3118 – Cooking onions with CeCe Pleasants
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 Hello! We’re live! Matt messed up the intro!
He’s going again!
It’s the 19th!
The Milkman! Is Karl Malone outside?
Great Mormon joke from the guys!
It’s a crisp December 19!
Anne Murray talk! She did not write songs
Roy Orbison was NOT blind!
Are we betting on the ages of the wilburies?!
Matt loses.
15 – Check that heart!
Eliot owes $100!
The numbers!
20 – Jimmy guessed right!
No more water under the bridge jimmy has ANOTHER celebrity sighting!
Last one was Gwyneth Paltrow.
Same day! Back in Beverly hills.
Pat Benatar! Matt got it!
30 – https://thewallis.org/invincible
35 – https://www.businessinsider.com/how-the-14th-amendment-could-prevent-trump-from-office-2021-2
40 – CeCe Pleasants is here!!
45 – Matt’s involved with Die Hard!
Round the horn coming up! We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Late Late Show!
The CeCe and Garon show?!
50 – This is Leoprady!
Truly Tasteless Jokes!
Although it’s rare, leprosy still exists today. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 208,000 people have leprosy (Hansen’s disease) around the globe, with most cases found in Asia and Africa. In the United States, about 100 people receive a leprosy (Hansen’s disease) diagnosis every year.
GeePD from chat: What did the leper say to the hooker? You can keep the tip.
CeCe was closest!
60 – Matt talks about the penalty kick wall tricks. He and his friends call it the Armadillo.
1h5m – Ryan Seacrest is 47!
Jimmy guesses 48!
Matt says 53
CeCe says 52
Eliot says 45
He’s 47! (turning 48)
1h10m – The David Letterman!
Call Hollywood and get on the David Letterman. CeCe’s MeeMaw used to microwave onions for breakfast.
CeCe talks about needing a notary.
1h20m – Jimmy thanks everyone for coming to the All Request show! Saturday night live show at flappers, final show of the Let’s See What Happens tour!
Christmas blame for a small crowd this time!
1h25m – Jimmy Brogan, Jimmy, and Matt Donaher all had masks at the show. No other comics did.
We’re calling Oliver!
He introduced Jimmy by saying: Here’s a guy whose favorite Christmas songs come from Tran-Siberian Orchestra and Billy Squire.
See below for Trivia!!
1h35m – We’ll be right back!
Welcome back!!
Fan favorite CeCe Pleasants!!
The Cinderella of Hate!
Late Late Show with Jimmy Pardo?! We can hope!
1h40m – Jimmy falling out of his chair laughing is amongst the greatest moments of NNF history.
Nick Bernstein has GORGEOUS hair.
1h45m – Round the horn!
Use code Pardo at LemonIceDesigns.com! Buttery Soft!
Does Jimmy sound like Trump or does Trump sound like Jimmy!
SNL talk!
1h50m – My answer is Sugar Snow!
Eliot’s guess Cotton Candy Snow!
Matt says Watermelon.
Jimmy and CeCe also say Cotton Candy.
There is a winner!
Matt wins!
Don’t eat Watermelon Snow!
1h55m – Oliver out on a great joke!
CeCe needs to go back to Matt’s watermelon sugar/eating puss joke.
2h – Paying out Matt!
Fan and cast favorite!!
Jimmy says some words about Judy, Danielle’s mother, who passed last week.
We’re done! Thank you!!!!
Trivia Results:
Category: Wintertime
Question: Snow is commonly thought to be white, but it can come in many colors, including pink which is said to be sweet, this is called _______ snow.
Garon: Sugar Snow (14 pts)
Eliot: Cotton Candy Snow (19 pts)
Matt: Watermelon (12 pts) – CORRECT
CeCe: Cotton Candy Snow / Sassy Little Piglet (5 pts)
Jimmy: Cotton Candy (14 pts)
The answer is Watermelon Snow!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole