20Y – Cutting Diamonds with Paul Gilmartin
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Dah dadada. Jimmy shook that can and it exploded all over his hand.
Eliot drops the F bomb and jars everyone.
Welcome in!
Matt and Jimmy’s birthdays!
Sad and uncomfortable happy birthday!
05 – The fams played Guesstures! The kids are the perfect age for that game.
Charlie likes to borough into cushions.
Talking Charages and Guesstures!
Jimmy went to an 80s show with Scott! He saw Berlin, Colin Haye, and others.
Colin opened with a new song and Jimmy thinks you shouldn’t open with a new track, mix it into the set.
10 – Also the Fixx and Belinda Carlisle who started great but went flat at one point and never recovered.
Colin Haye had some rappers come out but their mics weren’t on for the beginning.
Talking about mic issues.
Back to the concert: Psychedelic Furs, who were phenomenal, and then OMD who were good.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Psychedelic_Furs – From London.
Jimmy talks more about the concert and what happened. Great seats, but Jimmy was sitting next to a manspreading, flip flop wearing, flat brim hat wearing asshole. This guy would facebook live “hits” to all of 2 people.
Dumbest sentence in music ever uttered, “Sounds just like willy nelson.” – Asshole Guy on Colin Haye.
15 – Jimmy talks more about the couple that sat next to him. He doesn’t understand why they were even there. He thinks the guy was 35 or maybe 28.
Jimmy talks about the “surprise” Richard Blade promised at the start of the show. It started with a REALLY amateur slide show of him with famous people leading up to him announcing his 540-page autobiography named after a Depeche Mode song. There was a technical difficulty and Richard Blade panics trying to figure out what to do, rather than maybe tell one of the millions of stories he has from his life.
20 – More Richard Blade talk. Jimmy and Scott are buying their books the day it is released.
25 – Riding the rails!
The mail is here!
Shipped to: The Mail is Here! It’s got a lithium battery in there!
It’s a battery charger so Eliot doesn’t have any phone battery issues again.
The battery was from Ken Roberts, whose name wasn’t on it because he sent it direct from Amazon. It’s the same one I have and it’s great. But big. -Darryl
Paul Gilmartin is here! He comes in flipping us off and his zipper is down.
His porn star name is Pompus Magoo. “Oh pompus magoo, you’ve cum hard again!”
30 – Talking being made the fool for your zipper being down. We all make mistakes.
Jimmy forgot to set the clock.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Episode 20Y!
Paul Gilmartin is here. He’s gesturing! Jimmy’s loud in his headphones. He wonders how to block Jimmy and jimmy explains where to block him.
Paul wonders what Potcasting is. It’s all pottery based.
Paul coming in with his zipper down is his 9/11. Crabs jumping out of his pants?
35 – Talking my extra work! Paul was an extra in The Untouchables.
Paul talks Untouchables.
40 – The 2nd AD was a complete asshole.
Talking Extras.
45 – Friends From College – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5565334/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
50 – Walk of fames – http://laist.com/2017/01/12/walks_of_fame.php
Talking sidewalks.
Talking JFK assassination.
“Trying really hard to prove we’re not gay.” – Texas
Paul’s looking to buy a house.
Eliot says wait a year.
My word is You’re The Worst.
55 – Talking Letters From a Nut in Westwood!
Talking biting balls and scrotum skin.
60 – Paul talks about his wrestling experience with Diamond Dallas Page. He got the diamond cutter! “if you fight me brother im gonna get real with you” – DDP
1h5m – “You’re dead cookin’ boy!” – wrestling fan to Paul.
Paul talks more about the wrestling experience.
The Soft G! Eliot is here. He went to Politicon.
1h10m – Paul did not go to Politcon this year. He’s loved it in the past.
Eliot saw the debate between Chelsea Handler and Tomi Lahren.
Eliot gives his thoughts on the debate and on Tomi.
Eliot talks a lot about Politicon and the crowd. Plenty of Trump Supporters.
Talking Pod Saves America.
1h20m – Eliot’s Y word is Young and the Restless.
Jon Hamm versus Jason Thompson.
Matt’s Y word was Yo! MTV Raps!
1h25m – Paul’s Y word Yahoo Serious Takes on Manhattan? Yothers?!
The Tina Yothers Show! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103091/
Talking Vietnam movies.
Paul auditioned for Hamburger Hill!?
“You would make a great fifties gang member.” – advice to Paul at an audition he wore a white t-shirt too.
1h30m – Paul talks about auditioning for an “edgy political show.“ the reaction to his joke, “Oh my.”
Paul was gonna say Y&R. Yes Dear?! No winner!
Jimmy and Paul talk about Mental Illness Happy Hour.
He’s doing a live recording but doesn’t know the guests names. August 3rd, New Parkway Theater, eastbayexpress.com/mental
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth