Gary Lucy facebook posts.
Gary wants facebook friends. Check out the Ketchup page!
As we leave, Jimmy mentions having only seen the pills scene in Terms of Endearment and it still made him sob.
We’re out of here!
See ya next time on the players club!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper