2602 – Setting the Stage with Todd Glass

Todd Glass
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – 2602! Welcome in!
Jimmy has teabagging plans.
We are legit debating the definition of teabagging.
Indian Sprints?
10 –Jimmy questions Matt’s T-Shirt. It’s a Kesha T-Shirt.
The boys are heading to Bloomington in May! Bringing Stand-up Playing Games and NNF!! Limestone Comedy fest!
Jimmy went to the New Bev the other night.
The family went to see Return of the Pink Panther.
Jimmy enjoyed a nice brisk walk. Both in temperature and speed.
20 – Sean Penn talk
25 – Matt’s enjoying the Kesha album. Jimmy’s not loving it as much as the previous ones.
30 – Todd Glass is here!! Jimmy just gave him a chair.
Talking Todd’s special. It happened!
Jimmy talks to Todd about marathons and elliptical.
We’ll be back!
35 – We’re back!
Todd Glass is here!
He talks about his recent tour and his new love of this black box theater he performed in.
40 – Todd talks about his Black Box Comedy Club idea.
He might buy a club in philly!
45 – More with Todd talking clubs!
Talking weird names of locations.
Romancing the Bean!
50 – Todd lays out his plans for Comedy Cabaret.
The guys talk about Coronavirus.
55 – Dental care and flossing talk!
Surgery hand washing – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK144036/
Jimmy and Todd talk nails growing fast.
Talking naming clubs after cities and not being in that city.
60 – Todd has a print out of his dates.
1h5m – Todd talks OJ Simpson on Instagram.
Talking people doing gross stuff on Planes.
1h10m – Round the horn!
Jimmy wants his dad to run his comedy club.
Chestnut Street Comedy Club talk!
1h15m – Never Not Jizzin!
Todd has a jizz story.
His friends made a girl ask a customer if they wanted jizz in their shake when they were teenagers.
Todd talks about his Jizz joke. He’s gonna try it stand up style and nails it.
1h20m – Talking Crowd Work!
Take a break!
1h25m – We’re back!
Jimmy talks writing someone up and still regretting it.
It’s trivia time!
Topic is Academy Awards.
I am wagering 25.
I saw Onward and Scream, Queen!
Doc talk!
Who has won the award for Best Actress the most times?
Jimmy: Hilary Swank –
Matt: Meryl Streep –
Eliot: Katherine Hepburn –
Garon: Katherine Hepburn – 25
Todd: Meryl Streep –
Talking giving stuff to goodwill, and food for people waiting in line to vote.
1h40m – Eliot has two small things. He saw Shamilton.
He said it was a great job!
It was a date! He won’t talk about it.
Eliot talks about when he would be recognized by Jon Hamm.
1h50m – Matt’s guess is Meryl Streep! So is Todd’s.
Todd talks about using the wrong words.
Hilary Swank is Jimmy’s guess!
1h55m – We have a tie situation!
Also we need to figure out the point situation now.
$5 FOR ME!
2h – We’re going with Venmo
Great show!
Todd endorses I Think You Should Leave and The Dress Up Gang.
We’re done!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth