31J – Making another run with Mike Siegel

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


31 Jaws

00 Hello!

Jimmy talks recording on Friday afternoon: no Bueno.

He also talks about the tour postponement. He’s fine!

Where is Nelson?!


Echidna’s have 4 penis’.


The Let’s See What Happens Tour – Well One thing happened.

Jimmy’s in the process of rescheduling the tour dates.

He also has a story for us about getting sick. He thinks it was a flu.

Jimmy won the lottery! $4.

10 – Talking lotto.

Jimmy talks about his baths and the plumbing issue that popped up. Plumbers showed up and ended up breaking the toilet. All he wanted was to get in bed and watch Quincy and not deal with a financial hit of digging up his yard for a plumbing issue.

Back to lotto and what it pays for.

Talking #SubtoberFest!

Eliot talks about his youtube viewing.

25 – Face of Horror talk! 8th Place in the Quarterfinals.

Lotta Tesla’s going around Beverly Hills.
Are all daytime talk shows assholes?

Byron Allen talk –


30 – Double celebrity sighting (by proxy)?! Jimmy’s saving his for Monday.

Jimmy almost won a TON of money on the Yankees but alas…

35 – Jimmy talks his betting on baseball this year.


40 – Mike Siegel is here!


45 – Matt wants jimmy to bet on the World Cup.

Mike talks about going to the Superbowl.

50 – Sports!

We’ll be right back!

We’re back!

Welcome to the platinum subtoberfest folks!

Green Day talk!

55 – Mike Siegel is here! Taking time from the seas! He got covid in Alaska.

He missed a show for the first time in 30 years.

Doc is indeed Adam Bricker!

Talking Love Boat!

60 – Fantasy Island!

Mike talks about his love of Welcome Back Kotter and how awful it is now.

Let’s give Jerry O’Connell more jobs.
Betting on John Stamos being on Love Boat!

1h5m – Mike talks about comedy on the ship and how you have to ignore when people leave. They didn’t buy a ticket for comedy they bought it for a cruise so you have no idea what they’re doing or why they’re leaving.

Gifts now!

1h10m – We got a gift theme song courtesy of Scott Kramer and Jonathan Bayliss (sobuttons.com).

Non-speaking role in an animated show. – Mike Siegel

“Toto still rocks!”– Jimmy’s Chicago “newsgroup”

1h15m – Cars, Toto, Boston – top three most boring concerts Jimmy’s been to.

Paul McCartney talk.

Mike talks selling his CD collection and only getting $15 for what they took.

1h20m – Mike talks about the gifts and his mom cleaning house.

It’s Animal Stories!

Talking big headed DJ from Chicago. I missed the name.

Amy Landecker – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0484541/

1h25m – Round the horn!

Talking my air purifier filter.

Vax talk!

George Clooney talk!

1h35m – Best heads of hair in town? Clooney and Siegel!

Eliot talks about his inspection from today.

Mike’s guess is Jaguars
Matt’s guess Jets
Jimmy’s Jazz
Garon’s guess is Jaws

1h40m – We here the fans.

5) Wastington Justice
4) Jayhawks
3) Jaguars
2) Jazz
1) Jets, NY

Matt wins!

1h45m – Watch Mike’s Drybar special!

Mike’s in on Squiz.

Thank you for gifting! Welcome to the Platinum!

We’re done! Bye!!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole