3404 – Dressing for success with Preacher Lawson

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 Hello! Episode 3404! It’s Monday! Listen at your leisure!

Khaki and blue day!

Talking Ted Lasso! Perfect show at the perfect time

Ted Lassies – female soccer team Matt is aware of.

Jimmy talks fantasy drafts!

Mangled Meniscus! Kepler Elves!

15 – New comp new monitor for everyone to see?

Behind the scenes with NNF!


Did we all hear Matt’s Mr. Cellophane joke?

25 – Chicago the Musical!

The “puppet” song is “We Both Reached For The Gun”

Chicago the movie premiered in 2002.



Oliver had a game night!

40 – One of Oliver’s friends has a cool old car.


VW Ad – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjLzH8qj0gQ

Jon Hamm Minute Maid – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2felhcRHNz8

Almost Famous – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181875/

Erin Foley – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0284132/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t26


Let’s take a break but first a note from Matt!

Get a glimpse of Platinum! 15 minute highlights of the letter episodes!

50 – Separate Feed! Ad free audio on another feed!

We’ll be right back!

We’re back! Jimmy’s got table rail issues.

55 – Preacher Lawson is here! He was late because he was sent to the wrong place.


Those charged were overwhelmingly white (659 of 716, 92%) but also included Hispanics (39, 5.4%), Blacks (10, 1.4%), Asians (7.1%, 5 of the 7 were of Vietnamese ancestry) and one Native American.

Preacher talks about his America’s Got Talent experiences!

60 – Preacher had a feud with his 12 year old ventriloquist opponent.


We’re talking the N Word.

Kids using words they don’t understand.

1h5m – Preacher’s brother’s name is Justin Lawson, also a comedian.

He lives with his brother and prefers having someone around to living alone.

Preacher talks about his nickname Preacher which he’s been called since he was 2 weeks old. His real name is Jovan (sp?)

1h10m – Talking about the feeling of the applause break in a set.

Preacher talks about where he grew up, he’s never really from anywhere so to speak, he came of age in Memphis.

Let’s guess the demographics of Jan 6!
Preacher: 3.6
Jimmy 2.7
Matt 4.5
Eliot 1.3

Eliot is closest!

1h15m – Will Smith talk! Would people like him more if he didn’t apologize?


Preacher wasn’t harassing he was beefing!

Happy birthday Preacher! His birthday was last week 3/14.

1h20m – Jimmy talks about his gift reception issues.

Preacher talks about not knowing how to dress and when he did America’s Got Talent they dressed him so he kept dressing like that.

Talking returning stuff. Preacher bought a monitor for his camera and didn’t like it but forgot to return it.

1h25m – Preacher talks about his touring. He’s currently doing theater shows! His mom opens for him sometimes! His mom opens for him soon: Mama Lawson!


Preacher had a sold out bomb of a show the other week.

1h30m – Talking the new style of crowd work that seems to be spreading around.

Preacher compares crowd work / comedy to music.

Ali Siddiq – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Siddiq

Matt Rife opened for Preacher at Just For Laughs. He asked and Preacher obliged.

We call Mama Lawson!

1h40m – Talking TikTok! Preacher has 3.4 million follwers!

Trivia time!

1h45m – Full results below!
We’ll be right back!

We’re back! Preacher is here but he has to go!

We’ll be right back again!

We’re back! Preacher had to rush out for a doctor appt.

1h50m – https://www.cologuard.com/benefits-of-colon-cancer-screening

Murder By Death!

Eliot’s signaling on the weekend!

2h – Play the game! (Matt sings some for us to guess) It was St Elmo’s Fire.



2h5m – No answer from Mitch yet!

“When’s the smile-a-thon?” – Jimmy’s dad since 2009

“You got the smash?” – Jimmy’s dad looking for Astro Smash when Jimmy and his brother were kids.

2h10m –

We’re done!

Trivia Results:
Category: Advertising
Question: According to a study, most luxury watch advertisements feature the watch set to 10:10 because it resembles what

Garon: Heart (9 pts)
Eliot: Arrow (20 pts)
Matt: Smile (5 pts) – Correct
Preacher: Walmart (6 pts)
Jimmy: Victory (18 pts)

Answer: Smiling Face

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole