24J – Rippin’ Lips with Chad Daniels
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! Indeed! Welcome to the program!
Lee Quick is here! She gave us a mic and mic screens.
Mike Nelson is a fan of the show! And was just playing Sevens!
Danielle and Oliver are going to see a Riff Trax screening of Octoman.
Lee’s here to string a guitar.
Jimmy talks about Ellis Paul changing a string mid song.
Lee talks strings!
Talking Pet Shop Boys
Jimmy talks great PSB songs.
10 – Talking Jackson Maine impressions!
I dig through to find some medicine.
15 – Talking fan tattoos!
Talking concert T-Shirts and wearing them to the concert.
Lee brought gifts? She talks about her tattoo and history of tattoos.
20 – Lee shows off her tattoo.
Lee did indeed bring gifts.
Everyone’s phones are chiming!
Lee brought some 80s tour books and stickers!
Matt goes through the Eddie Murphy program.
30 – Jimmy digs into more programs!
40 – There are a lot of people here now! Chad Daniels is getting the business from Jimmy and discussing our drawer in the kitchen.
Jimmy talks about a Greg Geraldo joke about a guy eating panda express with chopsticks.
Jimmy still shocked at Chad bringing an entourage.
Chad was not in the military but he does eat a lot of ice cream.
We’ll be right back!
45 – We’re back!
Chad has two kids! 19 and 15!
Chad and Jimmy have a mutual friend in Fritz Nothnagel.
They chat about him.
Yelling with Nothing To Say Tour – Jimmy 2020
Reid Failer is Chad’s go to artist.
50 – Chad talks about his pancake eating style.
Shay doesn’t remember which of her clients have been here.
Jimmy talks about coining Food Comic about the comic that brought pizza. Chad used to buy drinks for the staff.
Talking Lori Loughlin.
Talking Grand Forks ND. Jimmy got bedbugs there.
Paul Frisbee, is that his real name?
The guys talk more about Westward Ho! Including Mitch Hedberg bringing his feature who had just bombed back out to sit on the stage with him while he did his act.
55 – Jimmy talks about his opener bob Sutherland sitting in the front row and over laughing at every joke.
Chad talks about his friends thinking he killed himself after a bad show when they saw his heavy bag swing back and forwards through a shade.
60 – Dad Chaniels is on Amazon Prime and on the audio is on streaming services.
Talking Catastrophe.
Round the horn!
1h5m – We hear my dad’s voicemail.
Frets are made of silver – Lee.
Vocally resting bitch face – Chad’s daughter to him.
1h10m – Talking Eliot’s email! He can’t win!
Chad talks about his uncle’s fishing tournament “Rippin’ Lips.”
1h15m – My j is Joni Mitchell! We talk about her.
1h20m – Trivia talk – What ship was present at both Pearl Harbor and dday? USS Nevada
Matt: 5
Eliot: 12
Jimmy: 10
Chad: 7
Lee: 18
Shay: 4
1h25 – Chad wins!
Jimmy has a celebrity sighting!
1h35m – It’s Rob Lowe!
The guys think he’s beautiful!
Keanu Reeves!
1h40m – Shay’s J is Janis Joplin!
New Doc talk!
Always go with your heart – Chad
Lee’s J is Julie Andrews
1h45m – Frozen talk.
Jimmy just called Eliot babe. To everyone’s joy.
1h50m – Chad shot his special (his new hour!) at a club in Denver.
Talking changing your appearance for special events.
Eliot’s J is Jane Child.
Matt’s J is Joan Jett, which was also Chad’s but he changes his to Jessica Simpson.
Oliver’s J is Joan Jett, his backup is Janis Joplin.
Eliot gives us the fans.
1h55m – NYC Marathon cheater – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosie_Ruiz
Someone’s winning $5!
5) Joan Jett 4) Joan Osborne 3) Jenny Lewis 2) Janis Joplin 1) Jane Child! ELIOT WINS!
2h – Chad does small – midsize theaters. He says Pandora is responsible for his successes.
Dad Chaniels is his special! He got that name from a random fan who called him that.
Jimmy asks what awards Chad has won: comics comic award.
Chad mentions selling bumper stickers and notices that Jimmy instantly lost all respect for him. Jimmy claims it’s actually surprise.
Thanks Chad!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth