24H – Stepping Up with Catie Lazarus
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! 24H! Welcome in!
I’m not feeling well.
Talking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Matt’s kids aren’t all that interested. Jimmy and family are going tomorrow (as we record).
Jimmy is nervous about something Oliver is doing today. It’s night 2 of Once Upon a Mattress. Oliver is going to walk to the coffee bean after school until the play call.
Talking the kids getting snatched.
10 – Eliot tells a story about getting home late because he tried to take a short cut home through a ravine.
15 – Matt talks about his quad and ride it off a cliff (not a real cliff).
I talk about crashing a jetski
20 – Matt talks about gut reactions parents have to kids almost doing something stupid.
25 – Caty looks nice! Is Jimmy allowed to say it?
Talking Joe Biden. Catie says the democrats are having a Netflix problem.
30 – When was Catie allowed to walk somewhere alone? She says her parents barely paid attention anyway.
We’ll be right back!
Matt talks about Concord Academy.
35 – Talking Matt’s schooling, some guy from Rolling Stone, Kissinger, and Emerson.
Talking Lori Loughlin going to court and signing autographs while praising her fans.
Talking Jimmy and the Academy of Dramatic Arts.
Catie went to school with Lin-Manuel Miranda! Also Dana Delany and Bradley Whitford.
40 – Tell us about Sundance Catie!
Catie has a signed OJ Simpson football. It’s signed to “Nikki”
Catie talks about doing her show at Sundance. Her guests included Arpana and Lisa Crohn of Fun Home fame.
45 – Catie did not know Lady Gaga was in A Star Is Born until it was over.
Talking Mueller, leaks, and Trump’s actions surprising no one.
Catie talks about doc Clinton Affair.
50 – Talking things without an S.
Todd Phillips – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0680846/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
We’ll be right back!
55 – We’re back!
Welcome back! Catie Lazarus is here!
Talking Pet Semetary and Cloak and Dagger?!
60 – Catie talks about working at a step aerobics place at 12.
Jimmy watched the Whitney doc, Whitney.
First album talk: Whitey and Madonna for Catie, Three dog night for Jimmy, I love Rock and Roll and Call Me for Matt.
1h5m – Matt wonders who is in Pet Semetary that is somehow connected to Matt and Jimmy’s past.
Jimmy changed his team names to Futzing with Keys and Bagless Vaccum.
NNF Softball league?
1h10m – Who’s on the NNF team?
Jimmy talks about filling in for a player on Graham Elwood’s team.
1h15m – Jerry Nadler – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerrold_Nadler
Catie has friends into swing parties.
1h20m – Talking societal views on sex, open relationships, etc.
1h30m – Everyone’s H is Helen Reddy except Catie who went with Hannah Montana.
Jimmy’s picks are: the #1 is the one he immediately thought of. 5: Hannah Montana 4: hilary Duff: 3: Holly Dunn 2: Halsey #1 Helen Reddy!
Talking Marches.
1h40m – Talking Oscars.
Matt saw Dumbo! It was fine. “Are you liking it so far?” – Charlie to Elyse ten minutes before the movie ends.
1h45m – Jimmy says that Pen15 is one of the best shows on TV.
Matts friend works on The Resident. I love it!
1h50m – Catie got mugged?! It was actually an attempted sexual assault.
1h55m – Best detective in the room!
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth