3106 – Buying groceries with Cristela Alonzo


Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

NNF 3106 – Cristela Alonzo

00 Welcome in!

Jimmy had to go outside for a moment and the temperature had already skyrocketed.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Child_in_the_City #1

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_in_the_City #23

“It’s a cross I have to bear sir.” – Patrick Dempsey to Jimmy re sexiest man alive.


Talking Vaping!

10 – The Pardo-Koenig’s went to see See How They Run! “A joy!” Jimmy left walking on air!

Red Hot Chili Peppers talk. Somehow, they survived cancelation.

It’s the eve of SUBTOBER FEST!

A new way to support NNF with a subscriber drive! We want to add 1069 NEW PAID subscribers!

Jimmy and Matt share the info with us, including a PIN! $1 donated for each new sub to Smile Train, plus if we hit the goal, we’ll double the Smile Train donation.

Gifters get the pin! Better cameras! Living wages!

More details of Subtober!

We’re all excited!

Locking Pin Back – https://www.amazon.com/StockPins-pin-locks-Pin-Locks/dp/B002M0D2X8/ref=asc_df_B002M0D2X8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=317268100474&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2543240163066567427&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031183&hvtargid=pla-570048909593&psc=1


25 – Pinned for Jimmy’s pleasure.

Jimmy tries to guess Wolverine’s powers.

Rosh Hashanah 2023: When Is It, And How Is It Celebrated?


What movies did you walk out of?

Jimmy walked out of Vegas Vacation and another one he was too young to see.

35 – Cristela Alonzo is here!!

Top Ten covid people!!

Two Balki references in this room today!

40 – Jimmy addresses his phone call. He has a video of a house party from 1986-7 where he was acting like a documentary “Where’s Rick!?”

Cristela and Jimmy are Covid birthday twins!

Talking Plantains.

45 – https://www.oyster.com/

We’ll be right back!!

We’re back! Episode 31-6! (3106)

50 – Why do insurance companies have mascots?!

General Insurance started in 1963.

Jake from State Farm!

Cristela talks about a past date she was forced to go on by her roommate. The guy knocked on her door to ask her out. They ended up going to Ralph’s, she paid, and he took her to his place to make dinner. His entire band was there.

Too soon for jesus jokes? He had a rough last week.

60 – Cristela talks about wanting to do earlier shows.

TikTok talk. Cristela thinks she’s peaked in terms of learning technology.

Dabney Coleman is ALIVE!


But how old is he?

Jimmy – 87 / 81
Cristela – 84 / 90
Matt – 82 / 80
Eliot – 77 / 78

Cristela wins $3!

1h10m – Jimmy asks Cristela about her preferred airline. She’s American!

She talks about some travel issues she experienced recently.

Spirit airlines talk!

Jimmy Pardo, Pilot?!

1h15m – It takes 1500 hours to be a commercial pilot, which is about two years.

The Space Force Theme – Semper Supra – https://www.militarytimes.com/video/2022/09/23/hear-the-new-space-force-official-song/

Cristela is learning the ukulele!

1h20m – Wayne Federman used to play the electric ukulele in his act.

We love Wayne Federman!

Cristela talks about Covid and how she continues to take it seriously.

Cristela and Jimmy talk about 10-minute stand-ups vs 1 hour stand ups and the rules of comedy.

1h30m – Cristela HAD a sitcom?!

She talks about wanting experienced writers for her show and not the “hot new thing.”
Booking comedy is a dying art!

1h35m – Reboot (on Hulu) talk!

We love Paul Reiser!

Oliver is here!

Category: Country Officials

We play the Oilver’s trivia themes for Cristela. She loves them.

“Ohhh I don’t know how to forward things!”

Question: Starting in 1990, Ian Brackenbury Chanel was appointed as the first very fantastical titled position in New Zealand?

1h40m –

We’ll be right back!

We’re back!

Cristela talks Admiral Club.
TSAclear/Pre? RealID?

1h45m – Vax talk!

Cristela wants the Shingles vax but not old enough. She had Shingles in November.

Generally shingles is not contagious, but a person with active shingles can spread the virus when the rash is in the blister phase. It’s important to keep the rash covered. Most cases of shingles last 3-5 weeks. Most people get shingles only one time, but, it is possible to have it more than once.


Legends of the Hidden Temple was canceled ☹

1h50m – Round the horn!

Mario designed a great Jimmy’s Records & Tapes shirt! Get yours at LemonIceDesigns.com soon!

“Give it to me all the way.” Cristela at Jersey Mike’s (It’s Mike’s way)

Garon’s answer is Mayor of Middle Earth!

Eliot’s answer is Ambassador To Middle Earth.
Matt’s answer is Head Hobbit
Cristela is Warlock Wizard (I might have this wrong I was laughing).
Jimmy goes Grand Wizard

2h – The live Shark Tank wasn’t quite successful according to Jimmy.

Oliver gives us some wizardry backround!

2h5m – Trump would definitely have had a wizard if he knew it was possible. A grand wizard.



Trivia Results:
Category: Country Officials
Question: Starting in 1990, Ian Brackenbury Chanel was appointed as the first very fantastical titled position in New Zealand?

Garon: Mayor of Middle Earth (1 pts)
Eliot: Ambassador to Middle Earth (11 pts)
Matt: Head Hobbit (6 pts)
Cristela: Warlock Wizard (19 pts)
Jimmy: Grand Wizard (3 pts)

The answer is The Wizard of New Zealand

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole