3316 – Raising calves with Lennon Parham

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

IG: @LennonParham


00 Hello!  12/11/23!

123123 coming right up!

Matt loves Feist!

Eliot was a little tardy!

Jimmy and Oliver went to thousand oaks to see the Cher Show touring company. Nothing but Joy!


Jimmy talks about a moment that he got really choked up.


Cher talk and Jimmy’s seats at the musical!

Chercago?! Cher fronting Chicago? Matt might be onto something.

15 – Barnaby Jones!


Family get together over the weekend! Lotta Latkes Event.

Jimmy talks about his anxieties of having people over. He found it to be terrific!

Eliot checked in on Jimmy during the party to make sure he was handling it all.

Too many leftovers!

Factor’s Deli – https://www.factorsdeli.com/ – Delicious!!

20 – Talking the White Elephant fun!

Rachel brought donuts and lemon squares!

25 – We’re gonna do a white elephant on the air on Boxing Day!

30 – Talking parties in the old days. Italian world and divorced parents world.

Charlie’s soccer update! They made it to the championship game! But then got destroyed.

More tournies coming up to finish the year.

Matt talks about Zoe’s several shows over the weekend.

40 – We’ll be right back!

We’re back!

Lennon was last here on episode 1419 – https://nevernotdb.com/episode-1419-jessica-st-clair-and-lennon-parham

Jimmy’s run into Lennon twice in recent years. UCB and then with her family at LAX.

45 – Sayria and Kai!

Lennon’s daughter is hugely into musical theater and started her own broadway club at school! Her son, Kai, is heavy into Ninja Warrior! Great calves!

Her dad raised a calf in 4H.

50 – Jimmy talks Eggs. He hates them!

The best time would be around six months when the body is better able to digest solid food and the immune system is more matured. A large percentage of humans become lactose intolerant by age five and over 50 % of humans are lactose intolerant by age 50.


Aaron Burr!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLSsswr6z9Y

55 – Where’s the Beef? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug75diEyiA0


Lennon’s Bagelful commercial – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjb_A8A6F3I

60 – Talking commercial’s with famous people.

Janine Turner – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005508/?ref_=tt_cl_t_2

Northern Exposure – A Kodiak Moment – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0662316/

Chris Grace got Jimmy the entire James at 15 series on DVD!

1h5m – Jimmy doesn’t like a can on the air.

Soda talk.

Lennon and her husband went to the Opera!


1h10m – Obvious trivia!

SNL talk! Jimmy and Matt have conflicting feelings about it. The exact opposite of last week.

1h15m – Matt and Jimmy both enjoyed the Nate Bargatze episode!

1h20m – Jimmy talks singing and Eliot explains singing and confidence being part of it and jimmy having a good ear.


1h25m – This Christmas – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhKVSZsRxQM

Lennon loves to sing!


1h30m – Cher doing West Side Story – https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=824554997927555

Trivia time and round the horn coming up!

We’ll be right back!

We’re back!

1h35m – Dexter update

Movies and Gene Hackman!

1h45m – Eliot!

His fiat’s been in the shop for a week!

Trivia results below!

1h50m – Matt talks about being proud of Charlie for his sportsmanship even after the loss.

1h55m –

Trivia Results:

Category: Holiday Songs

Question: What Christmas song originally published in the 17th century was just a poem until it was set to music in the 20th century by composer Frederic Austin.

Garon: O Tanenbaum (17 pts)

Eliot: Silver Bells (4 pts)

Matt: Silent Night (23 pts)

Lennon: Good King Wen (21 pts)

Jimmy: The Christmas Song (22 pts)

Answer: The 12 Days of Christmas!

No winner!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole