28K – Hitting the slopes with Betsy Sodaro

Betsy Sodaro
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
Instagram: @BetsySodaro
28 Kulap Vilaysak
00 28k! Welcome in! Terrific day!
Im in a jersey!!!
Breaking news! Jimmy found some bubbly bounce!!
Bubly has no sugar or sweetener
Jimmy talks about the Sesame Street 50th anniversary special. He says it’s great.
Jimmy went for water. I went for sleeves.
10 – Talking T-shirts!
Bubly taste test!
Talking drinks.
15 – Jimmy wants 40 more years.
Jimmy went to see a movie! He went to see Nobody at the Cinemark in Playa Vista. He talks about it. Everyone adhered to the rules.
Jimmy gives us a very brief review of Nobody.
20 – Talking Mortal Kombat!
25 – Talking drinks and cocaine and deadwood.
Betsy Sodaro is joining us!
30 – Jimmy took a NNF hat.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Betsy Sodaro is here! She is also in Golden Arm which arrives April 30!
Talking May Day!
Betsy got a new May Pole for May Day!
Jimmy uses a flag for his ribbons.
35 – Betsy is in East Hollywood. She lives super close to the Franklin UCB.
Wilma! Betsy’s dog! That jimmy insists on calling a kitty cat.
Betsy tells us the story of Wilma’s name. It came from the first victim of a serial killer.
Doc Talk!
Jimmy watched Sasquatch. He’s started it. Eliot watched it all, Jimmy and Danielle are two episodes in.
40 – Sassy Squatch?
Jimmy talks to Betsy about Golden Arm.
Jimmy recounts his movie trip to Betsy.
45 – Dodgy Stadium!
Betsy is vaccinated!
Her second dose of Pfizer destroyed her.
Round the horn!
Watch Sasquatch!
Im back in the tank!
Back in the Queen!
50 – Talking about my big day out!
I got some Chicago albums!
My K is Kulap Vilaysack!
Betsy talks about her roommate Gilly Nassim! Who is also from UCB.
Betsy grew up in the mountains of Colorado.
Betsy talks about trying to snowboard.
60 – Jimmy talks about buying rings at a rock show to see if he was a ring guy.
Jimmy and fam watched the Valley Girl musical. He says Betsy was great.
Talking about the cast of Golden Arm being mostly comedians.
Matt’s back is in pain. He talks about it.
Arnica? https://www.health.com/condition/pain/arnica-gel
Talking revolving doors and people who jump into them with strangers.
Matt’s K word is Kira Soltanovich!
Jimmy talks to Betsy about doing Zoom shows.
1h10m – Betsy is in improv groups Bangarang and Search History, which might be Jimmy’s favorite improv group name.
Betsy’s dad writes plays for children and is well-known in the community. She did a lot of his shows growing up. She studied theater throughout college.
Betsy’s college is now known as Western Colorado University.
She’s lived here for 13 years!
1h15m – Jimmy resets!
Betsy’s K guess is: Kate Berlant!
Brief talk about In and Of Itself.
Jimmy’s first thought is Kevin Hart but its not his guess. His actual guess is Kate McKinnon.
Smarties chat!
1h20m – Eliot’s gonna go to Home Depot! He talks about having to go to pick up a paycheck.
Influencer in Bali with painted facemask – https://www.indiatoday.in/trending-news/story/instagram-influencer-paints-mask-on-face-to-enter-bali-store-in-viral-video-internet-is-furious-1795741-2021-04-28
1h25m – Matt wonders about why Eliot doesn’t get a free apartment.
Fan guesses!
1h30m – Eliot’s NINE: Kulap, J Keith, Kira Soltanovich, Kumail, Karen Kilgariff, Ken Jeoung, Kevin Nealon, Kristen Wiig, Kevin Pollack.! No winner!
Big burgers: cut in half or leave it alone?
Cut in half for Betsy, Jimmy, and myself! Matt never cuts it in half. Eliot cuts!
Ive been having issues drinking water.
Moon shit happening. Why are there so many Moon situations happening?
Post show meetings at islands?
Which podcast member is most likely to be arrested?
Me because I’ve got guns?
Me? Or Jimmy for going zero to 60.
Jimmy’s gonna watch Golden Arm tomorrow.
I did On A Boat in Karaoke.
Betsy’s favorite good horror is The Thing
Bad Horror Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
See you next time! Be safe!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth