14N – Getting Caught in the Rain with John Ross Bowie
To listen to this episode join the Players Club baby!
In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF Players Club 14N – John Ross Bowie
My episode name guess Nashville!
00 – Hello everybody! The door is open for the Players Club! You decide on the ‘. We’re all inclusive. No chicks.
Apparently there was an earthquake. None of us felt it.
There is a newly discovered fault line straight underneath Hollywood. http://www.propertycasualty360.com/2014/01/10/discovery-of-new-west-coast-fault-lines-could-impa
We’re funded! Thanks everyone!!
Rollie Fingers – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollie_Fingers
05 – Jimmy concedes Rolie to #2. Sellek to #3. Hitler at #1
Apparently the Tramp mustache of Chaplin’s was fake but he did eventually grow it in. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_Charlie_Chaplin_have_a_real_mustache
Eliot goes through Esquire’s top 15 mustaches. Or starts to. Jimmy shuts it down.
We go through it after all!
10 – celebs – http://www.askmen.com/top_10/entertainment_250/265_top_10_list.html
eliots out! And he’s back.
Quick break! John Ross Bowie is here!
Check out stamps.com code Jimmy. And bonobos code jimmy!
15 – Welcome back! Jimmy’s sniffing like he’s doing blow. “I didn’t pull it out to cut out lines!” – jimmy on waitress not pick up check.
Kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1437868841/pop-culture-beast-20
John shoots a wink to Jimmy.
John Ross Bowie is here! He went to Jimmy’s show at the improv. Jimmy talks about the 33 people celebrating a birthday at that show who pretty much ruined the show. They sat RIGHT in front of the stage. Ralph was turning 70.
20 – The party folks sat near John so he heard them asking each other what was just said. Apparently they were an older group. Still, great show, lotta magic on stage.
There was a guy Jimmy hated in the audience named Jimmy. He lipped off at Jimmy and was wearing a stupid hat that looked good at him.
David and Leeman (Sp?) pulled him on stage. Jimmy talks about Brad on stage with David and Leeman.
25 – Dan Cronin was great at the show. The trick DL did was to shoot a paintball gun and catch it in their teeth. Jimmy’s gonna change his Jimmy Pardo and Friends improve show to Jimmy Pardo’s Variety Hour.
Jimmy does Oliver’s impression of Gene Simmon’s at opening night of LA Kiss. “Enough talk, let’s win this thing!”
Last LA Kiss game they lost by 50 points. Oliver said “They don’t look happy,” everytime they showed Gene and Paul on the jumbotron.
The guys discuss the LA Kiss team name. Jimmy swears by LA Destroyers. Johnny suggests Deuces. Matt suggests Licks.
30 – It’s mustache time! Jimmy asks John who his #1 mustache is. John scolds Matt for drinking milk from the carton.
John’s pick for mustache is either Tom Selleck or Rollie Fingers. I’m not sure what camp he’s landing in. He puts Paul F. in the running! Also
35 – http://www.askmen.com/top_10/entertainment_250/265_top_10_list.html we go through the list.
Gene simmons tom selleck – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088024/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_25
Gene and rutger – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094293/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_20
45 – deep throat doc – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0418753/
Dennis Weaver – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Weaver
The guys love scott bakula.
50 – guys not happy with Walter Cronkite being #1.
55 – We talk about karaoke. John let tom lennon take elfaba in a defying gravity duet. His go to song is something none of us can guess.
Pina Colada! Mystery of Edwin Drood was his play.
60 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WkR2Tv4dq4 – Rupert Holmes Escape, pina Colada song!
Break! But singing. John and Matt do Escape for the entire break! OH BOY! They lost the money. John realizes that he was wrong about the story. Back to the song!
65 – Jimmy returns to talking and is equally shocked by the revelation about the wife placing the ad in the song! Eliot’s parents met through a personal ad in a jewish newspaper! John says he finds that a bit forward. Get it? GET IT?
70 – Jimmy dated a lot of chicks in the 80s. His record store action was 90% PG13. JRs Records and Tapes.
Gift of the Magi – http://www.auburn.edu/~vestmon/Gift_of_the_Magi.html
Rupert Holmes did the music for the Nutty Professor musical. http://www.rupertholmes.com/index.php
75 – Devo singles – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devo_discography#Singles
Danielle and Jimmy talking about Godzilla trailer and how it doesn’t look like Godzilla from Jimmy’s youth – Oliver, “Like a toy in front of a green screen?”
Jimmy visited his agents which is next to a casting agency. Usually its hot ladies. This time it was a bunch of kids and their stage moms. As he leaves, he sees a mother and her two kids. He recognized the daughter. The mom was really friendly. The girl was Emma Drake, Patrick and robins daughter, on General Hospital. Jimmy was on Cloud Nine seeing a celeb from GH.
John looked up Alexis from GH after hearing Jimmy and Greg talk about it. He was at a stop light.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Jerome – played by Jimmys future 3-way partner William deVry.
80 – Jimmy finally named the episode 14N – 14…Nebraska! No winner! John Narnia. Eliot nazareth. Matt nancy. Me Nashville.
The Big Chill – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085244/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
85 – Jimmy LOVED The Big Chill when it came out. LOVED it. Jimmy went on a date with Anne Ringhoffer to see it. They got freaked out when someone pounded on the outside door so Anne was freaked out through the entire movie. Apparently so freaked out that they ruined the movie for everyone else. Someone came up and told them so.
90 – Jimmy had go to movies for dates! Big Chill, Real Genius, Pulp Fiction. The guys have seen it multiple times in the theater.
Jackie Blue is INDEED by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Blue_(song)
The guys talk pulp fiction. Bob Hope is the most famous Toluca Lake resident.
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper