1710 – Opting in with Todd Barry
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in! Episode 1710!
Air of positivity in the room today. Jimmy and Matt are both rocking some Mack Weldon.
Mack Weldon getting a free ride! Jimmy takes them down. Matt doesn’t want to give them compliments for free.
Something needs to happen today! Matt stonewalled Jimmy and he gets the business.
Our guest is way early and HE gets the business from Jimmy. Jimmy makes him sit outside.
05 – Todd Barry our guest is still sitting outside in the hallway! Jimmy explains show business and greenrooms.
Jimmy finally got Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dinah out of his head and Matt just put it right back in.
Matt’s mad at Facebook. Eliot’s mad at Google Voice.
New chair talk.
10 – New Yorkers love Billy Joel.
Jimmy outlines his new prank idea for guests.
Jimmy talks about he and Matt went to a Duran Duran signing.
15 – Billy Joel chat –
She’s Got A Way was his first single.
There appears to be some controversy in the Sevens contest. Jimmy needs a refresher on the contest.
20 – Matt explains the controversy. The winners admitted to CHEATING! They came clean about it, never having intended to win it. They didn’t think we’d even take it seriously.
Jimmy takes a call from Steve. Steve Iott calling from Michigan. He is distressed by a lack of mail.
I have no idea what they are talking about. Something about golf, blades, clubs, numbers, youth, and senior circuits.
25 – Jimmy tells Todd about Steve.
We’ll be back!!
We’re back!
Jimmy welcomes us back and apologizes for his anger. Matt apologizes for ruining Jimmy’s mood.
Jimmy reenacts a part of a Paul Gilmartin golf story.
Todd’s gonna suggest a movie for me later.
I can table his suggestion till November.
“Really? You’re willing to table it?” – Todd to Jimmy’s blurt laugh.
Bruno Mars’ niece and Dionne Warwick’s granddaughter go to Oliver’s school.
30 – Jimmy explains charter school.
Jimmy dressed up like Michael Myers once.
Celebrate Halloween with my book!
Todd doesn’t opt into to giving out candy in his building for Halloween.
35 – Jimmy tells Todd his first comedy album is flawless. Medium Energy. Jimmy thinks it’s one of the best comedy albums.
Jimmy and Todd talk about comedy albums.
40 – Eliot spent some time organizing his board games. Todd tries to make fun of him for it but Eliot shuts him down.
Matt is here!
Jimmy asks him about his Netflix special, “The Crowd Work Tour” and the differences between the special and how it works on the actual tour.
45 – Todd and Jimmy talk about critics reviewing stuff they don’t like, IE a country show if they hate country music.
50 – Todd talks about recent dealings with Time Warner Cable. He had 8 visits to get something fixed.
Todd and Jimmy talk about interacting with fans randomly just going about life (Ebay, airport shuttles, etc.)
Jimmy asks Todd how he chooses between a regular stand-up show or a crowd work tour.
Kiss Farewell Tour was in 2000 –
Todd talks about Netflix reviews.
55 – Peeple –
Todd got here closer to like 1100. He’s never been to Sherman Oaks before so he explored the neighborhood, had some thai food, grabbed an iced tea.
One of the women who helped him was one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen.
60 – Jimmy just randomly names a band, Guster, and discovers that one of the band members says hi to Todd all the time AND that Matt’s sister went to school with them.
Jimmy and Todd talk about meeting celebs.
Jimmy finally gets back to seeing Duran Duran at Amoeba. Todd wonders if Amoeba is a sponsor.
Todd tells a story about going into an amoeba store and asking for the comedy section and it being a box on the floor.
65 – Jimmy tells the Duran Duran story.
Todd Barry has some signed LPs but doesn’t know where they are. He’s got a Frank Zappa and a couple of The Pretenders.
Jimmy tries to guess the artist Todd is talking about. It’s Johnny Depp!
This was before he was an actor. Johnny’s back to music!
Apparently Johnny Depp and Doug Stanhope are good friends.
70 – Back to Duran Duran story!
Jimmy’s fear is that he’d be standing in line to meet a famous person and get recognized. It happened. Twice. Jimmy feels like a schmuck when that happens.
Jimmy and Matt talk about meeting the band. Simon and Nick were both very pleasant and kind. The Taylor boys were not all that pleasant.
What kind of an asshole brings more than one album to a signing? Matt does.
75 – Some Neil Young chat. More autograph chat.
Jimmy would never ask for an autograph at a Ralph’s.
Jimmy tells the Peter Cetera meeting story.
Todd tells a story that happened in an airport. He thought he was sitting next to Jose Faliciano. He confirmed it was him by looking up his son after he heard his name.
He tells another one about seeing David Coverdale at the airport.
80 – Jimmy talks meeting Gino Vinelli. Todd talks about being on a plane with Erik Estrada.
Todd also saw Geraldo Rivera at Laguardia! He tweeted about it.
We did get an answer on the guy Ryan saw. Kurt Fuller!
85 – Matt tells his sightning. Possibly named Gary, plays crooked cops.
Todd talks about seeing Kathleen Turner get food and seeing Pat Boone in a Pat Boone golf tour tshirt.
We’ll be back!
Jimmy and Todd went to the bathroom. Jimmy tricked Todd into thinking it was a private bathroom when in fact it was the same bathroom.
Jimmy also sat on his testicle.
Jimmy talks about seeing Don Rickles on a plane and talking to him after the flight.
Todd talks about bothering a guy from Squeeze.
90 – More celebrity talk. Jimmy talks about times when a Chicago band member pops onto the fan message board and how people react to it.
Todd talks about periscoping a cup of iced tea and seeing stupid questions for people.
Matt asks about Todd being able to call and talk to David Letterman. He sent in a letter saying he could do a Paul Schaeffer impression and they called to say they wanted to call him on the air.
95 – Here is the YouTube video of Todd talking to Dave.
Todd did 8 Lettermans and 18 Conans.
100 – caroline’s episode –
The guys talk nature box and Todd’s technique.
Todd was on Ice-T’s podcast! He talks about it.
We listen to the Todd Barry Letterman appearance –
Todd talks about the call.
He was 23 when he started.
120 – Todd talks about opening for Louie CK at Madison Square Garden.
Jimmy gives to Todd Barry: 25 (Stand-Up)
Todd Barry gives to Jimmy: 5(Stand-Up)
Todd Barry gives to Jimmy: 1 (Celebrities)
See you next time!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth