2905 – Landing the role with James Urbaniak
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 Welcome in!
Jimmy’s clock is not working!
We’re ten seconds longer than you think!
Welcome in on a Monday! Half-way through September already!
Jimmy’s running late today. The Jerks are back! Danielle calls their Ant visitors “The Jerks.”
He goes into detail on what happened, including how he may have jinxed them my commenting on their lack of ant problems this year.
Ant farm vs Dig Dug!
“Ants have been documented to be able to carry up to twenty times their own body weight. If a human could lift twenty times their body weight that would be about 4,000 pounds. Ant biologist Fred Larabee and paleoanthropologist John Hawks talk about how humans lift heavy weights and why we can’t lift as much as ants.” https://www.wired.com/video/watch/why-humans-cant-lift-as-much-as-ants
Barbell weighs 45 pounds without weights.
Eliot talks about a teacher having a class spending the class trying to get across the football field the slowest. Last one wins and you had to keep moving or you fail.
Talking Weight Lifting classes.
Jimmy talks about someone from high school who lifted weights. Brian O’Shea!
Eliot has a LOT to say today.
10 – Superheroes!
Talking Marvel Vs Baseball somehow.
Happy birthday Jason Benetti!
15 – Speaking of sports: Did Matt go to a Soccer Game? Yes! He went! There was an Own Goal win. He talks about it.
Jimmy has questions.
It was crowded, but Matt felt safe.
20 – Going deep on Concourses and how Matt got to the stadium.
Ready set plAYSOccer!
Jimmy talks about a show at the Greek that included Morris Day and the Time and Cameo.
25 – Jimmy thought the White Sox were playing in San Diego. He’s a year early.
I go to grab our guest and return to Chicago talk!
30 – Great calls with listeners recently!
Eliot has a new toy. It’s got a monitor.
Oliver is rewatching Arrested Development. The guys talk about the show and how it’s comedy might be too “in the moment” of its era.
35 – Schitt’s Creek talk!
Memory loss?!
Did Matt just solve the Swingset problem?!
40 – We go back to the Ant story.
Jimmy talks about the ants.
We’re talking about “old wives tales”
45 – Lucky socks!
James Urbaniak is here! He’s in the Del Close documentary! He plays Del Close!
For Madmen Only
Jimmy watched a couple docs over the weekend! Plus Trivia!
We’ll be right back!
50 – We’re back!
Welcome back! 2905!
James Urbaniak is here!
The most vibrant scene here when James got here was comedy so he fell into the community and that’s why he seems like he’s part of Jimmy’s circle, even though he isn’t a comic.
James talks about the comedy he liked growing up, as a young comedy nerd.
James talks about Del Close and how he read and knew a lot about him before he got the part in the documentary.
55 – https://decider.com/2021/07/30/for-madmen-only-on-vod-stream-it-or-skip-it/
James talks more about Del and improv.
Jimmy and Matt really enjoyed the documentary.
60 – Trivia & round the horn!
New round the horn song?!
Talking Herb Alpert and James’ parents.
Talking Jimmy vs James
James is a Jim but he seems like a James.
1h5m – Clothes on the floor! James talks about his bedroom as a youth.
We don’t know who sent the track but thank you!
Round the horn officially!
Jimmy goes back to James’ mentioning Blood Sweat & Tears and wondering if Jimmy knew who they are.
Jimmy proves it.
1h10m – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood,_Sweat_%26_Tears#Singles
I went to San Jose! Talking delays.
Jimmy Webb and Glenn Campbell talk.
Rhinestone Cowboy!
1h15m – James talks about what to do with your hands as an actor.
Talking Johnny Carson’s hand habits.
Dirty Carson is here!
I might have Planar fasciitis.
James is gonna workshop his heal spur story.
James talks about his “self tape” screen shot tweet. The Audition Game!
1h20m – James got a role with a HUGE director, he can’t talk about it, except it isn’t Woody Allen. He already worked with Woody.
James has met Bob Balaban but doesn’t think they’ve been in a project together.
1h25m – The Cohen Brothers are splitting up?!
Trivia category is: What The Word Used To Describe
James feels confident!
His wife is an Art Director at a video game company. They met at Largo. They met on Twitter first. Sara Pocock! She’s also done some record covers for AST!
1h30m – James is glasses free in this secret project.
Trivia: The word Freelancer was originally used to describe someone who did what?
Pence talk. Girl who ate a fly?
It appears neither Alison Argrim nor Robbie Rist are anti-vax.
Palms talk! Eliot designed a shirt.
Baby time travelers?
1h40m – Eliot’s guess is a knight without a lord.
Matt’s guess is someone who lances boils.
James guess is Fought with a lance like a warrior for hire.
Jimmy’s answer is removed boils, skin tags, etc.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Jimmy talks about the texts he got urging him to vote yes on the recall. He told them to go away, and then to fuck off.
The answer is: Mercenary for hire or a swordsman for hire.
Eliot does not think he has the answer right but we’re giving James and Eliot the tie.
1h45m – Susan Boyle talk.
Adobe talk. Matt and Eliot don’t enjoy the monthly pay situation.
We’re gonna hear Matt and Eliot’s Adobe song.
1h50m – James Urbaniak has been our guest!
James’ wife is a big horror fan!
Brief Malignant talk.
Eliot asks about The Venture Brothers! They’re doing a feature length series finale!
James talks a bit more about the Venture Brothers and how he’s watching it with his 15 YO son.
1h55m – Matt brings up Henry Fool. It was James’ first “big” project.
Some Difficult People talk!
Matt offers Jimmy $5 if Jimmy can get the name of the Del Close doc correct.
He does!
Analog money. The guys count their cash.
2h – Oliver has not seen Venture Brothers but he knows what it is.
Too much Arrested Development!
We’re done! See you next time!
Trivia Results:
Category: What The Word Used To Describe
Question:. The word Freelancer was originally used to describe someone who did what?
Garon: hunted whales (19 pts)
Eliot: knight without a lord/Sell sword (16 pts)
Matt: Lance boils (10 pts)
James: fought with a lance/Soldier for hire (10 pts)
Jimmy: removed boils, skin tags, etc (8 pts)
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth