15G – Marching to the Beat with Jackie Kashian

Jackie Kashian
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! Indeed welcome to the Players Club. Matt was correct on the Palm Frond darkening our door. Jimmy’s gonna send him a jib-jab. Jimmy’s paying for Jib-Jab just for the joke.
15 G G as in………I guess we’re waiting.
Jimmy is posing a challenge to Eliot! He doesn’t think he can do it though.
Facebook related. Jimmy wants Eliot to go from 9/18 – 10/18 with NO posting comments on Non Political posts. Jimmy will give him $500! $100 to not post on Jimmy’s. Jimmy further clarifies the challenge.
05 – Matt okay with getting a free U2 album.
Grab a nap Bono! Let Clooney handle the one organization for an hour. We discuss whether Bono is a fraud or not. Does it matter? He’s gone plenty of great things.
The Cooler is back in action guys.
10 – No posts for one month Eliot! Can he do it? He can post anything or like anything but NO Comments on other non political posts.
Heads are gonna roll around here!!
Jimmy actually enjoys Eliot’s political posts because he is middle, which is why he is allowing the posts.
15 – Plenty of details of this challenge between Jimmy and Eliot.
For ONE MONTH Eliot can not respond to any non political.
20 – We talk SNL cast-members and my controversial assertion that Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader are two of the most talented cast-members to come out of SNL since original cast. Matt thinks I’m crazy.
25 – We’re back to the Eliot Challenge. Eliot’s gonna go full boat! No comments at all! Except for questions on the NNF groups or his game group.
Jackie Kashian is our guest! Sit right there comfortably. She has a teacher’s autograph, Mike Leckrone.
30 – Let’s all take a deep breath here and remember whose name is on the show. Never Not Funny: The JIMMY PARDO podcast. Play games, get hurt.
Wake Me Up Before You Indie-Go-Go.
George Michael chat. And Hugh Grant chat. And more George Michael chat. Lotta ladies and gays at the George Michael show. Wives dragging husbands and some husbands (Jimmy) dragging wives.
35 – Jackie talks about her Mike Leckrone hat. She played Clarinet and Trumpet.
We’ll be back!!
Welcome back the door is closed.
Jimmy went to the restroom. Jimmy has a serious issue to talk to Matt about. The woman who yelled at us talking normally and its too loud. Jimmy unsure how we haven’t been tossed out by now.
Matt gets True or Falsed.
Paul Simon chat.
I’m here and doing great! 15 Graceland is my guess.
40 – The postman rings twice. ALWAYS.
True or False: Jimmy hates Graceland
Jackie wants a Daddy’s Dojo T-shirt.
I stifle a sneeze. Eliot not a fan of being compared to a sneeze.
Hello Eliot! Modestgames.com
Eliot goes 15 Garon!
Matt goes 15 Glug! Good one. Book end that word with a couple of Gs.
45 – Our guest, host of Dork Forest (http://tdf.libsyn.com/) , Jackie Kashian! Recent topic: Pre Haye’s code Shirley Temple Films. Upcoming episode featuring Brian Regan and Line Etiquette.
Jackie had never seen Brian Regan do stand up prior to opening for him on a tour. Apparently everyone is on board with Brian Regan from profane to Christian. He’s a top five comedian.
50 – They recorded the Dork Forest episode on the tour bus! Jimmy was a guest on Dork Forest very early on. Jackie wants him back. Jimmy might not be a fan of a Japanese sneaker but he does love an Asian backpack. He talks about it.
Jackie can tell the difference between Asian people. “Trot ‘em out!” – Jackie. She goes on guessing Jimmy and Matt’s heritages. Sort of guesses right.
55 – She talks about doing a Dirty show with Bobby Slayton, Ari Shaffir, and her.
Jackie is allowed to say no.
Jackie’s G word is Gallop! David Huntsberger likes to smell horse faces. Apparently he is a cowboy! Some club owner said to Jackie, “You’re a carnie aren’t you, Jackie?” She answered, “No I am not circus people.”
60 – Jackie talks about influences Jimmy had on her. Like calling Lankershim, “The Shim.”
Jimmy true or falses Jackie about leaving early from her wedding. Jackie’s husband had a wizard beard and an iguana when she met him. Danielle said that was two deal breakers.
Jimmy unsure how Eliot has not come in here on a murder spree. Jackie not technological advanced enough to get images on her phone. She has a burner and her passport in case she needs to disappear or get off the grid.
65 – Jackie asks if anyone has been to a Pow Wow. Panel talks indian influence.
Jackie tells her favorite story about driving with her husband to a casino and lamenting on the lack of Native American restaurants.
Jackie got married 10/2006. Jimmy guesses 2007. So close! Jackie talks about her brother who prevented her from being in the marching band.
70 – Jackie and Jimmy dispute Danielle’s appearance at her Bachelorette Party. Jackie did not remember that Danielle did not go to the Barry Manilow concert.
Jackie explains some N.A. foods and why no N.A. restaurants.
All comedy makes Jackie change and grow. Nobody owns a room like Jimmy Pardo according to Jackie. You’re goddamn right! – Jimmy.
75 – George Michael
We talk recent album purchases.
Music and Lyrics based on Hall and Oates?
90 – On 27 June 1995, Grant was arrested in a Los Angeles, California, police vice operation not far from Sunset Boulevard for misdemeanour lewd conduct in a public place with Hollywood prostitute Divine Brown.[109] He pleaded no contest and was fined $1,180, placed on two years’ summary probation, and was ordered to complete an AIDS education program by Robert J. Sandoval.[110][111]
Wolfgang Puck is Jimmy’s least favorite chef. Matt does his Wolfgang!
More True Falsing from Jimmy! Did Jimmy watch doumentaries all day on 9/11

Urban Outfitters’ totally classy sweatshirt
Matt wants some puns from Jackie.
Everyone wants Sitting Red Bull.
Urban Outfitters terrible Kent State sweatshirt
95 – Doc Talk! Laurie Kilmartin is tweeting about The Roosevelts wonderfully according to Jimmy. Apparently Teddy Roosevelt was a homicidal maniac thirsty for blood.
Are we all gonna end up on Dork Forest?!
Jackie calls me Garvin. I enjoy that.
100 – It has come to Jimmy’s attention that Colonel Sanders used to visit KFC locations in the 70s! Eliot found a commercial where the colonel was at a Chicago KFC.
Ellis Paul’s new album is available now on iTunes!
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper