2201 – Coming in From the Cold with Ralph Garman

Ralph Garman
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – New season! Indeed welcome! The new intro does not exist yet!
It’s a little cold out. Matt had to layer up. Stop talking Eliot!
Star Wars jacket talk.
Sports Sponsorship talk
05 – Sponsoring the Pop Culture Beast info desk?!
10 – Eliot gets a shiv.
Jimmy talks Philly! 5 shows at Helium. NNF Fans are amazing!
Talking Terry Jax!
15 – Talking Terry Jacks – Seasons in the Sun.
Talking Elton John tickets. Jimmy decided not to get tickets.
Wrap Her Up!
25 – Weird Beard –
Fortnight – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortnight 2 weeks!
Jimmy watched Todd Glass and Todd Berry’s specials. Really funny. He was laughing on the plane watching it.
Jimmy talks about his tweet about Eddie (Edwina) at American Airlines. He talks about what happened.
30 – He saw Steve Burns at the gate while worried about this fake service dog.
35 – The Mail is here!
Ralph Garman is here! Voice Over Dabbler.
40 – Talking Adam West. Ralph works on Family Guy.
Diablogato vinyls for Jimmy and I! 300 pressed hand numbered.
Fuck Trump! Jimmy’s giving him 1 more year.
Architect Trump?!
45 – Diablogato line up!
Ralph plays drums!
John Cryer was on for the week recently.
Jimmy talks about defending Ralph Garman going to a pay model recently.
The guys talk about paying for content versus free.
50 – We’ll be back!
Welcome back!
2201! First episode of the new season!
Ralph’s honored. Head to TheRalphReport.com! Patreon.com/TheRalphReport
Hollywood Babylon is over on Smodcast.com.
“We get it Kevin, hockey jersey.” Ralph talks about how they just talked about this issue on Hollywood Babylon.
Ralph enjoys a button up shirt.
Full Cotton shows too much sweat?!
Round the horn!
55 – More talking about the Jacket!
Desk job!
60 – Radio vs Podcasting talk with Ralph.
1h5m – Talking John Cryer. He’s a good retweeter.
Jimmy’s down to be on Ralph’s show and to take Oliver to Ralph’s house to show off the Batcave.
Talking about Oliver’s Bowler Hat Villains shirt.
Oliver’s a Gorshin Guy!

Frank Gorshin, impressionist and The Riddler on the Batman TV show
Penguin was the most used villain on Batman 66?
Ralph does voices for us! Caeser Romero and Gorshin.
Ralph talks about the voices he does and not considering himself an impressionist.
1h10m – Oliver is doing Al Pacino and Christopher Walken teaching Math at his school talent show.
“Say hello to my little friend the DECIMAL POINT!” – Oliver’s joke.
1h15m – Talking nude sleeping. Ralph loved it.
Jimmy has to be compressed!
Eliot’s here. They went to Flappers this week to see Laurie Kilmartin.
Talking Eliot’s lady friend’s parents and their feelings on Eliot and Vice Versa.
No room for Nazis in comedy?
1h20m – Cal King v Regular King. Cal is 4 inches narrower.
Talking Ralph’s straight laced parents.
1h25m – Ralph knew Danielle before Jimmy. Jimmy talks about being a big fan of Joe Schmo.
Ralph talks about the Joe Schmo Show.
1h30m – Joe Schmo talk continues. The Falcon Twist! Ralph talks about the problems with filming with the falcon (actually a hawk) including the time it flew into a window.
“he’s ruffling the foliage.” – Ralph when someone jumped out of a window, maybe as Jimmy often quotes wrong.
We’ll be back!
1h35m – We’re back!
Jimmy wants to say 23 instead of 22 and talks about how he used to say his age was a year older.
Ralph talks about this international listeners.
Jimmy asks about the origin of working with Kevin Smith.
He talks about working with Kevin’s daughter on Yoga Hosers.
1h40m – The Good Place Season 2 on NBC.com
Talking Nashville.
1h45m – Matt’s here! Charlie went to the batting cages, or “taking his cuts outside the cage.” Matt talks about Charlie’s baseball practices.
Talking kids who are great at stuff so young.
Ralph’s daughter is 7.
1h50m – Talking little league and sports!
Talking about Ralph’s show, The Ralph Report.
Ralph really actually got his ass waxed.
Talking the positions for the ass waxing.
1h55m – Clean up is a breeze post wax! On hearing about the upkeep jimmy’s response, “just wipe your ass.”
Talking Cryo-therapy.
2h5m – Sevens!
Jimmy gives to Ralph Garman: 24 (Superheroes)
Matt gives to Ralph Garman: 22 (Superheroes)
Jimmy gives to Ralph Garman: 7 (Movies – award winners)
Jimmy gives to Ralph Garman: 33 (70s Music)
Thanks Ralph!
We’re done
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth