2325 – Beating the Buzzer with Gary Gulman

Gary Gulman
In-Studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in! Season finale!
Presale is up! Sign up for the new seasons!
VIP gets a deck of NNF cards VIP+ gets you cards and poker chips!
Matt explains the Players Club!
Get a job, me!
Eliot’s making clips!
The guys were in Bloomington! Went great and the audiences were excellent. Thank you, Bloomington! Always the best crowds.
5 – Jimmy talks about physical therapy and not wanting to talk about what he does.
Jose loves NNF! Jimmy sets him a trap to see if he brings it up.
Talking telling people you have a podcast.
10 – Good wishes mid-west! Stay warm!
Jimmy’s car tips!
Working Naked Days – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/working-naked-day/
Eliot asks about stores of food in case it gets to cold.
15 – Jimmy recalls having to pump gas in -25 degree weather.
I’m fired over Rent.
We’re talking Rent Live!
30 – I’m seeing Hello Dolly tonight! Will I enjoy it?
Union vs Non-Union shows.
40 – Greg Gulman is here!!
Talking Jussie Smollet incident and Kevin Hart’s reaction.
Gary talks about his upcoming tour and why he’s dressed down. He left his comedy notebook on the plane!
45 – Gary walks us through his notebook. He lost it on a delta airline flight from JFK.
Jimmy praises Gary’s writing tips on twitter.
50 – https://twitter.com/GaryGulman
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Talking GG Allin – http://www.ladbible.com/now/weird-gg-allin-the-man-shat-himself-on-stage-and-smeared-it-on-his-face-20170213
Jimmy talks about Gary being great and deserving to be on the best comedians list.
Talking best comedians!
Jimmy is #17 on a list of best comedians. On JimmyPardo.com?
55 – talking astrology – https://www.astrologyonline.eu/Graphic/Learning_Astrology/Zodiac_Signs_cancer_leo_virgo.asp
Gary loves Eliot!
Round the horn!
60 – Dojo means ass now!
Jimmy saw the Elton John show. It was terrific!
Gary wonders about mocking the speech impediment with Benny and the Jets.
Celebrity sighting at the Elton John show!
I got it! Lady Gaga!
Her fiancé is Christian Carino.
1h5m – Lady Gaga is 32.
Gary talks about trying to do Laugh Factory.
1h10m – Gary takes down Bob Saget.
More celeb sighting!
1h15m – Jerry O’Connel! Jimmy got it!
Boyz in the Hood is the black Stand By Me apparently?
Gary is allowed to use the words he’s using.
Talking Cobra Kai! Everyone loves it.
Eliot’s here, okay, and has a dr appt today.
Back on Saget! Jimmy talks about his joke on the roast that Bob Saget was part of.
1h25m – TShirt bet update! The Lazy Queen is in the lead again!
Jimmy tells Gary about Chris Elliot coming on!
1h30m – Talking sensitive audiences.
Jimmy and Gary talk about Comedy Classes.
Eliot thinks Jennifer Lewis is the bee. Jimmy offers $100 if he is right.
1h35m – Tiffani Amber Theisen “stirred things up” on 90210.
1h40m – Gary talks about Melrose Place and Madonna being to racy.
Fierro chat!
Talking ‘85 Jimmy Pardo.
Jimmy talks about his Prince T-shirt scheme and getting arrested for it. They thought he was embroiled with Big Johnny, a bootlegger in Chicago.
Quick break!
We’re back!
Gary’s on Conan tomorrow.
1h50m – Gary talks about his upcoming tour. The Great Depresh!
He sells out most of the shows.
Talking Matt Donaher!
Jimmy gives to Gary Gulman: 17 (Basketball – First Time In Category)
Matt gives to Gary Gulman: 18 (Basketball)
2h – We’re done! Gary interrupts Jimmy wrapping up with very kind words so Jimmy can’t be mad at him.
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth