3105 – Trick-or-treating with Tommy Johnagin

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 Hello! Welcome to 3105!

We are actually friends off air!

Matt has joined an adult soccer lead. He’s got no time for anyone since.

His team continues to suck. They lost 4-0 this weekend. Their best players weren’t there.
Charlie got a hat trick at his game this weekend though.

Matt talks more about his team and games.

They need either two age bracket leads or co-eds!

Betting on Walter Matthau’s death.

Jimmy 2004
Matt 2009
Eliot 2007

Walter Matthau died July 1, 2000.

No winner!

5 – Chip sitch! Eliot barely caught it.

Cactus Cooler Football Club!

The Bad Rabbits were the team that beat them.

Angel Stod

Rammy Stan Football Club.

No name changes for Matt’s team!

10 – Tommy Johnagin, our guest, was last here in August 2013, episode 1305.

15 – Jimmy’s first road gig since 2020!

He talks about his trip to Bloomington, the beautiful weather, and his shows. He had great shows and got some good feedback.

Making money on the crown!

David Beckham waited 14 hours to see the queen at her viewing. https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/english-former-football-player-david-beckham-leaves-news-photo-1663364086.jpg?resize=980:*


25 – Belknap’s run!

Great trip to Bloomington!

Jimmy talks his flight home.

30 – I missed the story. But sounds like easy travels!

Jimmy saw Confess, Fletch!

The belknaps did not see Fletch, they were worried about content for Charlie.

They watched College Jeopardy Tournie instead.

NNF Fans are the best!

Jimmy’s on some meds that make his memory a lil foggy. He said on stage, that “Jared runs a deep dish!”

Jimmy took some story requests and has realized the prince t-shirt arrest story isn’t great for a stand-up stage.

40 – Happy birthday, Walter! Oliver made one of his figures of him from an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents!

One is the loneliest number. Five is an uncomfortable number in terms of seating.


Tommy Johnigan is here!

Neg test

More Harry Nilson talk.!

50 – Tommy talks about the shows he’s worked on, including (new) The 90’s Show, How We Roll, and Man With A Plan.

Tommy says Matt LeBlanc is a great guy!

His mom has all the Man With A Plan episodes recorded on her DVR. Somehow she is going to burn all the stuff she has on her DVR to DVD because they’re changing things at the cable company so she might lose it all.

We’ll be right back!

55 – Welcome back!

Jimmy’s enjoying a Zevia Ginger Ale. He’s on Day 12 of no Coke Zero.

Jimmy’s only having enough caffeine to prevent the headache.

Tommy talks about his kids! His kid’s are ten and seven.

Tommy talks about shopping for Life Insurance and being warned that he can’t kill himself for 24 months.

60 – Tommy talks about his “Wife” and doing stand up after lock down.

Matt gets political texts for someone named Ralph. We are joking! No double voting here!

1h5m – People are mad about who won America’s Got Talent?


AGT apparently used to add boos to the shows in post. They apparently have stopped.

“Diet coke tastes like bum’s piss.” – Jimmy

1h10m – Tommy loves being home with the kids so he doesn’t think he’ll do any touring.

Jimmy didn’t like leaving the fam behind when he went on this trip.

Jimmy and Tommy talk about touring and doing shows and being able to do drop ins.

1h15m – Tommy talks about Paul Reiser coming back to stand up after a long break.

Tommy won’t take stage-time unless he has worked on stuff and earned it.

Tommy’s wife works in Hollywood, she works in Non-scripted/reality TV. She pitched a show and got picked up for ten episodes.

Tommy’s doing a show with Quibi!

1h20m – We’re all excited for the Weird Al movie!

It’s Trivia Time! Wager what you want!

Category: Food

Tommy talks high school sports!

Question: The car manufacturer Volkswagen also sells their own brand of what food.

Jimmy’s had a few VWs.

Talking Village Pizza and the way they made it through the pandemic.

1h25m – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Rhea


Jimmy tells Tommy about his “deep dish” error.

Chris Fairbanks hair! Has it been cut?

1h30m – Soap opera talk! Days of Our Lives switched to peacock.

Talking Halloween in Hancock Park.

Rich Sommer also gives out full size candy bars (as of last Halloween anyway).

Tommy talks feeling uncomfortable dressed as a power ranger with his kids. Body image issues.

1h35m – Tommy talks about the houses in the neighborhood that are too scary around Halloween and their attempt at doing something scary.

We’ll be right back!

1h40m – Welcome back!


Tommy’s sold two scripts!

Round the horn!

Lemonicedesigns.com! Buy 2 get 1! New shirt coming soon! Mario is VERY excited to get to it.

Talking Jagged Little Pill and Juno.

Tommy had a puppy party for his daughter.

1h45m – Talking Havanese dogs.

Tommy sings the praises of Healthy Paws insurance!

1h50m – What do the parents watch with their kids? Parks and Rec apparently?

This Fool – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14440068/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

My answer is Waffles!

Tommy’s a homemaker!

1h55m – Eliot’s here!

Eliot went to a game night!

Eliot’s guess is Sausage.
Matt’s guess is Pies.
Tommy’s guess is Sausage
Jimmy answers Bratwurst.

Eliot gives his backups chocolate and spetzel.

2h: We got a winner!

The answer is…Sausages

Three way tie!

Tommy wins based on wager! Full results below!

2h5m – Tommy talks about his bar.

Jimmy hurt his finger on the table twice.

Oliver also enjoyed Fletch, Danielle was eh.

Tommy and fam loves the Super Pets movie!

Jimmy talks the pilot they did that Tommy was part of.

100 Grand is the best candy bar?

Thanks everyone!


Trivia Results:
Category: Food
Question: The car manufacturer Volkswagen also sells their own brand of what food.

Garon: Waffles (11 pts)
Eliot: Sausage (16 pts)
Matt: Pies ( pts)
Tommy: Sausage (20 pts)
Jimmy: Bratwurst (10 pts)

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole