33I – Trimming the hedges with Andy Daly
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
– Podcasts: http://Patreon.com/AndyDaly – Twarts™: http://andydaly.com – Review Complete Series DVD: http://amazon.com/dp/B084Z4JQF4/… – Comedy albums: http://astrecords.com/pages
00 Hello live stream and normal stream!
Joel Stein’s article on Hollywood Reporter!
Jimmy talks about Adam Carolla and the comedy camp.
Joel may or may not be back on the show soon!
Matt recalls driving off a small cliff in his “quad.”
10 – Neighbors blasting some music next door! Revenge?
Matt finishes his story. He still isn’t sure how it happened.
15 – Jimmy wonders what Matt’s fam thought about him seeing Taylor’s movie twice.
Taylor is the Pickleball of music right now.
Matt talks about recommending music.
Jimmy is a lyric guy!
20 – Talking about loud music on a motorcycle.
A motorcycle’s engine is open to the atmosphere and air. Nothing is shielding the sound coming from the engine pistons going up and down inside the bike’s engine. Thousands of mini-explosions happen every minute inside motorcycle engines, which can get extremely loud. https://www.barrelexhaust.com/en-us/blogs/blogs/here-are-the-reason-why-bikers-are-obsessed-with-loud-exhausts#:~:text=Open%20engine%20design%20%2D,which%20can%20get%20extremely%20loud.
Matt’s garage is apparently a studio. We won’t be recording there.
25 – Matt thinks GM should make an electric Fiero.
It’s chart time!!
35 – Andy Daly is here!
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Someone tried to call now we’re all in trouble.
Back to the 1988 charts!
Andy will never eat a fried chicken sandwich.
Mendicino Farms is officially a chain. Thankfully within Andy’s 60 or under rule.
Matt on the board with 2!
Everyone gets a point except me.
Andy Taylor & Robert Plant – Stairway to Heaven (October 2023)
Robert Plant’s podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/digging-deep-with-robert-plant/id1459017391
60 – We did well on 1988!
We hear some Glenn Frye songs.
Andy talks Bonanas for Bonanza!
1h5m – Talking using phones in schools.
The parents & kids are touring colleges!
Talking the talking head shows from E and VH1.
1h10m – Jimmy talks about the hate mail he got from his Frank Sinatra joke on the SNL talking head show.
1h15m – Jimmy talks about Prevagen and that it might be working?
Talking Andy’s gardener and having to follow up and do a lot of stuff himself after they leave.
Andy’s got a new hobby/obsession. He’s got attic rats and he’s watching them on motion cameras.
1h20m – Jimmy talks about the regular bug guy that maintains his house.
Talking doctor visits and car shop visits.
Spiffs! Sales SPIFF. SPIFF (Sales Performance Incentive Fund) is a short-term reward that sales reps receive for meeting their assigned goals and objectives within a specific time frame. Since SPIFF is an immediate bonus, it motivates sales reps to achieve optimum performance while working on their goals and objectives.
Yoko Ono’s lost daughter – https://news.amomama.com/252609-yoko-onos-lost-daughter.html
1h30m – Talking Halloween costumes and trick or treating!
Jimmy’s neighbors went all out for Halloween after not doing anything at all for the last 15 years.
Matt talks about his street’s Halloween shenanigans.
1h40m – Letter game time!
Matt’s guess is Ice T
Jimmy says Ian McKellen
I’ve watched 24 movies so far!
Killers of the Flower Moon talk.
Gladstones is closing. The guys talk about last trips.
Andy’s parents loved Pop Cultured!
Garon says Idris Elba
Eliot’s needing a tenant to move car spaces and she’s giving some “polite pushback.”
Eliot says Igmar Bergman
Andy says Ice Cube
1h50m – Phone calls!
Joey first in!
Joey brought the guys white castle talk.
Bye Joey!
HI Anne Hunter! She tells us about GiftNNF.com!
Bye Anne!
Hi James!
Jimmy tells a story about Oliver bombing three jokes and jimmy showing him 3 fingers “3 for 3”. Oliver called him an asshole and cracked himself up.
2h – Thanks James!
Bonanza bloopers – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0Yso9Vwh_A
Hi Brian Salvatore!
He’s a former Bergen County neighbor.
Bye Brian!
2h10m – Fans!
Do we have a winner?
Ian McKellan!
Jimmy wins!
2h15m – Danielle is gonna be on Bonanas for Bonanza! Episode 50!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole