33M – Getting jiggy with April Richardson
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 Livestream!
Matching M on the game. Will it be Monty Hall?
Talking memory and remembering someone’s name.
Talking Tyler!
Enjoy the show!
Exclusive merch on JimmyPardo.com! 55% off with code Hagar.
Jimmy has a Tops card, and it’s still kind of unbelievable.
10 – Who is seeing Trolls? “It’s the best Trolls movie yet!” – Ad
Matt gets back to his dinner at Wood Ranch.
Jimmy shares a doc with a listener!
20 – Is Wood Ranch good bbq? Matt thinks it’s (one of the) the best within his 20 mile radius.
Parking in Burbank and Jimmy’s USC doctor have terrible parking.
25 – Jimmy talks downtown rats and Matt saw an opossum!
Jimmy talks about his zoo of animals that visits the backyard.
30 – Jimmy’s got a little breaking news. There’s an NNF Survey on the website!
Be honest!
Social media chat!
35 – Jimmy talks about Kiss canceling a show in Ottawa after specifically calling out Ottawa as a city they extended the tour to go to!
Jimmy talks seeing Sammy Hagar in 9 months.
40 – Ruth Buzzi tweeted! https://twitter.com/Ruth_A_Buzzi
What president was in a coma?
Woodrow Wilson?
Our guest is here!
Jimmy’s got a phone call we’ll be back!
Clock might be off! But we’re back!
Jimmy’s appointment is all set.
55 – April appearances on Zoom!
April had a job making Playlists during the lockdown!
60 – Apparently, they didn’t know who Modern English was? Or the song I Melt With You.
Ladbaby – https://www.officialcharts.com/chart-news/ladbaby-christmas-number-1-single-2023/
They’re dropping out this year! Christmas #1 is wide open!
1h5m – Jimmy has no idea how he got a signed Boomtown Rats album.
Oingo Boingo not popular in the UK.
April’s friend’s book on The Cure: Curepedia – https://www.amazon.com/Curepedia-Z-Cure-Simon-Price/dp/0063068648/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UP8TBT3GLL9D&keywords=curepedia&qid=1700684977&sprefix=curepedia%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1
1h10m – Jimmy wonders how April handles traveling. She loves Virgin Atlantic!
She got a popsicle!
April’s go to travel movie is Elvis! She loves it!
1h15m – Talking Pricilla, and the dark side of Elvis.
Jacob Elordi played Elvis.
1h25m – Chart game!
April’s in with 2!
I got one!
1h30m – https://variety.com/2023/music/news/hall-and-oates-lawsuit-restraining-order-1235805425/
Heavy hitters!
1h40m – April talks about being in town doing standup.
Talking Masters!
April talks about the differences between living in America vs England, especially the conveniences.
1h45m – April talks more about her life in the UK.
1h55m – Health Care in UK talk.
Being uncomfortable is a point of pride in the UK, apparently.
April and Jimmy share their hatred of eggs.
Mayo is okay though?
2h – Round the horn!
Jimmy guesses Michael Douglas
I guess Michael Keaton
Eliot guesses Matthew Modine
April guesses Matthew Perry
Johan from Switzerland!
Johan the architect guesses Martin Starr!
Andrew! From Las Vegas.
He guesses Michael Shannon
Bye Andrew!
HI Ben!
No pumpkin stuff in England!
2h15m – Ben was on stage with the guys and April doing Playing Games at Peecast Blast!
Ben’s gonna guess Michael Caine.
Here’s the fans first!
We’ll be right back since Eliot’s camera crapped out!
2h20m –
April had a Dorothy Hamil haircut as a kid. She got roasted.
Matt’s 5!
5) Mark Hamil
4) Mel Blanc
3) Michael Douglas
2) Mike Meyers
1) Mathew Modine!
Eliot wins!
Joker’s wild!
April talks a bit about the fallout of her relationship ending and her psycho ex using legal proceedings to get revenge.
2h30m – Survey! NeverNotFunny.com/Survey23
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole