3109 – Getting what you want with Jade Catta-Preta
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 3109! Hello!
We’re here recording on a Monday and you’re listening to it on whatever day.
Philip Glass talk!
Let’s get that pumpkin filled!
Eliot coined a new nickname for Matt. Old Smoke! Jimmy’s in, Matt’s out.
Check out Reddit and facebook group for gift subs during SubtoberFest!
When that 70% turns to 69% the streets will be full of celebrations!
The Albatross! (Garon)
Zoe loves Top Gun now!
10 – Rick Rossovich – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001685/?ref_=tt_cl_t_3
80s themed Octoberfest?
Jimmy apologizes for canceling the Cincinnati show due to his recovery.
Weather! Jimmy’s heading back to Cincinnati in February!
Chili talk!
20 – More Skyline talk.
Jimmy talks about his soda consumption.
Celebrity Jeopardy!
Halloween Ends talk but first jimmy has to recover from the Bob Stroud situation.
35 – We’ll be back with Jade Catta-Preta!
We’re back!
Jade talks about her name!
Jimmy went to Ross today to get a microfiber cloth to get rid of streaks on his windshield.
Jade appreciates Eliot’s mustache and thinks he is Mexican.
“Almost ethnic”
40 – Eliot’s coke commercial – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDJV9OqjWC4
Jade misses her accent. She worked hard to get rid of it.
She talks about coming here in 2008 and starting stand-up.
Talking acting classes
45 – Jimmy tries to guess where Jade first moved to. He was wrong. It was Hollywood, he guessed North Hollywood.
Talking about what the characters make on Hollywood blvd.
Jade’s special is called Jaded! Check it out on YouTube.
50 – Paulie Shore talk!
Jimmy’s #1 room will remain a secret so as to protect people’s feelings!
Talking comedy in Hawaii.
Jade is 38!
55 – The musical version of her comedy special is coming to Moment.Co for two weeks only!
Jade is gonna give us a taste of A Capella.
Round the horn!
60 –
Category: Spooky Cinema
Question: What was the first movie to ever win the Oscar for best makeup? Hint the category was released in 1981.
1h5m – Jade shares her family’s names.
1h10m – Jade talks about the haunts she’s gone and how scary it was, also she was on mushrooms.
Jade did musicals in musicals! She played Lola in Damn Yankees!
She was also in Rocky Horror, Bat Boy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_Boy:_The_Musical),
1h15m – Jimmy was a funny kid!
Jade also went to Emerson!
1h20m – Emerson slogan – Gay By May?
Talking about heckling.
Jade wants her own Flight of the Conchords show.
1h25m – Steve Agee is a movie star!
We’re gonna take a break now!
Jade had open heart surgery as a baby! She showed off the scar.
Jade asks about PCAT.
We’ll be right back!
1h30m – We’re back!
Giada talk.
We teased it! It’s Halloween Ends talk!
Watch Hotties on Hulu.
1h35m – We learn about Hotties.
Jade talks about the comments she gets under her comedy.
My answer is The Shining.
Eliot guesses Poltergeist.
Matt and Jimmy guess American Werewolf in London
Jade talks trying to get a house!
1h45m – She talks about her boyfriend who she met because she made fun of him on The Soup. She talks about hosting the show and the difficulties of doing it during covid.
1h50m –
Trivia Results:
Category: Spooky Cinema
Question: What was the first movie to ever win the Oscar for best makeup? Hint the category was released in 1981.
Garon: The Shining (24 pts)
Eliot: Poltergeist (10 pts)
Matt: American Werewolf in London (16 pts)
Jade: Labyrinth (8 pts)
Jimmy: American Werewolf In London (25 pts)
The answer is An American Werewolf In London
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole