30T – Cutting it up with Greg Behrendt

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher




00 Hello!

I’m late to the game because I had to go get some Coke Zero for Jimmy.


Lots of soda talk.

Eliot can’t flip off humor!

Breakfast Club talk. That fist in the air means nothing.

Jimmy questions Eliot’s Signal about his apartment updates.

Jimmy cares. Off air!

10 – Earthquake in Iran. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/magnitude-60-earthquake-strikes-southern-iran-emsc-2022-07-01/

I come from Militia Hill People

The rent (and mortgage and gas and groceries) is too damn high!

15– Eliot scoped out the apartment competition.

Who stole Jimmy’s Coke Zero?

Eliot’s scoping! Ocean’s 3.

Jimmy guesses 3600 on the rent

Matt says 3500

I say 3200


Rent is out of control.

30 – More apartment talk!

USGS has estimated that there is a Los Angeles earthquake probability of a 75% likelihood of one or more magnitude 7.5 or greater quakes striking in the next thirty years, as of 2014.

Avatar 2 talk.

Matt got a kiss from Sigourney!


I’ve got some abdominal pain and am typically ignoring it.

40 – Emotions in motion!

Who sings it?

Ozzie ruins the song Patient 9, which otherwise would be the best rock song Jimmy has heard in 20 years.

Greg Behrendt is here!!

He’s in a sandal.

45 – Billy Squire sings Emotions In Motion.


Greg talks about his daughters and how different they are now from his Write Now appearance.

50 – We’ll be right back!

We’re back! 30T!

Should be back on track time wise also note readers.

Talking about Greg’s daughter who had an imaginary friend that didn’t like her.

She would also be on an imaginary phone and on hold.


Hot Jughead!

55 – Breaking News! With Jimmy?

Doc talk!


He’s in the JLO doc.

Paul Stanley talk! Jimmy loved his appearance on Tom Morello’s show.

Greg thinks half of the Hot Dog Eating contestants did not get vaxxed.

60 – https://pix11.com/news/local-news/brooklyn/joey-chestnut-grabs-protester-during-nathans-famous-fourth-of-july-hot-dog-eating-contest-in-brooklyn/


The Hot Dog eating contest announcer has had a great summer apparently. He saw Phoebe Bridgers!

1h5m – Jimmy watched the worst 2 minutes of comedy he’s ever seen courtesy of Jim Bruer’s vaccine set.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zHpOwqrbek might be it!

Lots of conservative comedian talk.

1h15m –


Bison and Buffalo are different!

Greg talks about his daughter’s interests.

1h20m – Jimmy and Greg talk about a show they did together.

Love Lounge


1h25m – Greg talks about having a show that they took from him and gave to Zach Galifianakis.

Greg is here! And why not?

Greg is not touring. He had five gigs very close together so it felt like touring but he hasn’t done it since.

Is Oprah to blame for Greg? He agrees.

1h30m – Greg talks about almost writing a script for Ben Stiller about a transplant surgeon. He got to meet the head of transplant surgery.  “I’m a doctor. I cut!”

Greg was the last stand-up show Jimmy saw before the pandemic.

Round the horn!

Greg’s watch doesn’t work.

The Deep End!

The Girl In The Picture.

Bang Tango – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bang_Tango

1h40m – We make lives better!

Drive To Survive

My letter guess is Totino’s! Clearly, I’m wrong.

1h45m – Greg guessing on the rent on that new building. He guesses 3K.

1h50m – Eliot’s guess is Target.

Matt’s guess is Toyota!

The Camry is the big Toyota seller.

Greg guesses Toast’ems.


Lots of themes this episode!

We hear the fans!

2h – Jimmy’s five!

5) Tonka

4) Toshiba

3) Toyota

2) Tailor Made

1) Titalist

Greg fell in in Austrailia but he’s fine now! Everything’s good at the Behrendts!

Don’t Take Bullshit From Fuckers is Greg’s podcast!

2h5m – Pat Kelly produces Greg’s show and is a huge NNF fan.

Talking Glugs and Corn Doggin’

Trader Jo’s Art fucks!

We’re done! A Joy!

Thank you everyone!!!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole/Human Totino