22R – Making the Call with Jimmy and the boys
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – HELLO! Slap happy episode. Jimmy explains what happened this morning. Jimmy had to go to the ER. It’s not life threatening. Also no sleep.
We’re unpacking a lot with Eliot today.
05 – Talking Eliot’s phone.
Jimmy lucked out through his ER trip. Very little waiting.
My tum tum – Jimmy
ER talk.
Clooney – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000123/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm
10 – Eliot saw Ready Player One.
15 – Keyboard on phones talk.
Attractive lady doc for Jimmy today.
20 – Matt snatched a pair of reading glasses.
Possible Doc Brown actors.
Back to the mail!
30 – It’s a Chicago IX clock!
We’re gonna guess how many UNIQUE guests.
828 episodes!
Garon: 319
Eliot: 346
Matt: 365
Jimmy: 296
Was Matt Besser on the first live show? Matt says no Jimmy says yes. Side Bet.
336! Eliot wins and so does Matt!
55 – California Typewriter – http://californiatypewritermovie.com/

“C’mon Darryl!” -Garon. “Bad note taking Darryl.” -Jimmy.
Movie talk. Jimmy saw Adrift.
My R word is Rachel Bloom!
Talking NPH tweet about Rachel.
1h5m – Phone in the theater talk.
Earthquake malarkey is over!
Rent and bubble talk.
1h10m – Eliot’s R is Raquel Welch.
Matt’s R is Rachel Brosnahan.
1h15m – Jimmy’s R word is……….Rita Moreno!
Jimmy enjoys One Day At A Time.
1h20m – Nashville talk! The guys aren’t enjoying the latest episodes.
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth