3206 – Cracking backs with Colt Cabana
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 3206 – Colt Cabana
00 Hello!
We’re award winning and very important! Jimmy explains it.
We’re tossing around some wrestling terms because Colt Cabana is gonna be here!
Apparently, Trump got indicted during the show and I missed bringing it up.
I can only apologize!
Lots of Trump talk
10 – Sending our love to those affected by the tornados!
Look for gofundme listings for victims of the storms.
Jimmy talks about going to the DIO Implant LA Open and how cold it was.
15 – the great vest debate of the LA Open trip.
Jimmy fills us in on the day he had at the LA Open and meeting a hall of fame golfer, Judy Rankin.
He was asked back to the booth while they were on the air!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Abbott (He’s 41)
20 – Jimmy talks about the masterful job the crew and hosts were doing during the broadcast.
He had a great day!
He also had to buy a $100 vest because he was freezing
Colt Cabana is here!!
25 – NNF Fantasy Baseball draft was a great success!
Can Colt adjust Jimmy and fix everything?!
Colt cracked every bone in my torso. Eliot appears to be uncrackable.
New shirt for Eliot!
Obviously guy!
30 – Colt’s dad is a Men’s Apparel seller!
God told Moses to order the Israelite families to sacrifice a lamb and smear the blood on the door of their houses. In this way the angel would know to ‘pass over’ the houses of the Israelites. This is why the festival commemorating the escape from Egypt is known as Passover.
We’re excited to learn about wrestling!
Colt’s original walk song was Copa Cabana and then a remix of that until he got his own song that has some homages to that song. It has some tones.
We’ll be right back!
Welcome back! Colt Cabana is here!
Colt is NOT with WWE. He’s on AEW! Wednesdays on TNT and Fridays on TBS. Also YouTube.
Colt fills us in on his career and what he’s doing here in LA.
40 – Colt talks about how similar Wrestling is to Stand Up Comedy.
David Schultz slapped John Stossell – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Schultz_(professional_wrestler)
Colt talks about the game and how much improv is involved with it, also that it hurts.
We hear all about Colt’s journey to becoming a wrestler.
50 – Colt went to Western Michigan University – mastcot is Broncos!
Talking Cicero in Chicago! It’s mobbed up!
55 – Colt talks about getting discovered and being on (or browsing) AST.
He talks about his belief that wrestling should be a positive place for everyone and how the wrestlers and the fans have become to self-regulating
Wrestling doc is called One Fall. https://www.instagram.com/onefallfilm/?hl=en
Colt talks about WWE and his wrestling character who was called Scott Goldman and his walk out music was Hava Nagila.
1h5m – His firing was basically part of the storyline of WWE and after that he went back to Chicago to research comedy and got introduced to Comedy Death Ray and Jimmy and then starting his own wrestling podcast in Chicago, The Art of Wrestling. It helped explode his career!
Talking flip-flops! It’s Cali we’re easy going!
1h10m – Colt has a celebrity sighting!!
He also got us signed pictures of a wrestler Buff Bagwell!
1h15m – The celebrity was AT the convention wandering around. Colt went up and spoke to him!
Scratch that it’s a HER!
It was Mindy Stirling!
1h20m – She was there with her son Max and he recognized Colt!
Kimbo Slice’s real name is Kevin!
1h30m – Trivia!
Another gift for Jimmy! It’s a Colt card!
1h35m – We’re using the sweets category despite Oliver not wanting us to. He knows he does a lot of candy categories!
See the full results below!
Talking about Colt’s dad!
Talking about privilege and having a safety net (or not).
1h40m – Colt’s brother works in Animation! He worked with Danielle on Invader Zim!
Currently on Family Guy!
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Colt enjoyed some Whole Foods today. He talks about the pricing structure he wasn’t aware of. Stuff that box with chicken for $8.99!
1h45m – Eliot’s waiting for the day! (that someone’s not recognized by amazon cameras at whole foods).
Round the horn!
See all answers below!
Colt recommends a Lion Bar! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_(chocolate_bar)
1h50m – Some tech trouble and street sweep on the 405!
Jimmy and Colt both love a Whatchamacallit!
Trivia results below (again)
2h – Colt’s heading home today from LAX!
He’s getting the upgrade!
Colt is throwing out the first pitch for the Brewers on Easter. He’s asking for some advice, he wants to throw a side arm submarine pitch.
Talking Bad Pitches!
2h5m – Colt wrestled for Billy Corgan.
Jimmy talks first pitches!
2h10m – Bigfoot – to assert one’s authority or influence
Colt loved Glow!
It’s all Maron’s fault.
Colt talks about how he is a “Comedy Wrestler” and uses laughs a lot in his bouts and prefers Bryce, a ref well versed in improv!
We’re done!
One more thing: Baseball Cards are LIMITED. Make sure you upgrade asap, or opt out of the physical perks!
Ok bye!
Trivia Results:
Category: Candies and Candy bars
Question: The inside filling of what candybar is made from coco, sugar, and broken parts of the candy bar that got broken during production?
Garon: 100 Grand (7 pts)
Eliot: Whatchamacallit (16 pts)
Matt: Whatchamacallit (18 pts)
Colt: Butterfinger (18 pts)
Jimmy: Whatchamacallit (15 pts)
The answer is: Kit Kat!
No winner!
My pleasure,
Garon/Loosey Goosey Spine/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole