720 – Scott Thompson
Released 9/29/2010
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Intro: 720 is 2 360s by Tony Hawk, according to premature Matt; and Jimmy does not like to start the show angry!
1:40 Jimmy likes or hates the new Monster drink, with one gram of carbonation
2:10 Jimmy blames everyone else for his anger
2:40 Jimmy sees Dan as Courtney Love
3:30 Scott is mispronouncing Matt’s wife’s AST user name, for some reason
3:50 Scott is not playing a Canadian Guy character, nor is he here yet
4:20 Shockingly Eliot and Dan are here again
4:40 Dan is still on the wagon, but loves the new Monster
5:00 Eliot gets attacked by Jimmy for not getting it, and rightfully so
6:00 Scott is still not here but calls Eliot out for his daddy issues
6:30 Dan writes his schedule on his Palm Pilot, which is his actual palm
7:20 Matt is not really on Jimmy’s nerves
7:40 Jimmy explains that he does things for humor on this funny comedy podcast starring a comedian with comedian guests. For comedy.
8:20 “Stand up your father’s passing” – what movie is that from?
9:00 Scott has issues with the lack of profundity in billboards for MTV’s My Generation
11:00 SO CLOSE to a Darryl Shout-out, but yet so far
11:05 Day 7 of sty eye
11:30 Scott has probably figured out how Jimmy got the sty
12:00 20 years of laughter brought to you by Scott Thompson and The Kids in the Hall
13:00 Scott is just here to rip off Jimmy’s podcast ideas
13:45 Scott’s podcast sounds like he is not in it: Scott Free
14:30 Scott was not necessarily wanted in The Kids in the Hall at first
15:00 Homophobia in 80s comedy
15:30 The genius and nutsness of Gary Shandling
16:30 Comedy is a straight man’s world
17:00 Even ladies have to have testosterone to do stand-up
18:00 Jimmy must be listening to U2’s Under a Blood Red Sky a lot lately [do I need an icon for this?]
18:30 The demographics of great comedians
19:30 Matt saw Dane Cook at the movies last night
20:00 There have never been gay rumors about Jimmy
20:45 Jimmy finally introduces Scott Thompson
22:00 The ladies of comedy on Oprah
22:30 How Scott got into The Kids in the Hall
23:00 Mark McKinney on SNL
24:00 The rectum/vagina challenge
27:00 Jimmy lived across the street from Kevin, who was very, very pleasant
30:00 Scott’s cat ownership makes him a cliche
30:30 Should you name your animals after members of Saddam Hussein’s family?
31:20 Why is Scott in the states?
32:00 Scott is now cancer-free, but still gay
34:00 Scott has been working on his stand-up around L.A.
35:00 Scott starts and ends his standup career in Canada
37:00 What do Improv audiences want?
37:30 The airbrushed mural at the Improv
38:00 Scott angers his Improv follower, which may have been Jimmy
39:45 Whatever happened to frozen concentrate orange juice?
40:45 Scott will not be ironic about fruit!
41:10 Bodega. BODEGA!!!!!
41:30 The anti-gayness of orange juice spokeslady Anita Bryant
43:45 Jimmy never says anything he doesn’t believe
44:00 Jimmy’s working class upbringing in a 900 square foot house
46:00 What kind of trouble did Scott get into as a kid?
46:30 The Black Donnellys
47:00 Scott and Jimmy almost miss Matt’s great Black Donnellys joke
48:30 Grape shoes
49:30 The history of multitasking
51:00 Scott didn’t know what pizza was as a child
52:30 Mangiacake
53:30 Jimmy’s Fiero tire purchase causes racial strife
55:00 The 80s was not a good decade for Scott
56:00 Scott wants record store details
58:00 Scott tries to stop Jimmy from spreading his sty-eye
59:30 Scott wants assurance that he is no seeming desperate
1:01:00 Eliot has a new haircut
1:01:10 BREAK TIME!
1:01:40 Tony Hawk!!!!!
1:01:50 Scott is curious about the episode numbering system
1:02:40 Get your finances in order!
1:03:00 Scott apologizes for being on the non-Jimmy version of Match Game
1:03:45 Jimmy is over his Match Game anger
1:06:00 Jimmy only vilifies his friends
1:08:00 Is The Hot Seat interesting or necessary?
1:08:45 Rick Sanchez, serious journalist or not?
1:09:15 Nancy Grace: ghoul
1:09:50 Jane Valez Mitchell and the out-of-control media
1:10:00 Jimmy’s irrational Sarah Palin anger
1:13:00 Dan’s rehab history and Jimmy’s sobriety
1:16:00 Scott’s smiling as self-defense
1:17:00 How to show a lady you like her
1:18:00 A balloon dog’s distance
1:19:00 Jimmy in AA
1:20:00 The arrogance of atheists rivals the arrogance of believers
1:22:00 Scott’s web domain drama
1:23:45 The Kids in the Hall is back on TV!
1:24:45 Talk shows in Canada
1:25:45 Mario Lopez: handsome, talented, and daddy
1:27:00 George Clooney is cool, but not hot
1:27:30 Fifty Cent’s Chiclet teeth drive Scott crazy, in a good way
1:28:00 Scott’s desire for Mike Tyson
1:30:30 Scott’s role in Kris Kristofferson’s movie Millenium
1:33:00 Scott’s sexual history with women
1:36:00 Jimmy was given short shrift on everything. Everything.
1:36:50 This show flew by and Scott is welcome to listen any time
1:37:15 Canadian musician rundown
1:38:30 Scott’s plugs
Onnnnn the podcast!
AK-47 gone, not forgotten
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