2221 – Reading the Room with Nell Scovell

Nell Scovell
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
Just the Funny Parts
00 – Welcome in!
Get a job!
Talking generational music and holding on to the styles of decades past.
Talking 50s.
Jimmy explains calling his ass Charlie. “it sneaks up on you.”
05 – Talking smokes!
Jimmy’s got a high pit shirt.
10 – Jimmy saw On Your Feet! Oliver went along.
Great seats courtesy of me! Fun show! Phenomenal dancing! Great audio!
Famous people celebrity sightings abound!
Gloria and Emilio were there! She gave a nice speech.
Overzealous theater guy!
15 – Stevie Wonder! Ricky Martin! Manny from Modern Family! Rita Moreno! Tom Arnold! Diane Warren
World Cup Songs
30 – Talking The First Purge.
Oliver loved the show!
One more celebrity to guess.
Michael Bolton!
35 – Bat Out Of Hell The Musical! Coming soon?!
45 – Playing Games Live Wednesday at Comic Con! 5PM! Team CoCo house!
Nell Scovell is supposed to be our guest! She wrote a great book!
50 – We’ve got mail!
For the NNF kids!
Ice cream passports!
55 – Nell Scovell is here!
Jimmy repeats what he said about her book.
Nell is friends with Albert Brooks!
Dirty Carson is here!
60 – Nell got Doxxed on twitter by someone because of her trump tweets.
We’ll be back!
2221! We’re back!
She wrote on Sabrina, Letterman, Newhart!
She talks about being afraid of Bob Newhart, despite being the nicest man on the planet.
1h5m – Talking funny women!
Jimmy talks about Oliver’s Bojack Kojack mashup.
1h10m – Jimmy told Sarah Palin that he voted for her.
Talking Dog Pile
More talk about funny women.
1h15m – Three Stooges talk!
“No one wanted to fuck cid sherise!”
Marx Brothers talk.
Grindr talk! And Grinders.
1h20m – Trump talk.
Ant Man and the Wasp Talk. Eliot saw it. Has flaws.
Jimmy not liking his shirt!
Water issues at the Familiare.
1h30m – Talking Ancestry and Nell’s kids.
Talking Penn Jillette and when Jimmy met him for the first time after a major bomb.
1h35m – Tommy Smothers talk!
Spiders and Snakes artist talk. We don’t give his name now because of Nell’s experience with him.
Jimmy said his name!
Garry Shandling bought Nell’s first script and told her she wrote like a guy.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
1h40m – talking MST3k. Nell wrote on the new one with Jonah.
Nell’s bi-coastal.
Nell’s husband is hot apparently. She’s looking for a picture.
Ferris Wheel talk!
1h45m – WC Fields: Bill Fields?!
1h50m – https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=WC+Fields
Gene Wilder talk!
1h55m – Love Story – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066011/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_1
Jimmy resets while we wait for Conan to respond.
What’s Nell doing today? Writing!
Sasha Baron Cohen clip: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8679236/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_3
Jimmy Pardo gives to Nell Scovell: 13 (70s Music)
Jimmy Pardo gives to Nell Scovell: 10 (80s Music)
Matt Belknap gives to Nell Scovell (or all of us): 10 (Movies – Comedy)
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth