2408 – Going All Out with Emily Heller

Emily Heller
Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in! 2408! Welcome aboard!
Talking tight cabins.
Closet watching.
Busy Jimmy Pardo weekend! Oliver had his school golf outing and came in second place. He lost by 5 to an 8th grader.
Jimmy had his Wish golf outing and they came in last place, proudly.
Jimmy explains what a scramble is and talks about the event and the other players.
Jimmy’s gonna publicly shame someone. The speaker at the event wanted to go around the room and get names and stories from everyone.
They won Starbuck’s gift cards for being last place.
10 – Jimmy continues to tell the story about the golf outing. They finished 3 over par in a scramble.
First ever NNF Fantasy Baseball Draft! Jimmy says Eliot was an All-Star!
They talk about the auction.
15 – Great group of guys at the auction!
A couple casualties at the event. Muneesh did not make it to the draft on time!
Jimmy’s team name is Fistful of Dullards.
25 – Jimmy’s got a story! Don’t declaw your cats!
Don’t video. Help someone.
Emily Heller is here!
Emily wrote for Barry!
30 – Veep and Barry are both back. We’re gonna open a piece of mail.
CD from Gout! Brad Wilhelm’s band!
Emily is here! She writes on Barry! Kulap directed her special!
We’ll be back!
35 – We’re back!
Her new special is on Comedy Central Digital! It’s called Ice Thickener.
Selling Breast Milk? https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/life/sell-breast-milk/
Emily talks about how human’s take better care of other people/animals than of themselves.
40 – Emily’s been married for a year. She talks about her secret marriage to her husband Peter.
45 – Talking Prenup/Postnup. Emily is gonna get one.
Emily bought a house in Atwater Village after she discovered one of her neighbors was into the alt-right only for the Proud Boys to be in that area.
Round the horn!
I went to Wondercon with Matt Donaher and my friend Eric.
50 – Celebrity sighting!! (s)
Leslie Anne Warren!
Also Wayne Federman!
60 – Talking Crashing. Emily did not write on that show.
New Doc talk theme!!
Adnan doc.
Talking podcasting showing up in movies/tv.
1h5m – Why is Adam Carolla wearing glasses?!
Talking about the Adam Carolla appearance at PCAT.
1h10m – Talking The Drop Out documentary. No one seems to like it.
Tech Nerds Fuck Plenty according to Emily.
Talking #FuckFuckJerry
Emily talks about changing the internet culture of taking peoples content and claiming it as your own.
1h20m – 2020 Right around the corner!
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Season 2 of Barry started Monday!
Talking Emily being bad at keeping secrets and talking to her husband/therapist about spoilers.
1h25m – Please don’t take Emily’s support as a sign of respect for Eliot.
Emily’s entire immediate family were in a production of The Music Man. She and her sister were also in Fiddler on the Roof together.
Emily tells a story of the time she was in a Christmas show The Dollhouse Caper (She peed on the stage) and was used as an example after that but never bullied.
Peter is a writer/researcher for Crooked Media and is neat where as Emily is very messy.
1h35m – Talking 90s, Swingers, and swing dance!
Emily’s gonna do the Charlston!
1h40m – Bugs Bunny song –
1h45m – Talking Words with Friends and their new games/events.
1h50m – I was able to get Oliver an exclusive pop!
Jimmy talks about a parent who had an amazing voice and he didn’t want him to stop talking.
1h50m – ASMR talk!
There apparently are kid versions of ASMR.
Thank you for being here Emily! Ice Thickeners! Album called Pasta! Kulap directed the special!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth