3211 – Telling tales out of school with Paul F. Tompkins
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 3211 – Paul F. Tompkins (Livestream)
00 – Welcome in!
New stuff!
Jimmy’s all caught up on HTS!
Matt was on a recent episode.
Ron Howard! We almost got him for PCAT.
Jimmy talks about the charity golf outing for Oliver’s former school. He talks about the raffles.
Jimmy, Mike Siegel, Gary Brightwell, and Paul Gilmartin. They had a blast!
Brian Regan opening for Ray Romano. He was nervous about it but he killed.
Jimmy talks about his text message under the influence of his presurgery meds.
10 – Talking Signal and iMessages. Memoji!
Interesting! – Eliot
15 – Tucker taking his show to Twitter!
20 – Trump found liable!
Howard Dean talk. Eliot blames the mixer.
25 – Talking Hilary Clinton and Pokemon Go To The Polls!
Talking about Eliot’s outfit.
He’s in the NNF Socks though!
John Ross Bowie was on HTS! Terrific storyteller.
30 – Paul F. Tompkins is here!
Apple said he could come right on!
He loves the fashion square.
Apparently Patsy’s pizza is awful.
35 – Paul likes Eliot’s outfit!
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
40 – We gotta do right by the bees! We need them on our side.
Johnny Naked Ears!
Eliot glid.
Bees! Paul talks his 2 stings.
Attention Must Be Paid! Jimmy’s one man show that Paul did remember the name of.
45 – Jimmy talks about his one man show.
We’re lousy with globes in the studio!
Paul knows all about Jimmy’s one man show apparently.
50 – Jimmy not a boxing fan but loves boxing movies. Paul doesn’t like either.
The ROCKY statue was finally returned to the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2006 with the help and foresight of James (Jimmy) Binns and thousands of Philadelphians. This iconic statue now stands on a grassy knoll adjacent to the famous steps leading to the museum, where visitors from around the globe enjoy it today.
55 – Jimmy has a story from being a kid watching Tattletales and being late for play practice.
Talking supportive teachers!
60 – Paul has never been to a class reunion.
Jimmy and Paul discuss reasons to go or not go to a reunion.
1h5m – Paul gives us an example of a speech he may give on a set when he is wrapped.
Vanderbilt Pumps!
Pills and supplements!
1h10m – Thyroidologists are endocrinologists who specifically study, diagnose, manage and treat the thyroid gland.
The Flash! Who wants him?
Strike talk. Neutral gates explanation from Paul.
AI talk!
1h20m – Star Wars talk!
Paul started with Episode 4.
What kind of job are you doing in Summer of 69!
1h25m – Abe Lincoln and Star Wars?
Hats are not lies!
1h30m – Paul talks about his haircut!
Paul was wonderful on HTS!
Tighten em up!
1h40m – Paul’s AP History teacher came to his last philly show.
We have Oliver on the line to read us the trivia question!
Mark Russell – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Russell
He passed on 3/30/2023.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Paul played some Mark Russell during the break.
Full trivia results below!
1h50m – Jimmy is starting to say brother unironically.
1h55m – Jimmy and Paul talk about their shared dislike of the middle bread in a big mac and how they both had talked about it on a podcast.
We’re done!
Trivia Results:
Category: Money Money Money!
Question: What famous concept of organization, investments, and the buying and selling of equity officially started on may 17, 1792 when 24 businessmen and investments signed the buttonwood agreement.
Garon: New York Stock Exchange (8 pts)
Eliot: Federal Reserve Bank (21 pts)
Matt: Stock Market (7 pts)
Paul: New York Stock Exchange (24 pts)
Jimmy: FDIC ( pts)
Answer: The Stock Market!
My pleasure,
Garon/The E-Tern/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole