Episode 240 – The 100th Episode
The latest addition to the Never Not Notes canon is the live 100th episode. Recorded at the vast and sprawling Never Not Funny complex, this episode features an audience of about 30 people, including my close personal friend Jennifer Pelkey.*
This was the last of the free episodes, so it includes all you need to know about how to sign up for the Primo. So now you have no excuses. Pat Francis is the only guest, but Jimmy opens the floor to questions from the audience! A rare occurrence, as he generally regards the audience as the enemy. Enjoy the notes, and check back for the return of the Former Third Baseman, which I hope to complete before the next episode, uh, – what do they call it? – comes out – no – oh yeah… drops! That’s it.
*Pelkey is my facebook friend, which may or may not count as “close personal” but she’s a pretty cool lady.