3102 – Questioning authority with Andy Richter
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 3102 – Andy Richter
TW: @AndyRichter IG: @richtercommaandy
00 Welcome to your favorite podcast!
Jimmy gets sincere to talk about his weekend of shows.
Saturday was his last shake off the rust show!
Comedy in the YooHoo room, Leno in the big room.
Jimmy thinks he spent most of the show taking down Leno.
Jimmy Pardo the Robbie Knievel of Comedy.
Was Evel Knievel a grifter?
Jimmy talks Bloomington! He’s there for the anniversary.
Taking a trip into the haunted house of jimmy’s mind.
I’m off to 7/11!
15 – Our guest showed up! I hope they handled it okay.
Jimmy’s last virtual show was on Friday!
Jimmy is sincerely grateful for everyone who showed up, especially the ones that have been to every one of them!
The shows were helpful both to Flappers and to Jimmy.
20 – Jimmy had to end exactly at 830 and then rush to the Hollywood Bowl to see Diana Ross! They missed the first half hour but the hour they did see was phenomenal!
25 – Talking the motley crue, def leppard, poison show at the sofi.
35 – Andy Richter is here!
Talking Gary Cannon!
It’s been a year since Jimmy’s seen Andy. Even longer for Matt.
Conflict with the Covid test.
Jimmy’s the hero.
Andy wants to cross the room!
40 – Trump talk. Give him a chance!
Andy loves Jimmy.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
3102! It’s weird to reset!
Jimmy and Andy talk about hosting podcasts and the influence of radio on them.
Conan is the funniest when he’s being the worst!
Andy talks about comedians who take advantage of comedy and say awful things.
Three Questions with Andy Richter!
45 – Andy talks about Sirius XM studios and the new Conan studios in Hancock Park.
Named for legendary organizer Jane Addams, in homage to her groundbreaking Hull House space for working-class women, The Jane Club also offers members empowerment.
50 – Andy got a new pad after his divorce.
White folks are angry!
Jimmy’s our guy if there is an asteroid or a giant centipede attack!
55 – Jimmy ass size changes depending on the bit.
Andy gets politically sometimes on his show.
Where did the burr come from?!
Eliot is claiming the burr.
Andy talks his frustrations with the industry.
1h5m – Real Estate talk.
RIP Bill Tull.
Andy talks smoking in the prop room with Bill.
1h10m – Andy tells a story about doing a remote with Bill that included Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage.
1h15m – Andy shares another Bill story where he fucked with Max and played the drums at a Christmas party!
Jimmy talks viral videos. The Hulk kid, and the little karate girl.
Cosby Sweater talk.
Orangutan in a sweater! Andy had to return the sweater that orangutan wore.
1h20m – Round the horn!
Category: Food
Andy talks watching Succession with his daughter, who is also into Cassavetes films.
1h25m – Did you know Steve Martin played Banjo?
Question: Globe, Imperial Star, and Jerusalem are all types of what food?
We’ll be right back!
1h30m – We’re back! Hope you enjoyed the Plugs and commercials!
Jimmy and fam watched an old game show: The New Battlestars complete with commercials from 1983.
Remembering Jimmy’s Kojak phase.
Peekaboo baby!
1h35m – Katherine McPhee talk.
Round the horn for real!
All In The Family!
Jeff Garlin talk. Is he a secret owner of Flappers?!
My answer is Bread!
We talk the band
1h45m – Eliot’s here!
Sugar cravings killed!
1h50m – Eliot’s guess is Artichokes.
Burbank b – https://doordash.atlasobscura.com/the-mystery-of-the-burbank-b/p/1
Matt guesses Citrus
Celebrity Jeopardy winner Andy Richter!
Talking Better Call Saul!
Artichokes is Andy’s answer.
2h – Jimmy says Cheeses!
The answer is: Artichokes! Andy and Eliot got it correct!
Andy wins on a wager!
2h5m – Oliver’s trivia!
The show’s over!
See you next time!!
Trivia Results:
Category: Food
Question: Globe, Imperial Star, and Jerusalem are all types of what food?
Garon: Bread (12 pts)
Eliot: Artichokes (14 pts)
Matt: Citrus (5 pts)
Andy Richter: Artichokes (25 pts)
Jimmy: Cheese (12 pts)
The answer is Artichoke!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole/Blurbster!