2801 – Gone Fishin’ with Paul F. Tompkins

Paul F. Tompkins

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 2801! We’re here and I’m queer! New season!

Jimmy talks about his president’s day fun!

SNL “full bush” Weekend Update Joke talk.

Jimmy shaved just before the show. His face is a little red.

Matt goes back to SNL talk.


10 – Lots of SNL character talk!

15m – Me for the Point! “Eliot give Garon the point!” – Jimmy

Jimmy and Oliver went to see a Foreigner cover band.

We guess some band names.

4NR is the name. We like it!

Oliver’s review: “They’re like a real band. The Kiss band was like a high school band.”

20 – Allie and Bean are now a part of Misfit Toys! They’re also releasing a free weekly show of Best Of clips!

Matt talks about some Platinum updates! Platinum Perks tab!

You can get a second phone call from Jimmy for the new season.

LAST CALL for phone calls for the previous season also.

There is also a link on the website for promo codes! It’s been recently updated.

25 – Eliot wants to change topics.

Bad business men!

30 – Jimmy has a new camera!

Jimmy saw the doc!

Jimmy hasn’t been recording either. Hooray!

Matt drove up to Descanso Gardens with the fam. It was a nice morning but it was annoyingly crowded.

Penalties for cheating in a marathon?

35 – Jimmy is haunted by racing with 11 year olds when he had just turned 12. He won.

Oliver’s trivia is coming up!

The winner of the season long trivia rounds is…

Extinguish the Hollywood five! (turn out the lights).

4) Jimmy! (He won six times)
3) Garon 61 (4 wins 1 split)
2) Eliot 80 (3 wins)
1) Matt 154 (6 wins 1 split)

New betting procedure!

1 point value use per episode! 1-25 1 time!

We’ll be right back with Paul F. Tompkins!

We’re back!

Paul F Tompkins is here!!

One of the funniest people on the planet!

Wasting paper AND glue!

45 – Jimmy has the truth about the Extinguish the Hollywood five comment. Turns out he said, “Encase the Hollywood five!”

Paul wonders if Jimmy has spoken to someone about it.

Jimmy fills us in on the Glade situation and updates Paul on what happened. The odor is gone!
Paul talk about Love My Carpet!

50 – Better Cheddar still exists – https://www.amazon.com/Flavor-Originals-Better-Cheddars-Crackers/dp/B00G4U6T0A/ref=sr_1_4_0o_fs?dchild=1&keywords=better+cheddar&qid=1613506465&sr=8-4

Pauls got Jimmy as his background.

Paul talks about Paul’s chair. It’s a club chair.

Guessing on the cost of Better Cheddars.

Jimmy: $4.49
Matt: $2.69
Eliot: $3.99
Paul: $8

Paul rarely eats breakfast cereal but he wants Jimmy to confirm the amount of raisins in a box of Raisin Bran (Crunch).

55 – Visit the atomic scoop in Switzerland.

Plenty of Atomic Scoop talk!

$2.74 for the crackers. Matt wins.

60 – Oliver’s Trivia Question!

Category: Name Drop (Just Famous Names)
Question: What Actor Has Consecutive Letters In His Name that spells out a major location related to the character he voices in 1992.

(full results at the end)

Round the horn!

Oliver was dusting his room recently, to Paul’s delight. He has a Chekov figure and he and Jimmy talked about how crazy it is that his grandfather has an action figure.

Paul talks about teaching his grandson about Racism with his action figures. His Grandson is named Arizona Ice Tea. After the place he was born and his parent’s favorite rapper. The tea company is suing him. Alternate name: Arnold Palmer.

1h5m – Talking SAG kicking Trump out.

90210 talk.


6 Home Alone movies!

Jimmy furious about Trump driving a golf cart on the green!

Golf cart talk. Paul’s wife grew up in an island town where they drove golf carts in the streets. It’s fun!

Nothing funnier that a smart car profile!

None of us understand Oliver’s question.

1h15m – I watched JudAS and the Black Messiah. The guys watched Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar!

Not appropriate for Charlie though! (he goes to school with the director’s kids)

My answer is Kevin Conroy.

1h20m – Eliot updates us on his counter. He’s been waiting since December! Long story short, someone seemingly picked up his counter and they are suggesting that Eliot sent someone else to get the counter so he can pull a scam. He disputed it with his bank because of Home Depot failing to help him. He ordered it a THIRD TIME.

1h30m – The guy who helped him mysteriously knew about the situation. WAS HE INVOLVED?!

Eliot’s answer is Tim Allen.

Matt’s answer is Mark “Got” Hamill.

Paul’s guess is Vincent D’onofrio

Jimmy guesses Charles Fleisher.

Mark Hamill! Matt wins.

We’ll be right back!

1h40m – We’re back!

Paul talks about his podcasts.

Stupid Questions:

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off or leave them tied all the time?

Jimmy unties dress shoes unties sneakers when he’s gonna put them back on.
Eliot follows his fathers tradition of a zippered boot. He sent his shoe to get his counter?!

We’re taking our shoes to our graves!

Matt unties because he keeps his shoe TIGHT.

1h45m – I keep em tied.


If you could be on any game show what would it be?

Jimmy wants to be on The Hustler!
Matt wants to do Classic Pyramid
Eliot wants to do Classic Concentration
Paul wants to do Cash Cab
I want to do Match Game or Release the Hounds

Jimmy talks about his version of Cash Cab: Lyft Loot!

Talking Tattletales!

Jimmy has a story about being late for play practice because he had to see the end of Tattletales. Turns out his teacher DISPISES Burt Convey.

Category: Name Drop (Just Famous Names)
Question: What Actor Has Consecutive Letters In His Name that spells out a major location related to the character he voices in 1992.

Garon – Kevin Conroy (13pts)
Eliot – Tim Allen (1 pts)
Matt – Mark Hamill (11 pts)
Paul – Vincent D’Onofrio (25 pts)
Jimmy – Charles Fleisher (17 pts)

Mark Hamill! Matt is correct.

Strong start to season 28!

The floor is open to questions. Matt wonders what Paul is rebelling against.

We’re done!

See you next time!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth