3217 – Rocking the house with Lauren Ash
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 3217 – Lauren Ash
10 –
20 – Evening show! Oliver could not take over for me today. He was tired from the flight and the two movies he watched in the air. Being John Malkovich and The Truman Show.
Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD)
Jimmy talks about going through Gen Pop TSA lines because Oliver isn’t qualified for precheck.
Jimmy discovered why he needs to be on the plane first. He can’t handle the crowds.
Jimmy is TSAPreJockey.
25 – Airport security is STRESSFULL. The guys talk about security.
Eliot wonders if the guys dress for security knowing what you need to go through.
30 – Matt talks about his own experiences with TSAPreCheck.
Jimmy was part of the TSA Precheck beta.
TSAPreCheck is the Fastpass of Air Travel.
Clear – How much does Clear cost? The standard price for an annual Clear membership is $189. Unlike government programs such as TSA PreCheck and Global Entry that offer several years of membership with a single fee, Clear’s fee is annual.
35 – We should not have to take our shoes off anymore!
Batteries seem to be more trouble than shoes, according to Jason Bennetti.
40 – Jimmy starting to talk about his trip.
But first GOLF! Did Jimmy beat his dad?
Oliver did not beat anyone, so Eliot’s prediction is wrong.
Jimmy talks about the Trump MAGA house he stumbled across.
45 – No Rainbows!
Long story short, Jimmy’s dad beat him. Only by 3 strokes!
Jimmy’s dad thought Paul Gilmartin’s name was Gil Martin.
Jimmy talks more golf stories about his dad.
More details about the Chicago trip.
They had portillos, WAY too much pizza.
Jimmy met with his high school crush! It was a very fast two hours! It was a wonderful meeting. After that, the mall crew met up and more pizza was had.
He had lunch and dinner at Fox’s!
It was a fun trip and 5 days of shit eating.
50 – Jimmy shares a story from the White Sox game.
The two guys next to them were debating why one of them hates Buffalo and why one of them doesn’t. “I don’t understand why you don’t!”
Lauren Ash is here!
They wanna spy on me when I get the guests.
55 – What’s a camera we can get sponsored by?
Lav me up!
Loose shirts.
Eliot had crib notes for his intro.
Am I quiet quiting?! (No)
Matt and fam went to Castaway for Brunch for Father’s Day.
60 – Jimmy confused Rush for Shakespeare in school.
Eliot does some Geddy Lee while Lauren is speaking.
Eliot likes to put a bed of comedy under things.
Lauren has missed the show.
She’s got a single out!
We can play it!
We’ll be right back!
1h5m – We’re back!
Jimmy’s suspicious about a car in the lot. Perhaps they aren’t alone?!
Is there an overpaid janitor or is it the neighbor Tyler?
Lauren talks about seeing him in the front window (Matt describes him as a house cat in a window).
Who works shirtless in the office?!
Lauren is having love woes?
It’s been 9 years since she was first on the show.
Lauren saw Oliver have a meltdown in a parking lot when he was a kid.
1h10m – NNF is Mutterfree this week!
Mrs. Mutterworth.
Lauren still has the island!
Talking pools and houses! Diving boards and slides may be banned in LA County?
Lauren Ash has a podcast! True Crime and Cocktails.
Lauren talks about her cousin/co-host who can do no wrong for the fans.
Jimmy talks about Allison Rosen getting a lot of “Do Better” emails.
1h15m – Jimmy and Lauren talk about getting that kind of letter as well.
Jimmy gives a lil detail on the email he got re trigger warning.
1h20m – Jimmy brings up the Joe Rogan debate situation.
Cheryl Hines is still married.
Is Bryan Adams on the front lines?
We listen to Lauren’s new song!!! She tells us why first!
1h25m – Lauren talks about her first live show! Jimmy was invited!
Lauren tells us the songs she did at her show and how it led to her single!
It’s song time!
1h30m – Lauren talks about her launch event and how a dude from her #1 favorite band.
She’s playing a show at the Whiskey A-Go-Go!
1h35m – July 18, 1999 last time Jimmy drank.
Shooters with Oliver at Laurens show!
Jimmy talks about his issues with solo concert shirts vs a band shirt.
The Wham doc comes out on July 5!
Skintag is a horrible thing that only I can say.
1h40m – Jimmy talks about Lauren’s story from How To Survive.
Trivia Results:
Category: Languages
Question: The Hungarian word for “quotation marks” is “macskaköröm,” which literally translates to what animal part?
Garon: Tail (6 pts)
Eliot: ( pts)
Matt: ( pts)
Lauren Ash: ( pts)
Jimmy: ( pts)
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole