25P – Popping and Stopping with CeCe Pleasants (Live)

CeCe Pleasants
Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello!
Jimmy tries some piano.
Jimmy had a major migraine and puked earlier.
The guys were grey! Jimmy and Matt both have grey sweaters on.
Eliot showed up on stage for some reason.
Fry’s is the new Radio Shack.
Jimmy wants it now!
Postmates vs Task Rabbit
Open Robe keeps the Jehovah away!
Paul Thomas Anderson – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000759/?ref_=fn_nm_nm_4
Paul WS Anderson – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0027271/?ref_=tt_ov_dr
10 – Ford V Ferrari talk.
Matt saw Frozen 2!
So did I!
Matt talks about Frozen and how he enjoyed it.
Talking A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood.
Back to Frozen 2.
15 – When will we see a live action Frozen? 25 years?
Bambi live action?! Jimmy wants to see a Disney Snuff film. Can you see that on youtube?!
20 – Legit question for rural Americans – How do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?
Jimmy took a lesson to play that piano intro but completely forgot what he was supposed to do.
Jimmy finally squeaks out a little Close To You on the Piano.
More pig talk!
25 – Will Ferrell talk!
Jimmy has seen the Donna Summer Musical.
Not a fan. Show sucks.
30 – Matt was bored. The ending is great though apparently.
35 – Too many album tracks in the musical.
it’s time for Oliver to go where no man has gone before: to a donna summer musical.
“Come on children.” – Jimmy to Oliver and friends.
40 – Eliot’s here! Hello! He’s in the booth!
Jimmy calls out Eliot for responding to the text Jimmy explicitly said not to respond to.
Eliot spins it around on Matt!
45 – Eliot’s P is Paul Williams
Our guest is here!
CeCe Pleasants!!
She also gets migraines. She and Jimmy talk about it.
Back on Vomiting!
50 – Pooping in public talk. Jimmy left someone’s house once to go to shit at a burger king.
George Michael musical? We can’t wait!
Jimmy talks about an upcoming Wham tribute show coming up at The Canyon Club.
CeCe is still at James Corden! Jimmy asks her what she does.
She loves working there and he is lovely.
Apparently, Oliver hates James Corden.
55 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Austin_Green
We all love Harry Styles. There is nothing not to like about him.
CeCe got a hug from him.
Matt doesn’t like Harry’s style.
King Pringle?!
“Once you pop you cannot stop! It’s scientific.” – CeCe
CeCe will not share her Pringles.
60 – Talking about CeCe’s Husband’s many fathers, including two named Bruce Edward. One of which fell off a telephone pole.
CeCe has a guest room. She doesn’t like to brag about it.
Jimmy explains Capool Karaoke.
1h5m – Matt just saw Yesterday and Corden appears in it. Mat wonders if CeCe was there while they shot that.
Everyone wants to see Cats!
IT’s all lies. Oliver doesn’t love Donna Summer or hate James Corden.
1h10m – Bolo tie talk!
Short jokes went too far. Lyle Lovett can’t carry Jimmy in a bjorn.
They actually drive in carpool karaoke?!
Thanksgiving is at CeCe’s house! We’re all invited.
1h15m – This is a very scatological episode of the show.
Matt attempts a British accent.
Matt wonders if CeCe is aware of the clip of her show on Taylor’s new album.
Matt double feature High School Musical and JoJo Rabbit.
Jimmy listened to Josh Groban and Iron Maiden back to back.
What’s Jimmy’s favorite Groban track?
CeCe confused Josh Groban for who she really doesn’t like, John Mayer.
1h20m – Karaoke talk! CeCe enjoys some Heartbreaker, Stand By Your Man. Matt will do some rap stuff. Getting Jiggy with It, Lose Yourself.
Addams Family Rap?!
Jeff Babko is here!
Never invited on stage to play piano.
Matt hates James Taylor but he is Jimmy Pardo style warming up to him maybe?
James Taylor is the woodshop of singers?
1h25m – Jimmy and Eliot’s appearance on Off Book is now available!
Jimmy Pardo and Eliot Hochberg in Four People Who Decided To Eat Food: The Musical
Invisalign talk!
My P is Peter Cetera!
1h30m – Bruce Edward is lucky to be alive. Moisture may have been responsible. He fell 30 feet and landed on his heel.
CeCe’s P is Peter Frampton!
Jimmy thinks Peter Frampton is underrated. He blames the attempt to make him into a sex symbol. He was
Matt’s P is Prince. The purple king!
CeCe apologizes to someone in the crowd for being too close.
Movies for Sevens!
We’re trying to get the audience to sing!
1h35m – Jimmy gives to CeCe Pleasants: ABSOLUTE ZERO (Movies)
MegHan. Kicked off the stage.
Jimmy’s five Paul Stookey, Peter Frampton, Peter Cetera, Paul Stanley,
Meghan’s back!
Babko! It’s Paul Young! No piano for you though!
Jimmy gives to Jeff Babko: 22 (80s Music)
Meghan’s back!
Jimmy gives to Meghan: 8 (Movies)
Thanks everyone!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth