28M – Proving your worth with Murray Valeriano

Murray Valeriano
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
28 Matt Donaher
00 Jimmy talks about Jimmy Pankow’s episode and about his copious notes.
Eliot raises his hand to Jimmy’s FURY.
Some Chicago Podcast Authority talk.
Oliver AND Zoe are getting their vaccines today!
5 – Oliver is excited to get the vaccine and Jimmy talks about how fearful Oliver has been about the virus.
Covid and Youth Sports – https://www.aspenprojectplay.org/coronavirus-and-youth-sports
69 vs 96 vs b9
SOX! – Lenny Schmidt
Goddamn White Sox group text.
10 – Jimmy gives some white sox talk.
Lots of baseball talk!
The outfielders “got those legs”
My Vaccine went great!
Mail is here!
Nug sent us some board games!
Gentleman Thieves for Eliot
Marrying Mr. Darcy for Garon
I’m the Boss! For Matt
Yacht Rock for Jimmy!
20 – Thanks Nug!
We’ll be right back with Murray Valeriano!
We’re back!
28M! Many Many Good Vibes Man!
Jimmy thanks Nug for the gifts again. Always assume thanks! Sometimes Jimmy forgets due to the conversation the gifts spark.
Murray Valeriano is here!
His game show is called For What It’s Worth. A music and comedy game show!
Jimmy’s episode drops this week!
25 – Danielle appears on the show also!
This week’s the premiere week! Pardo! Thaxton! Gallagher!
Recorded fifth released first!
30 – Should we have had Fauci on NNF?!
We’re gonna guess a crazy booking on Dax Shephard’s show.
It’s Prince Harry?!
Murray’s got internet issues.
Apparently you can’t clap for Royals?
35 – “Please don’t clap.” – Prince Jeb Bush
Murray talks about his wife and her recent award nomination. She’s a costume designer and she’s worked with the Cohen Brothers on all of their movies since Fargo.
They met at Jim Morrison’s house?! Long story TOO short. He expands the story. Murray has a 9 year old!
Murray is on the wagon for a year and a half.
40 – Caitlyn Jenner lied about voting?
Pardo family impressions!
45 – Lots of Frank Caliendo talk including his Robert Downey Jr that Murray witnessed and how Matt saw a video of Frank teaching how to do impressions.
We’re really trying to guess Murray’s impression.
55 – Jimmy and Matt met Andy Warhol! Matt tells the story of meeting him in NYC.
Jimmy met Andy Warhol at the opening of the Limelight in Chicago. Same place Jimmy met Tony Bennett.
The Limelight opened in 1985 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Limelight#Chicago_location
We still can’t guess Murray’s impression.
60 – It’s Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber doing Baby Got Back.
Greg Proops does a great Jeremy Irons.
Round the horn!
I look like the dude from Smosh I guess.
My M is Matt Donaher!
1h5m – Funny in his bones!
Matt and Eliot dive into some interesting stuff apparently.
1h10m – Jimmy and Oliver stumbled across a fortune city website!
Murray opened for Kevin Pollack a few years ago. He talks about a time they were sitting at a table and a random guy came up and did his Chris Walken. Kevin’s response, “you got balls.”
Matt’s M guess is Marc Maron.
1h15m – Is Jimmy a “car guy?”
Murray talks about totaling his car.
He rear-ended someone who slammed on their breaks when a homeless person stepped in front of them.
Eliot nails it 12:41pm May 13
Talking the Shepard/Bell publicist.
1h20m – Billy Preston is getting inducted in the Hall of Fame and also LL Cool J and Kraftwerk!
Murray has stood next to LL Cool J like seven times at concerts.
Murray guesses Michael Winslow.
Jimmy goes with Martin Short.
Eliot reads the fans guesses.
#1 is Mmmmmmaria Bamford!
Matt talks about The Mitchell’s Versus The Machines!
Mixed reviews in the Pardo house. Matt loved it.
1h30m – Matt says Mitchell’s V Machines out Pixars Pixar.
Matt talks about the kids reactions to Mitchells.
Eliot’s top five!
6) Myq Kaplan
5) Mike McShane
4) Michelle Biloon
3) Matt Walsh
2) Michael Che
1) Matt Donaher
Garon Cockrell on the con!
Talking about Murray’s background.
Fuse TV skateboard.
1h40m – @EIsringhausen
When you cut up a waffle, do you always cut on the lines that are provided?
We all cut the lines and fill the holes. Except Murray. He’s not a breakfast guy.
Do not go to Mel’s for waffles!
We’re done!
See you next time!
Go to Murray’s YouTube channel for the game show For What It’s Worth!
WAIT! Breaking News!
No masks if fully vaccinated!
Some social niceties in LA talk.
Ok bye!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth