22E – Playing That Song with Christian Finnegan

Christian Finnegan

In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 – Welcome in! Indeeeeeed! In the deed!

Jimmy agrees with “you’re a funny man.”

Jimmy taps the table. A lot.

Hunky dory talk!

T-Shirt talk!

Listener and auction winner Mike Armanderez is here!

Maya Cinemas!


Talking Bakersfield!

Robin and Mike no more. Now they’re friends.

10 – Mike talks about his history with comedy and seeing Jimmy.

Breaking news!

Every coke flavor in the machines that mixes (vanilla, etc) is Coke Zero.


15 – Black Panther still #1! Almost tying Avatar’s record.

Talking standees and movies.

20 – Brief OJ talk.

Back to the Future!

25 – Movie talk.

Jimmy doesn’t want an “eye feast.”

Day Old Popcorn?!

Mike loved Shape of Water, The Post, and Baby Driver.


35 – Christian Finnegan is here!

Movie pass talk!

40 – Talking the handsomeness of Christian.

Mike’s E actress is Eliza Dushku.

We’ll be right back!

We’re back!

Talking Roombas with Christian Finnegan!

45 – Round the horn!

Christian is staying in a friend’s pool house.

Adam Felber – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Felber

50 – Christian talks about the first time he met Jimmy Pardo in Montreal.

MOST Comedians get Jimmy.

Round the Horn!

Christian did some trivia event?!

Christian won a car on a gameshow!

55 – Christian on Name That Video!

Trivia talk!

60 – John Oliver talk!

Christian talks about Comedy Central.

My E was Elizabeth Taylor!

Christian did not enjoy Vinyl on HBO.

1h5m – The guys talk RISE. Jimmy and Matt both like it.

Talking good and bad TV.

1h10m – Talking TV.

1h15m – Christian talks about The Path and Peru.

The Joyce DeMitten Heads!

Or The Joyce DeMitts.

The Joyce DeMittenheads wins!

1h20m – Eliot’s in headphones now? His earbuds apparently died.

Jimmy takes a moment about the last episode and that we were way to hard on Eliot. Jimmy publically apologizes as does Matt.

Eliot’s E is Elizabeth Shue!

1h25m – Jimmy says Christian has a Peter Cetera vibe. He tries not to take offense.

Rocky IV soundtrack – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_IV_(soundtrack)

Matt gets an ICE. It’s hard to take.

Talking Elizabeth Shue. https://www.amazon.com/Trigger-Effect-Kyle-MacLachlan/dp/B00000IQW8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1521143689&sr=8-2&keywords=the+trigger+effect&dpID=51ZWJ2E5Z6L&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

The guys talk having crushes on Elizabeth Shue.

Cocktail: https://www.amazon.com/Cocktail-Blu-ray-Tom-Cruise/dp/B007G8MN0O/ref=ice_ac_b_dpb_twi_blu_2?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1521143782&sr=1-4&keywords=cocktail


Talking Beach Boys doc, Hired Gun, and The Eagles.

Jimmy took a shot at Glenn Frye on Conan.

1h40m – We talk Timothy B. Schmidt and hear some Playin’ It Cool

Playin’ It Cool Chart:

Matt: 56
Jimmy: 39
Christian: 92
Eliot: 125
Garon: 14

Christian wins!

So Much In Love

Matt: 56
Christian: 77
Eliot: 43
Jimmy: 81

Matt wins!

Adult Contempary: https://www.billboard.com/charts/adult-contemporary

Talking Train.

1h50m – Talking impressionists.

Ross Marquand – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2739851/?ref_=tt_cl_t13


Do Billy Corgan and Kristen Dunst look related?

1h55m – Matt goes with Eliabeth Moss instead of Ellen Page.

Christian goes with Ellie Kemper.

Talking Sonic commercials and none of us having ever seen a sonic, except Christian.

Mike gave some gifts.

Jimmy cried the hardest he’s cried in a decade when he saw The Bucket List.

Coco talk.

Erin Foley: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0284132/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Matt talks about a Mark Hoppus tweet

2h5m – Jimmy’s E word is…not Idina Menzel. It’s Eve Arden?!


Jimmy Gives to Christian Finnegan: 23 (80s Music)
Matt gives to Christian Finnegan: 17 (90s Music)

Thanks Christian!

We’re out!

See you next time.

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth