2803 – Breaking the ice with Brian Regan

Brian Regan

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 hello! 2803!

Lara Bar?

Thanks for the live stream!

Jimmy talks about the new levels. No extra perks come with the big tiers.

It’s the one year anniversary of something but what is it?

Since the Vitello’s live show! The last live gig before Covid.

2022 for kids to be vaccinated: https://www.axios.com/covid-vaccine-fauci-children-2022-likely-1313a4ea-d6ff-4c62-b11a-c7950cc33dc7.html

10 –Talking vaccines and SNL.

Talking about the Golden Globes!

Jimmy and Matt talk about the speech Chadwick Boseman’s wife, Taylor Simone Ledward, gave.

20 – Jimmy talks about the building getting demolished by his house today.

Was there a subtle Jimmy Pardo reference? A Columbo reference?!

Jimmy says Columbo has become a “thing.” So it’s probably not a wink to him.

Jimmy and Matt talk about Jimmy Pardo Needs Jokes and how they were not allowed to hire any women, including CeCe Pleasants! They finally took control and changed things.

25 – Mail!

Up top!

It’s a big box from Simon Moore and Karen Graham! Matt goes through the letter.

First box is a trophy for Matt and some participation trophies for the rest of us.

Jimmy talks about Iso files!

35 – We’ll be right back with Brian Regan!

Welcome back!

Brian Regan is here!

Jimmy wants to get the ass kissing out of the way. He talks about feeling like the generation above them stopped being funny at some point but Jimmy’s and Brian’s generation aren’t having that problem. Brian’s as funny as he’s ever been. Jimmy compliments his special and says he’s “top seven.”

Jimmy asks Brian about his Covid. He says it was pretty bad. He almost had to go to the hospital.

40 – Jimmy asks Brian why he even went out and risked it. It was for his special. He needed to work on it.

He filmed it at an outdoor theater in Utah not at Red Rocks.

45 – Brian talks about how he used to send VHS tapes to clubs to get gigs.

Brian eventually started taking greyhounds from city to city to go audition in person at clubs throughout the south east. It was harder for bookers to say no if he was there in person. He talks about his car breaking down once and it being too expensive to fix and bartering with this southern dude to sell it to him. He would only pay $75 and ignored every offer Brian made.

50 – Brian is in his home office in Vegas, not the set of Knives Out 2.

Jimmy asks about Brian hanging out with Gary Cannon in Vegas.

Brian talks about what Laugh Factory is doing for shows currently.

Brian performed at a hockey arena once. He says it might be the worst night of his career. He tells us about it. He was the “campaign manager” for Alex the Dog, who ran for president. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_the_Dog

Every event he did with this alex the dog campaign was worse than every hell gig he’s ever had. They had 6-7 events A DAY.

At this hockey game event, 17000 people were booing him.

60 – Brian talks about finally just doing his out act on the alex tour and the Stroh’s people just trying ot get him to bring out the dog.

Trivia! (Full results below!)
Category: Remakable!
Question: What mean-spirited 2010 comedy is actually based on a 1998 french film starring Jean Villerete?

I’m betting 20!

1h5m – Back to the Golden Globes and Jimmy not sure what songs The Weekend sings.

Round the horn!

I watched Nomadland.

Brian watched Breakthrough in the movie theater, it was the last movie he saw in a theater. He saw it with his girlfriend Lisa.

1h10m – Talking backs, inversion tables, and company insurance.

Talking suing someone you know’s insurance.

1h15m – My answer is Bad Santa!

Jimmy talks about people losing it over Steve McQueen back in the day. He doesn’t get it.

Machine Gun Kelly vs Shotgun Kelly vs Machine Gun Kelly the gangster.

Wolfman Jack vs the actual wolfman?!

Jimmy asks Brian what the crowds are like in Vegas. Street crowds mainly. Brian doesn’t perform in Vegas, he jus tlives there. He says it’s a little thin but Casinos are open and smaller spaces are open and socially distanced. The big theaters (Celine, etc) are not.

1h20m – Brian talks about couples in the audience where one wants to be at the show and the other doesn’t.

Hello Eliot!

Eliot talks about his Electric Car journey coming to a conclusion finally. He now has everything installed and approved and can get his rebates etc etc.

Brian does a spaceship bit. He’s off to Neptune as soon as he gets the paperwork done.

Brian talks about a booker telling him to call back the following March for a booking later in the year. When he called back she said, “well I guess I lied.”

Eliot’s answer is Bad Bosses.

Matt’s answer is HORRIBLE bosses.

Brian’s is Bad Santa

Jimmy’s is Step Brothers.

Dinner for Schmuck’s is the answer. NO Winner!

1h30m – Eliot wins with lowest bet!

We’ll be right back!

We’re back!


Brian took a break from growing his beard to join us.

Jimmy tells Brian his Tom Jones going grey story. Brian talks about his own greying on his special.

Jimmy recounts the one time he dyed his hair and showed up at home to his mom greeting him at the front door, “Hey Elvis!”

1h35m – Brian talks about watching Blue Hawaii, or maybe some other Hawaiian Elvis movie.

Jimmy asks about Brian doing Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. He did it twice.

It was 4 hours of taping edited down to 12 minutes.

He talks more about it. He was on in 2012 and 2018.

1h40m – Brian asks how Jimmy would handle doing Seinfeld’s show. He would pick either a Fierro or a Corvette.

Brian talks about having to make up an answer about his SUV gas mileage because he has NO idea about anything car related. His said 35 MPG and the guy he was talking to was completely shocked.

1h45m – We’re done! A joy!
Brian Regan: On The Rocks go watch! Jimmy had to pause it to catch his breath at one point.

See you next time!


Category: Remakable!
Question: What mean-spirited 2010 comedy is actually based on a 1998 french film starring Jean Villerete

Garon: Bad Santa (20pts)
Eliot: Bad Bosses (5 pts)
Matt: Horrible Bosses (10 pts)
Brian: The Man Who Killed Everyone in His Neighborhood for Some Reason/Bad Santa is his real answer (10 pts)
Jimmy: Step-Brothers (14 pts)

Dinner for Schmuck’s! Eliot wins with his wager!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth