1511 – Making Pictures with Doug Benson

Doug Benson, watching a movie out of the corner of his eye
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome to 1511! Jimmy thought it was 1517. Jimmy was made to feel bad.
Jimmy just got back from Peoria! Lots of great fans came out including Jim Glass and family!
Jimmy and Matt talk Guns and Roses.
Jimmy bought some CDs/Albums from Co-Op Records!
Matt calls out Jimmy for not remembering the last names of the guys that opened for him.
Jimmy thought Aretha Franklin’s version of Rolling In The Deep was just fine. Unnecessary but fine.
Enough of Tony Bennett!
05 – Jimmy talks about white fan Lyle’s shirt with the wrong name of his town on it still a great shirt though!
Lots of great fans came out to multiple shows! Good times! Great comics out of Chicago came down to open for him too.
Halloween costume shopping last year. This year he is going as Oliver Wood from Harry Potter.
Jimmy is not going to dress up this year.
10 – Spider chat! Eliot has a spider in his equipment.
6k spiders in a house. For real: another link.
Jimmy talks about the huge spider he saw.
P90X chat and diet/work out fat chat. Apparently p90x people get a little crazy.
“Go do another crunch fuck fuck.” – Jimmy
15 – Good Charlotte chat.
20 – Jimmy talks about parking at the airport and having it washed. The guy moved the seat back and up. No memory button in the Prius so he’s still trying to get it right.
Fan Lyle has a beautiful wife!
Eliot gets the longest death stare from Jimmy. Interrupted by Jimmys phone.
Eliot says “True ‘Dat.”
Eliot is also wearing a Chuck shirt.
Matt doesn’t watch Walking Dead or Big Bang Theory.
25 – Doug Benson is here!
Jimmy would get a buffalo chicken roller if that 7/11 was just a bit closer. Jimmy likes a hot dog that’s on the roller just a tad too long.
Taking a break!
Doug Benson is here!
We’re back! 1511 1511 1511!
No more vaguebooking?
Steven Spielberg Director’s Collection!
30 – Eliot gives a shout out to Asher Volmer. Congrats to Asher on your game selection and tolerating a conversation with Eliot.
The guys talk blockbuster and video stores.
Doug talks about how violent Walking Dead has gotten.
35 – Town of the Living Dead is the show Jimmy was talking about
Comic Book Men chat. Jimmy wonders if it is based on Clerks. Jimmy has questions about it.
The panel talks getting impatient with people in lines. IE lotto buyers at 7/11. Bag checkers at the airport.
40 – bad airports and flight delays. Jimmy wonders how a drizzle can delay a flight in Chicago.
Jimmy’s got a show shoe and a casual shoe for trips.
I go earphone commando.
Doug wonders how many people died from real problems in the US while the media and country was freaking out over one person dying from ebola.
45 – Doug talks about flying to vegas the weekend after 9/11 and seeing a lounge singer who performed You Dropped a Bomb on Me. No one seemed to care.
Pop Muzik is by M (Pop Muzik was also the song U2 played over the PA during the Pop Mart tour as they made their way to the stage across the stadium floor, heavyweight-boxer-style.
50 – Doug has been to both London and france and he has seen things in both places.
Opie Radio with Opie with Jim Norton
Doug talks about hearing Tara Reid on the opie show.
Sharknado 3 is coming next summer
Mad Dog is here!
Redskin and Chiefs team name discussion. Also Braves, Indians.
55 – Doug talks about his favorite movie insult from Blazing Saddles : You Kansas City Fa**ot!
Jimmy, Danielle, and Oliver were quoting Young Frankenstein last night.
PotterWookie is the book Jimmy was thinking of.
The guys try to figure out one letterband names
60 – Jimmy talks about meeting a 4-year old kid named Dexter on the flight. Jimmy loved this kid.
True or False – Lady in front of Jimmy listening to Marc Maron’s podcast. True.
65 – Apparently kid
The guys wonder if Ellen regrets dancing on the show. Doug thinks a great April Fools Episode of Ellen would be her saying she isn’t dancing anymore.
Doug talks about Ellen off camera. “She definitely has a type. Cute blonde girls.”
Taking a break! We’ll be right back!
70 – We’re back! Columbus Day!
Not a school day off here in CA. No Post Office, no Banks today.
The guys talk food on an airplane.
Apparently, airplanes make doug and graham elwood gassy.
75 – Doug talks dangers of reclined seats in airplanes. Doug hates announcements on planes.
They played Dawn of the Planet of the Apes on Jimmy’s flight.
Weezer’s new album is called Everything Will be Alright In The End.
The guys talk wrong emphasis on words.
80 – We all heard matt’s Burning Man/Bernie Mac joke. The guys talk Bernie Mac comedy, show, and acting.
Jimmy enjoys Amazon. DRONE.
85 – Movie chat! Doug saw Gone Girl. Matt reminds us he didn’t like it. The guys talk about the film some more.
90 – The panel moves on to Chef.
They play Taboo in Four Christmases
We play name Spielberg movies.
95 – Jimmy out first!
Doug’s favorite musical: Producers, book of morman,
Jimmy talks about a conan sketch about warhorse music.
100 – Doug saw 4 shows in NYC. This is Our Youth
The guys talk August: Osage County and it’s weird casting and the Jersey Boys musical vs the movie.
He also saw Beautiful the Carole King musical, Cabaret with Michelle Williams.
Songs you didn’t know Carole King wrote
105 – Jimmy sings us some Carole King. Doug also saw It’s Only a Play.
110 – We’re back to the Spielberg game! Jimmy’s back in! No hes out and blaming jetleg.
It came down to Me v Doug! I lost. Doug wins!
Doug talks about Hook.
Jimmy thinks the Goonies are Good Enough.
Marisa Tomei won at the 65th Academy Awards
120 – Jimmy sings a song the politics of dancing, the politics of having fun. It was Reflex!
Matt talks about 4th and Loud.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper