33V – Getting mobbed up with Stefanie Wilder-Taylor
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
IG: SWIlderTaylor
00 Welcome in! 33V! We have awards!
Rainy February here in LA!
Eliot’s still out with Covid but we don’t know if there is video. Eliot might thow something together.
Joseph is filling in for Eliot. It’s been a long time!
Talking hook ups and comedy clubs
A couple times jimmy’s hook ups did get a little attached.
Talking Eliot and his work and emails.
Is Eliot AI?
Will he be back Monday?
10 – Matt and Jimmy both predict no, but if he does he’ll mask the entire time.
15 – PCAT 24 – the final pardcastathon, tickets go on sale on Monday, 2/5!
20 – Chicago NNF Live in June! And Jimmy in Cincinnati on May 30!
We’re talking citizen app.
Jimmy talks about the neighborhood monster dog that gets loose. It chased him and now he might have a torn meniscus.
30 – We’re announcing the NNF Fantasy Baseball League!
Amanda Henchcliff
Justin Takahashi
Chris Hite
Jeremy Herbal
Jeff Pipkin
Dwayne Border
Ahmed Riad
Tony Haggerty
Tim Hutchison
Mike Perry
We’ll be right back!
35 – we’re back!
Stefanie Wilder-Taylor is here!
Stefanie talks about her recording locations.
For Crying Out Loud – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/for-crying-out-loud/id354082588
40 – Stefanie and Jimmy talk their kids. Sadie and Zander and Elbie are Stefanie’s kids!
Drunkish – https://www.amazon.com/Drunk-ish-Memoir-Loving-Leaving-Alcohol/dp/1668019418/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3OYUFM1CWTZ8T&keywords=drunkish&qid=1706819485&sprefix=drunkish%2Caps%2C245&sr=8-1
Her daughter went with her to do the Drew Barrymore show and she got to get interviewed by Drew on the air.
Stefanie talks about getting sober and understanding why she was drinking once she stopped.
She tried to keep some humor in her book because so many books about sobriety are dark.
50 – Jimmy talks about coming up on 25 years and thinking he could have a drink but that he doesn’t want to. He wants that benchmark and accomplishment.
Stefanie talks about her father – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Myron_Handelman
Stefanie talks about her family, moving around, and returning to Los Angeles at 18.
55 – Stefanie lived in the area where Matt got jumped at the water park when he was a kid.
Springfield, MA is a mob town?
60 – The national drinking age became 21 in 1984.
Get Drunkish everywhere!
Stefanie talks about working with Rick Springfield and how great he was and went along with the bit perfectly.
1h5m – Jimmy and Matt talk about how bad Rick Springfield is on his Sirius XM show.
Kenny Loggins talk
1h10m – Rick Springfield is touring with Richard Marx!
Chart time! 1987!
Jimmy thinks we’ll get 18!
I got one immediately!
Chart game continues!
1h25m – Billy Squire stories!
1h35m – Toni Childs – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toni_Childs
Family Ties scene – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7sHdXOEl1I
Stefanie talks about being on Hollywood Squares!
She won a car!
Gary Marshall remembered her from being on the show when she was.
1h50m – My guess is vic morrow
Joseph guesses Vincent Price!
Stefanie guesses Vince Van Patton
Matt guesses Vince Vaughn
Eliot also guessed Vince Vaughn.
Jimmy’s five
5) Vic Morrow
4) Vic Taybeck
3) Vincent D’onofrio
2) Victor Garber
1) Vince Vaughn
Eliot and Matt win!
Coin flip gives Eliot the conn!
2h – Talking about celebrities going wrong with politics, beliefs, etc.
Stefanie and her son loved Popcultured!
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole