17C – Paying the Ferryman with Chip Pope
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Additional notes and editing by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! Door is open and closed! Jimmy’s headphones sound empty, not unlike his soul apparently. Jimmy started off by icing eliot before the show ever started.
Fruit Pie the Magician!
Drug test talks. Jimmy wonders why even make people take these tests.
“I need to protect my family.” Is not a good enough reason to be anti control.
05 – There are a lot of options out there besides guns. Jimmy suggests piano wire.
Jimmy doesn’t buy that protect my family argument.
Jimmy might shoot his nano though.
Knights in Satan’s Service talk.
Jimmy wonders how lazy 70s parents were to associate KISS with satan when nothing about them even referenced Satanism.
10 – Gene Simmons is indeed Hungarian!
We talk so Taylor Swift and concerts!
Jimmy talks about getting ass-whacked in the stock market.
It’s all china!
15 – Who cares about phones!
We’re working on the android version of sevens! It’s coming.
Jimmy only knows a few people with android phones.
Jimmy prefers linking all his stuff together in the apple family.
Lots of compliments on Jimmy’s Let it Go!
He does a little Anaconda.
He’s gonna take it on tour and take it completely seriously. No blue suits, a jazz quartet. Jimmy Caboose! “Hop on this train!”
20 – Is posting concert videos bad?
Lots of phones out during Alone at the Heart concert.
Do we know anyone who uses a drone?
True or False Jimmy saw Ryan on the 101? Sounds like True!
Jimmy went golfing with Steve Hollander and son. They ended up behind each other playing games in their cars. Honking at each other and then getting out of the car all angry. He then almost drove into oncoming traffic not realizing it wasn’t a 4-way stop.
Jimmy and Matt witnessed a extremely near miss accident. Had it happened, they would have been showered with debris.
25 – Matt saw a car burned out on the way home the same day Jimmy and Eliot saw that truck fire. Last night, he also saw an engine fire.
Cars know when they’re thirsty!
Ryan and Matt livin’ High on the Hog!
Jimmy gets a charge when he sees people he knows out in the wild.
Jimmy discovered a secret zipper on his shorts.
Contest talk! We’re extending this contest to October 1!
Here is the one with the guy and his kids
All the videos have been great.
30 – Jimmy talks about the fun of the game and his recent zero score.
Taking a break! Jimmy is wearing an 80s shirt in honor of our guest Chip Pope!
He is here! Chip Pope in a Fleetwood Mac shirt.
We all have a flat shoe on.
Jimmy talks about weird things people do when a camera is turned on them. Especially old 8mm.
Jimmy Caboose is happening! Jimmy’s gonna set a date during the break.
35 – Die Young talk. Kesha pulled, billy joel not.
Chip is a long time coming because Jimmy thought he’d already been on.
Better live guitarist: Prince or Lindsay Buckingham?
We’ll be back!
Second segment of the show is starting the same as the show Jimmy icing Eliot.
Eliot is the car that t-bones us through an intersection.
Eliot interrupts asking, “The T-bone of comedy?” Silence.
Jimmy is gonna lock Eliot in a freezer for six days before returning and cutting him to pieces.
Jimmy talks freezers. Matt’s is side by side. He does not know what the cubic feet on that particular model though.
40 – The ant situation is apparently bananas lately. The drought is bringing it out. Ant Situation at the familiare isn’t bad.
Jimmy found some ants in the pantry last night. He cleaned it out.
Thanks nutbars for reminding us about the drought. Matt does his part by not drinking water.
17 Cabbage!
Alanis, Ellen, and Natalie Maines.
Chip says Taylor is Fine.
The panel tries to compare Taylor to 80s artists.
Taylor Swift talk!
45 – Kesha singing!
Matt tells Chip he’s missing the boat. The swift boat? Chip asks.
Ellen danced up on Chip on his first day. It was at the MTV Awards rehearsal.
Apparently he had to sign an NDA to work on the show. He worked for one cycle and was cut loose.
Since being fired got brought up organically, Jimmy announces Matt’s termination. But then back peddles to avoid confrontation but know this “he wants it to happen.”
50 – Chip talks about going to a party at a director’s house. He talks a bit about it.
55 – apparently someone who worked at ellen did a one person show about working at the show.
My word was Casper. Jimmy tells an Oliver story about asking him if casper is the friendliest ghost he knows. Oliver answers, “yeah I guess dad.”
Don’t encourage Eliot!
We give Chip the rules of who we support.
60 – Chip had to break the news to a densist that former patient bill hicks was dead.
All Spy issues are online here.
New awning at Casa Pardo! Next up is a new fridge apparently. He wants a 28 cubic.
65 – full of lies! These cosby accusers. (for humor!!!)
Chip talks about Gilbert Godfried’s audience member impression.
Eliot’s c word is Cdiff.
Jimmy thinks he is on the mend. He’s 98% back.
Chip says Jimmy’ll do anything to get a Netflix doc.
Jimmy apparently had some tears on stage the other night when he was telling the story of a mentally challenged boy buying clothes with his parent at Ross. He kept choking up trying to tell the story on stage.
Chip’s dad was in charge of special ed in their town. He talks about it.
70 – “Wings on a Sports Coat” could be the first Jimmy Caboose original.
Weird Al at the greek is 9/15.
Jimmy says two nerds blowing each other at a Weird Al show is something he would not look away from.
75 – Jimmy promotes his chiropractor.
Our guest is Chip Pope! Long time friend of Jimmys and thought to be friend of the show.
George Burns chat!
80 – The famous guy Jimmy is thinking of is Warren Zevon
Jimmy does his Tim Gunn impression.
Opening week
Devil –
85 – Jimmy Carter talk!
90 – No Small Affair –
Demi Moore plays Jules in St. Elmos Fire –
80s movie character talk continues!
95 – We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Larry is here! Amanda Zimmerman’s daughter does a Larry impression at school.
St. Elmo’s Fire Music and Soundtrack
100 – Danielle not a fan of Duran Duran. Jimmy wants to go to the concert. Matt IS going to the concert.
Jimmy and Chris talk Wham!
105 – Nick Richards
Jimmy talks about new character Yoga Bear.
Chip’s C word: Cassiopeia.
Cowboy was jimmy’s alternate.
Sevens time! Matt reminds us about the sevens contest.
Jimmy gives to Chip Pope: 25 (80s Music) – test
Jimmy gives to Chip Pope: 20 (80s Music)
Jimmy gives to Chip Pope: 24 (80s Music)
Matt gives to Chip Pope: (80s Music)
Chip Pope gives to Jimmy: 33(80s Music) – NEW RECORD!
Chip takes down Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt but appreciates two water jokes from it.
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth