3313 – Digging for gold with Ellis Paul

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher



00 Hello!


Jimmy’s mouth is failing. He talks about his weekend!

Jimmy’s been awake for a while apparently.

Eliot as a sleep machine?

Jimmy had an allergic reaction to the medicine that he was on and the meds he’s on for that are making him wired.

Jimmy talks about One Medical. He loves it.

10 – Singing!

I sing some garth.

Money Plane – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_Plane

Elise and Zoe went to a concert.

Trevor Wallace is the comedian who’s special we couldn’t find.

25 – Talking sex!

Who walks to the bathroom in sheets?!


Eliot’s had one 1-night stand.

30 – Pills and Oysters talk!

35 – Jimmy talks about doing bad in certain room.

55% off everything at JimmyPardo.com! Black Friday / Cyber Monday code HAGAR

I go deal with our guest while Jimmy opens mail!

It’s Jason Klamm’s book!


We’ll be right back!

We’re back!

Not a good point from Eliot!

45 – Ellis Paul is here!

Jimmy missed his show at McCabe’s.

Talking Masks at the shows or at Kmart as a kid.

Ellis talks about his siblings and how some have swung republican. They try to avoid talking about it.

Some more Trump talk.

50 – https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/first-families/rosalynn-smith-carter/

Ellis is gonna play some songs.

First up is 55.

55 – Ellis considers Say Something his first album.

Ellis new album: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7MRH3KZ/ref=dm_rwp_pur_lnd_albm_fr

60 – Ellis talks about recording at home during the pandemic and being inspired by the Beatles documentary.

Ellis talks about his kids. 16 and 19.

1h5m – Jimmy and Ellis talk about what they thought they would be growing up.

Ellis talk about his dad and his job as a potato expert.

Ellis talks his dad’s feeling when he chose Stage Band over Basketball in 7th grade.

1h10m – Eliot asks about poisoned potato.


Jimmy talks about his medication screwing with his memory.

Rad talks about his hat that he got in Ireland.

1h15m – Talking cruises!

Ellis plays another song and talks briefly about Adele, Taylor Swift, and making it on the Grammy ballot but not getting nominated.

1h20m – Jimmy talks about going nuts for Taylor Swift, seeing the movie 3 times, etc.

Ellis performs Golden California.

1h25m – Jimmy says that Ellis is sounding better than ever.

Ellis talks about trying to feel like the beatles doing his latest album but most people comparing him more to Cat Stevens.

Jimmy talks about sobbing at the Cat Stevens concert.



1h30m – Oliver is touring a college!

Trivia time!

Full results below.

Rad thinks he knows the answer. He currently lives in Chicago.

We’ll be right back!

We’re back!


1h35m – Rad had first class on their flight. Ellis did not.

Rad talks about how he broke Ellis’ guitar once.

Ellis is using a guitar loaned to him by the writer of We Belong.

Jimmy talks about seeing the Pat Benatar musical.

1h40m – Round the horn!

My dog was sick again.

Pepto Ice Cream?!

1h45m – Will Ellis write us a theme song? Sounds like yes!

Eliot talks about his impro classes.

Improvised Sondheim shows in January?

NNF at Sketchfest Jan 28! With Janet Varney!

1h50m – Jimmy finally watched the Albert Brooks doc!

2h – We’ve got a jingle for everything!

Eliot is upsetting Jimmy slinging jingles.

Ellis is gonna do Maria’s Beautiful Mess for us.

Ellis breaks the song down for us to show how the entire band is represented with the guitar.

2h10m – Rolling stones touring again soon!

2h15m – Ellis is gonna leave us with 1 more song.

God’s Promise

He tells us the story of God’s Promise. Woody Guthrie’s daughter met her husband discussing Ellis’ tattoo of her dad.

Jimmy compliments Ellis and talks about how wild it is that he mentioned Ellis in season one and now they’re friends!

2h25m – Thanks everyone!!

Trivia Results:

Category: Holidays on TV

Question: What TV show holds the record for having the most viewed Thanksgiving Episode of All Time?

Garon: Roseanne (13 pts)

Eliot: All In The Family (21 pts)

Matt: Friends (20 pts)

Ellis Paul: The Waltons (11 pts)

Rad: WKRP in Cincinnati (4pts)

Jimmy: WKRP in Cincinnati (20 pts)

Answer: Friends

Matt wins!

Ellis Songs:


Golden California

Maria’s Beautiful Mess

God’s Promise

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole