1918 – Paying the Rent with Gary Gulman
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello indeed yes indeed indeed indeed indeed!
Jimmy talks podcast awards!
We won in 2008!
I forgot Jimmy’s tea!
Jimmy talks about the LA Snow Day.
Matt and Jimmy talk about the Snow event.
Some kids were throwing ice balls at people.
It’s Trump’s world now.
Jimmy had some delicious yellow snow! Matt explains it to him.
Jimmy talks Food Trucks and his aversion to them.
Everyone had fun at least.
05 – Way too many inflatable snowmen!
Get laid get fucked ruined that money Money song.
Unsanctioned chants!
Talking Jimmy Fallon on Hamiton Mixtape.
Jimmy talks his feelings on the Hamilton Mixtape and how it’s a “Disney-fied” version of the musical as if it feels like it’s trying to make the Hamilton music palatable for “mainstream” people.
15 – Talking tweets about last show ie Hacksaw Ridge and Roger Waters.
Our guest is here and has gone for coffee.
Jimmy asks about apple music permanent shuffle.
He scolds the listener and tells them to relax.
Eliot chimes in on Roger Waters and reads part of the open letter.
20 – Jimmy still thinks that The Wall is the best concert he’s ever seen.
Talking Matt’s movie joke and Jimmy talks about how great Charlie is. “ Let me tell you something.” Charlie also hit Jimmy in the balls.
Almost seven years for Eliot manning the cameras.
7 Year Itch!?
25 – Talking Music shuffle.
Matt tells a Zoe story.
Apparently I was loud outside?
30 – Shuffle solutions! And watching Gary’s glasses change back to regular glasses.
Fixed the shuffle!
Jimmy tells a story about running into Todd Glass at the Gym and some old woman jumping into their conversation.
Martha Quinn for president?!
This old woman was riffing with Jimmy and Todd and was really funny. They had to move on from her though. Jimmy described her to Todd as “a pistol” to Todd’s joy.
35 – the Jews love Gary!
I talk getting asked if I was a Jew on the street.
Gary tells us about the prayer for the messiah to come.
Jimmy asks about the Elijah situation.
40 – Gary’s just in town visiting between west coast gigs.
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Welcome back!
Around the horn!
I saw Lion.
Gary doesn’t like to cry. He did see The 13th!
Doc talk!
Jimmy and gang talk the 13th.
45 – Talking the moon and Buzz Aldrin punch.
Jimmy talks about a bad gig he did with Buzz in the audience.
50 – Talking Sing Street!
Café Society – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4513674/
Boycott Woody? Roman?
Gary won’t see Mel Gibson movies either.
55 – Jimmy asks Gary about Roger Waters. He is unaware of the anti-semite rumours.
Talking more about Roger Waters.
60 – Talking Trump, talking Gary’s comedy and the political stuff he touches on.
“Who would Find Us” – Gary’s childhood game.
Cholesterol is a killer!
Jimmy asks Gary about his state abbreviation bit.
Jimmy talks about how great Gary’s latest special is.
Gary talks about what his new set is. 45 of new material already since the latest special.
65 – Jimmy talks more about joke writing with Gary.
Part of his set is requests also.
The Jewish tattoo rule is a myth according to Gary. He has a heart and a peace sign on his fingers.
70 – “Yidding it up.” – Gary
Finding Dory talk.
Gary talks about Ellen not having stand-ups on her show and it bothering him.
Talking daytime talk shows that had stand-ups on.
Gary talks early Seinfeld not holding up after watching it on antenna TV in NY. Richard Lewis though does. Richard Lewis is Jimmy’s number one hero.
3 ½ blocks from home – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139811/
75 – Jimmy talks about the bit he did for Todd at the gym the other night where he got on a treadmill next to Todd and just started running without turning it on.
Gary is staying nearby.
Jimmy enjoyed Allied and is infuriated by Brad Pitt’s lack of aging.
Gary talks about his mom being annoying at a theater “is that Liev Sheiber?”
Who uses the free refills at a theater?
80 – Talking comedian’s having business cards.
Jimmy points out our trophy.
Betting on Marion Cotillard’s age…
Gary: 31
Eliot: 37
Matt: 39
Jimmy: 33
Marion is 41!
85 – Is Marion playing “Pardo rules?!”
Gary is 46! Jimmy thought he was 45.
Checking in with Eliot. They got through the flooding. 2 bedroom open.
Harry Chapin – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Chapin#Death
$1925 for a LOFT.
$1925 for a One Bedroom
We’re betting on the price of that apartment.
Gary: 2650
Matt: 2500
Garon: 2775
Jimmy: 2425
95 – The price is 2150! No winners. 800 sq feet.
Talking Seinfeld’s early work again and how great it was at the time.
Talking Jeff Dunham’s puppets.
100 – Jimmy talks Peanut.
Trump owned the dumb vote.
Midtown East. Door man, 800 sq feet, no view. Sunken living room.
Now betting on Gary’s rent.
Jimmy wins! $3700 is the answer. Jimmy guesses $3795!
We’ll be right back!
105 – We’re back!
Gary’s on his way out the door but he brought us some treats. Mini cupcakes!
Susie Cakes knows what she is doing!
Matt talks about Eliot cake/pie idea.
Jimmy offers to let Gary take the cupcakes to the Sklars. Gary has something for them.
Talking baseball with Gary. He loves Muldoon’s art!
Jimmy talks with Gary about Dane Cook.
110 – Jimmy’s never done a show with Dwayne Perkins that hasn’t been televised.
Jimmy talks Gary’s travel situation. He rents a care like a man.
Go see Gary live! Watch his Netflix special!
Anything worse than an audience member yelling out right at the punchline?
Matt breaks the news to Jimmy that Hillary did not win the election.
Second time Gary made an odd exit on this show.
Gary’s out of here! Traffic concerns.
We’re done!
Literally we all split.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth