14G – Laura House in the House!
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NNF Players Club 14G – Laura House
00 – Hello indeed! Welcome to the Players Club baby!!! Jimmy doesn’t like this new character. 14G for Green Tea! Lots of Gs! Matt insists on being called G-Money, Jimmy decides he’s against it. Jimmy gave Gary Coleman the nickname Coles. He didn’t like it but Jimmy said he would. He died before he got the chance to enjoy it. Gary was dealing with demons like the neighborhood guy that mr drummond had to talk to him about after his friend was “touched.” He was asking for a friend.
Matt thinks Jimmy came in with a ‘tude. He came into a vortex of dull with Eliot comparing GIrls to Mad Men. Jimmy’s still mad Eliot wrote a dissertation on the new math that Matt posted on Facebook. Jimmy says that he looks forward to eliot’s FB posts on politics. They’re very balanced and intelligent but this new math post he was not on board with.
05 – Be careful with cheese guys! Jimmy doesn’t get the guy who says they can’t afford the podcast but then says they’re coming to a comedy show. Jimmy’s confused by what’s going on today. Jimmy’s rocking the scruff today. Hasn’t had time to shave apparently. He’s gonna shave tomorrow before his flight to vegas for his fantasy draft.
Jimmy’s opened the floor to questions! Matt asks about shaving off days. “George Michael face.” Jimmy slapping that bass! Jimmy was listening to “The Best of Wham!” today via his blue-tooth speakers in his car.
The guys go through WHAM singles.
10 – Wham The Final – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Final_(album)
Jimmy got a new car!! Prius Plug In! 100m a gallon. He tested a lot of hybrids including the lincoln and the ford fusion plug in and the volt. He preferred the navigation system on the prius so he went with that one. The Prius Plug-in does have gas back up. Jimmy might get the charging station but isn’t sure yet. There is a charging station at work though! His Prius is grey. It’s not as luxurius as his infiniti.
15 – Here is the confirmation as to whether or not Jimmy is a pussy or not. Those people parked in front of Jimmy’s house again. Danielle is not at all bothered by it. They were outside and Danielle told him to go talk to them. Jimmy didn’t want to do it because he figured any way he’d say it he’d come off as a dick. Danielle said that she would do it and Jimmy panicked and ran to his car. She said he was a pussy. He confirmed.
20 – Eliot suggests painting parking spots in front of his house. We go through the wham final track living. jimmy knows them all. Matt knows 5/14.
We’ll be back!
25 – We’re back with the soft tones of George Michael and Wham. George Michael is 50. Jimmy does a little Pete Townsend. Jimmy’s attraction to george michael is not an act.
30 – Eric Carmen did All By Myself and Hungry Eyes. And Matt’s song Make Me Lose Control. Jimmy wants to send George Michael a birthday card.
35 – Leaving a voicemail for Laura’s dad you might as well talk to a box. He’s upset by everything related to a phone. Comedy is about timing, Jimmy asks Eliot to email everyone about it.
Eliot apparently tried to tell Conan O’Brian about comedy. “The thing about comedy…” Conan remembered him the next day so that’s all that matters. Jimmy test drove an ellipsis. Loved it. Laura’s dad just needs a gun and a stick shift and a rack for the deer and i guess a target.
Jimmy’s white.
Oliver went to bed and came out with a fake mustache a cowboy hat and a chinese yo-yo and said “it’s bed time.” like a cowboy. Jimmy says Oliver isn’t a thief and wouldn’t rip off steve martin. Oliver loves Robin but is going as a villain for halloween this year! The Riddler! Looks like he wants a Harry Potter themed party.
40 – Laura House was part of Jimmy’s pilot. She’s the announcer voice. The harry potter themed place Eliot mentioned is called Whimsic Alley. http://www.yelp.com/biz/whimsic-alley-los-angeles
Happy birthday Laura!
Amazon drone discussion. Laura turns into Brian Regan for a minute.
45 – Friend of the show Jackie Kashian did something, Jimmy moved on to Tears of a Clown. Jimmy plays the typewriter.
Matt guesses George MIchael’s BDay is 8/16. Jimmy guesses 10/9. Laura goes 9/9. Never Forget. Eliot says 4/12. Juneteenth is a thing in Texas. the day texas freed the slaves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth
50 – George Michael was born on Jesus’ half birthday June 25, 1963. Matt’s not good with math.
The guys get uniforms! – Paul Anka. Dinah shore broke Burt Reynolds heart.
55 – a Cashio is a knock off of a Casio watch. Jimmy mocks Laura calling herself Housie. Laura shows off her butterfly tattoo. She has 2. The other is a lotus on her shoulder. The butterfly was a divorce tattoo. Jimmy ran into Laura at arc light while she was on her first date after the divorce.
Laura tells the story about the butterfly tattoo and getting approval from a guy getting a neck tattoo. She got the other one on a trip to Bali. She thinks she got Hep-M. Jimmy shows off his tattoos. Laura asks if he was in the Merchant Marines. Matt says he is just a fan of Paul ANCHOR. Matt and Jimmy both spring cleaned their emails.
60 – Jimmy’s spring cleaned by getting rid of his car. Jimmy knows where the cliff goes because he read the notes. Jimmy thinks he and matt cleaned out the same email but doesn’t wanna say what it was.
Laura was accosted at Staples by a woman selling like a real life groupon for a hair salon that she had to buy right now. “That’s what gypsies do!” – Laura. Laura talks about being nervous getting on the phone with people. Jimmy had to call his insurance because he got a new car.
65 – Cajun Jimmy!!! Jimmy’s got one episode left on True Detective. Laura doesn’t understand how they haven’t watched it yet.
Spoiler chats! Matt thinks it’s okay to spoil the day after. I deny that. Jimmy loves True Detective, compares it to the Sopranos, says Woody and Matthew together are a clinic on acting.
70 – Jesus is the answer. Jimmy’s gonna get a staple gun and take it to Matt’s neck if he’s spoiling anything. Laura made Jimmy “goo.” I fail at TV for not watching True Detective in a day. Laura mentions Scandal but says no one in here watches it because we’re all boys. Matt mentions they all watch Nashville and Jimmy reminds her that he was singing Wham when she got here.
75 – Cajun Jimmy loves True Detective. Spoiler shield App – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spoiler-shield/id700976973?mt=8
Quizno’s out of business? http://www.cnbc.com/id/101453339
matt doesn’t think nashville season 2 is as good as the first. Jimmy does say its dynasty now.
80 – Laura says that Tony Goldwyn is a perfect cross of the guys from wings, Tim Daly and Steven Webber. Thumbs down Lowell! – Jimmy. Wings – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wings_(NBC_TV_series)
Laura does a great bowie voice. Jimmy demands Matt apologize to him for not accepting his 7 year guess of Wings time.
Matt enjoyed the Veronica Mars movie.
Jimmy says Kristen Bell wasn’t good at the CMT awards in 2013.
Matt says the musical making of Frozen is better than the movie. Jimmy doesn’t enjoy Josh Gadd. Apparently he is doing a show with Billy Crystal. To his credit, matt didn’t like Jack Black at first either and now he loves him.
90 – Jack Black filmography – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0085312/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
We’re done! Laura is gonna give us a cajun mantra. Jimmy apologizes to the cajuns for assuming they don’t like blacks.
Off mic snipe!
We’re done!
My Pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Cuban Defector/Laughing Goo