3324 – Pulling up with Johnny Pemberton
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
IG: Johnny_Pemberton
00 Hello! 3324 the Sutherland!
Joseph is here again, and masked. Eliot is looks like to be back Thursday.
Matt thinks Eliot should have gotten covid 2 years ago.
License to Drive soundtrack – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095519/soundtrack/
In The Heat of the Night – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Heat_of_the_Night_(TV_series)
The show was broadcast on NBC from March 6, 1988, until May 19, 1992, then on CBS from October 28, 1992, until May 16, 1995.
Jimmy talks about a shooting that happened 700 feet from his house (according to Citizen).
5 – If seeing a pop star at a football game is bothering you that much, you have far bigger problems.
Jimmy talks Football and the Super Bowl.
Jimmy and Matt talk Super Bowl Squares for Charlie’s Soccer Team!
Eliot was doing a lot of analyzing of the squares and his chances.
10 – Why are there so many commentators?!
Jimmy talks about winning $1500 in a fantasy Football league type situation. He won so quickly they did it again for the second half of the season.
Jimmy won another $800 from that league thanks to the Super Bowl.
Jimmy’s favorite commercial was the Dove commercial for sentimentality and also the Dunkin Donuts one.
20 – The Jesus commercial was NOT AI – They are photographs shot by photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten, who has experience in the fine arts industry.
According to research compiled by Jacobin, a left-leaning news outlet, The Servant Foundation has donated tens of millions to the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group. The ADF has been involved in several legislative pushes to curtail LGBTQ rights and quash non-discrimination legislation in the Supreme Court.
Popcultured over the weekend! Great friends of the show! Christela! Chris Fairbanks! And Andrea Savage!
Jimmy was at the top of his game!
Jimmy apologizes to the folks who could not access the show via nowhere comedy. He does not know why people could not get in.
Jimmy saw a movie: Out of Darkness
30 – Jimmy talks about the theater near his house.
Theaters are less crowded during the day since covid.
Movie theater seats!
35 – Jimmy’s got numb arm from sleeping on it wrong.
Fully integrated with PGA standards, PGA Novaworld Phan Thiet is a must-visit destination in the list of best Vietnam PGA golf courses. The 36-hole course includes two distinct 18-hole themes.
Matt gives relationship advice for any new parents out there.
Jimmy’s got a shout out to a guy named Matt who had a daughter born on 2/5, Danielle’s birthday! Congrats!
Johnny Pemberton is here! Jimmy hasn’t seen him in nearly 20 years!
We’ll be right back!
50 – We’re back!
Johnny says its been AT LEAST ten years since he’s seen Jimmy.
Jimmy says he hasn’t aged.
Johnny talks about getting hit by a tree in the face.
Johnny’s married! 5 years!
Would Jimmy like a clue based game from Danielle when she leaves him?
His wife is named Britt!
Johnny’s 42!
The guys talk about Superstore and it being a comfort show during the Pandemic.
55 – Johnny talks about touring and having to cancel shows because of other work.
Johnny and Britt met at a comedy show.
Talking Craig Anton and Jimmy’s Mad Men audition
60 – Johnny talks about Superstore and how great it was.
Jimmy’s happy to go on Hot Ones! He’s Manifesting it!
Johnny does snippets of marathons. 20 minute runs.
Jimmy talks about his instructor on his peloton or whatever it is.
1h5m – Matt talks about a british guy whose kid is on Charlie’s soccer team and what he yells out during the game.
Jimmy thinks Friday Night Lights is his favorite over Deadwood.
Is Deadwood better than The Sopranos?
Robin Weigert – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Weigert
1h10m – Twisters talk.
Jimmy talks about his anti Paxton feelings that he had.
Talking good bad movies!
1h15m – Larry The Cable Guy appears to have a net worth of around $100 Million.
Johnny talks about his comedy show being about his having his colon removed.
1h20m – He talks more about his health issues and living with bowel issues, despite having his colon removed.
Talking colostomy bags. There’s definitely people “into” that sort of stuff.
1h25m – Trivia time
Trivia results below!
1h30m – John Mayer IS still in Dead & Company. https://guitar.com/news/music-news/john-mayer-confirms-dead-company-sphere-residency-its-gonna-be-a-ball/
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Jimmy’s earbud keeps popping out. Talking Tinnitus even though you’re not supposed to!
Johnny talks about his new show FALLOUT!
1h35m – Round the horn!
Johnny’s in a nice mustard sweater that Jimmy compliments.
Talking about Next Door in how awful it is.
1h40m – Matt gives Johnny the lowdown on his coyote experience.
I talk about the dog incident.
Joseph had a murder mystery party for his lady friend!
Nebulous Joust is Jimmy’s new album?!
2h – Ian McShane on Whose Line?
Pull ups vs Chin ups
Johnny gives us some accents. He nails Chicago and Minnesota.
We’re done! See you next time!
Trivia Results:
Category: Phrases
Question: The phrase “wearing your heart on your sleeve” dates back to what medieval activity?
Garon: Dowery (23 pts)
Eliot/Joseph: A scented kerchief in the sleeve (24 pts)
Matt: Jousting (25 pts)
Johnny: Courtship (16 pts)
Jimmy: Jousting (10 pts)
Answer: Jousting
Matt wins with wager!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole