2508 – Eating it with Rhett & Link

Rhett & Link
Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in to the award winning podcast Never Not Funny!
Jimmy got some gasoline today.
Gas cracked $5 in Culver City.
What’s a trapezoid?
Jimmy’s going backwards. Jimmy talks lunch with Ellis Paul and seeing his all-ages show. Oliver was worried it was just for little kids. The kids showing up were all super young.
It was a super young show.
10 – Jimmy talks about the song Ellis created on the spot. Oliver and Jimmy shared a big laugh after the show thinking ellis was gonna sing a song for a kid to kiss his ass.
Jimmy and fam went to see Paula Poundstone this weekend as well. She goes straight through for 90 minutes. No opening.
15 – Matt talks about the comedians he’s seen live growing up.
20 – Jimmy hit his elbow really hard.
Eliot talks about his biking and his worries about mass transit.
25 – Matt talks about his weekend and Charlie’s soccer game.
Talking a Pitch Back and Jimmy buying one in his 30s.
30 – Talking Catchers. The tools of ignorance.
Old time catching equipment.
The guys talk getting hit by a baseball.
We’re gonna experiment!
Matt unscathed!
No time for the mail today!
Matt’s hand is starting to hurt.
I got a photoshop picture and $3 for my birthday!
Thanks Bob!
Eliot’s got major car issues.
40 – Rhett and Link are here!
Car talk. Eliot doesn’t wanna get a new car.
45 – The compound!
Jimmy fills Rhett and Link in on the baseball experiment.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Rhett and Link have a novel coming out?!
October 29 The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek.
Lots of book talk.
55 – Talking goat testicles.
Rhett and Link have tried a lot of testicles.
60 – Talking car stuff on youtube.
Talking Mr. Beast – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MrBeast
I might have to sue Mrbeast.
Masked singer talk. It’s unwatchable.
Link got a new car! He got an E-Audi. He wants to drive in the HOV lane.
1h10m – Link’s wife was pulled over for having a dog in her lap.
Talking dogs. Link is a dog guy now.
1h15m – Jimmy wishes he could have a dog. Jimmy wants a cat more than a cat.
Jimmy talks about discovering he is allergic to bananas on a plane. He tested it out on the return flight too.
AMPM Mascot – https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/aadp3t/psbattle_the_mascot_of_ampm/
1h20m – Talking Marshmellow. WHO IS HE?!
Talking Masked DJs.
1h25m – Link has an electric Rhett has a hybrid coming.
Jimmy asks Rhett and Link to guess the amount gas cost today.
It’s ALSO a gas station!
1h30m – Talking ball burgers.
1h35m – Get Jimmy on Food Fears?
Doc Talk!
Rhett and Link talk about Country Music doc from Ken Burns and how the first country music stations was a guy who put goat testicles in human men.
We’ll be right back with sevens!
We’re back!
Check out Ear Biscuits and the book!
It’s time for sevens!
The category is…food?! Not allowed but we are doing it anyway!
Rhett gives to Link: 10 (Food)
Matt Belknap gives to Jimmy Pardo: 12 (Food)
1h40m – NNF wins!
Thanks guys!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth