33W – Feeling royal with Laurie Kilmartin
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher\@AnyLaurie16
00 Hello!
33W! The door is open and then the door is closed. First class only!
Jimmy is NOT doing a James Austin Johnson Trump. He’s been doing that voice for like 18 years.
Jimmy runs through his ailments.
Jimmy did something on Tuesday. He talks about it.
Hot Dog nitrates talk.
Jimmy talks about his medical bits that killed! Anti histamine, blood in my stool, etc.
Jimmy saw 4 movies that had subtitles: Zone of Interest (fine), Past Lives (Best of the year), ISS, & Expendables 4 (Stallone subtitles) (he didn’t really see it though)
10 – Talking The Expendables franchise.
John Travolta was in The Expendables 2.
15 – Matt recounts the Bruce Willis episode of Friends.
Matt saw Godzilla Minus One! He loved it.
Apparently the future of NNF depended on Matt’s enjoyment of Godzilla Minus One.
Jimmy talks about seeing Zone of Interest and he may have fallen asleep.
25 – Jimmy announces some changes for Season 34! He fills us all in on what’s going on.
We’re raising our prices for the first time.
Paid subscribers as of 3401 are now AD FREE.
Tier 1 – $6 ($5) – Ad free shows
2 – $12 ($10) – Shirt! (Gildan’s are good now?!)
3 – $22 ($20) –Ad free, shirt, Year book (Matt explains it!)
4 – $27 ($25) – Ad free, shirt, Year book, Video chat lottery
5 – $50 – Ad free, shirt, Year book, Video chat
6 – $100 – Ad free, shirt, Year book, Video chat
New storefronts coming as well! Merch! First notification and a discount code for Platinum!
35 – Jimmy expresses his gratitude for the listeners not only for their support but for doing the survey.
Chart time!
We’re gonna take a break and be right back with Laurie Kilmartin and the Top 10!
50 – We’re back!
Our great Laurie Kilmartin is here!
Laser not Razor!
Astigmatism is an eye condition that can be corrected with LASIK surgery. It is a refractive eye condition that occurs because of an unusual bend of your cornea. LASIK surgery can change the shape of your cornea and diminish astigmatism symptoms.
Laurie’s Special Cis Woke Grief Sl*t is available now!
55 – Talking eggs and breakfast! Including international toast.
Laurie and Paul Gilmartin ARE actually distantly related.
60 – Talking Paul/Pal/Pul!
Talking comedians who are doing cruise ships!
1h5m – Royal family talk!
Jimmy doesn’t care about hillbillies or crowned hillbillies.
Could comedians all get together to write a clean set that all comics can use on a cruise ship.
1h10m – Will Jimmy end up a Cruise Director?
In 1984, after seven seasons on The Love Boat, Tewes was replaced after a highly public battle with cocaine addiction, which she eventually overcame. She did reprise her role as a guest in a 1985 episode, and in the television films in the 1986–87 season.
Bernie Kopell – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Kopell
Comedy Dynamics shot 17 specials over a couple days! Laurie’s was 4th on a Saturday night.
Same floor different sets!
1h15m –
Apoaequorin is derived from jellyfish called Aequorea victoria. A laboratory-made version of apoaequorin is the main ingredient in the over-the-counter dietary supplement called Prevagen.
1h20m – Back to the charts!
Jimmy and Laurie talk about listening to Rush Limbaugh in the day on the road.
Jimmy tells Laurie about the time he signaled for a hook up with a dude at a truck stop and the guy was actually there. He ran away to his car.
Ok Charts now!
We’re done with charts!
1h40m – Jimmy talks Jury Duty with Mark Spitz.
1h45m – Round the horn!!
Rehearsal’s over!
Welcome to 33W You missed a lot of stuff during the break!
Laurie’s guessing first! Willam Dafoe
Matt guesses Will Smith
Jimmy guesses Walter Koenig
My guess is Walton Goggins!
Just nine months after the divorce from Hall, Rupert Murdoch announced that, at 92 years old, he would go to the altar for the fifth time with Ann Lesley Smith. “We’re both looking forward to spending the second half of our lives together,” the magnate said in March when the news went public.
Where is Anne Ringhoffer?!
1h55m – Matt talks about his dad dating Anne Margaret.
Joseph guesses Wil Wheaton!
Eliot’s Five
5) Wesley Snipes
4) Walter Matthau
3) Warwick Davis
2) William Shatner
1) Will Smith!
Matt wins!
2h10m – Talking asking openers to not do crowd work! One time Laurie saw a dog in the audience and asked her opener not to talk about it. There was a child at a show Laurie opened for JImmy at. It was hard not to do crowd work.
2h15m – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jae_Suh_Park
Laurie talks about TV show titles.
We’re doing K next week!
No Crowd work Oliver!!
2h25m – Talking podcasting growth and celebrities screwing it all up for the rest of us.
Talking working with Joe Rogan. Jimmy says he was a nice guy and super supportive but his act was not for him. He told Laurie once, “finally a funny chick!”
2h30m – We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole