2920 – Riding the river with Oscar Nunez

Oscar Nunez

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

NNF Platinum 2920 – Oscar Nunez


00 Hello! 

Welcome in! 2920!

Jimmy’s got a bomba sock and a Mack Weldon SIMILAR pant. Too much ride up though. Jimmy’s got a ring of chill because of it. 

He’s also got a weird sock situation. He can only wear a certain sock now. 

Winter Sock Con vs Summer Sock Con. 

Anything worse than Puppet Con? 

The Belknap kids LOVE Billy on the Street. 

Brief Transparent talk. 

Jimmy talks concerts and his favorite 

Breaking News with Jimmy! 

Ondean talk! 

Jimmy has heard from Luca! It’s all worked out! 

10 – Jimmy talks about the albums he’s been listening to. 

New years fireworks talk.

New Years Eve shows talk. They all suck. 

Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper NYE talk. 

Live TV shenanigans on NYE.  

I go to our guest! 

25 – Talking drugs! And Huey Lewis. 

30 – Marc Maron talk! 

More Andy Cohen talk – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Cohen

He is 53!

40 – Betty White talk! 

Oscar Nunez is here!! He was also on How To Survive! 

45 – Some Don’t Look Up talk.  Also Red Notice. 

Timothee Chamelet does not fumble!

50 – Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seacrest Gloss! 

Happy new year! 

2022 is the last year with only two digits until 2111? 

We are the Curb Your Enthusiasm of podcasts. 

55 – Talking My physique and being gay.

Oscar talks playing gay and people’s reactions on the street. 

Pretend Hard!

We’ll be right back! 

60 – Welcome back! 2920!

I didn’t go to Michigan. 

NNF Rapids? 

Matt talks about where he’s gone white water rafting. 

Oscar talks about his past river trips, and his history with drugs. Oscar reveals the Hippy Dippy answer to why he took acid. 

Jersey Jimmy! 

We’re all connected! Oscar learned this on his trip. 

1h5m – Oscar reveals his age! 63?! 

Oscar needs water! 


Rob Lowe talk! 



Matt’s sister was obsessed with him. 

Rob Lowe’s book – https://www.amazon.com/Stories-Only-Tell-Friends-Autobiography/dp/1250008859/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=rob+lowe+stories+i+only+tell+my+friends&qid=1641243287&sprefix=Rob+L%2Caps%2C265&sr=8-1

1h10m – Oscar can’t pull the name of the biggest book store chain in the country. 

Jason Schwartzman talk. 


1h15m – Licorice Pizza talk! 

Matt watched Tick Tick boom again! 

The Pardo’s watched Office Christmas Party. It’s awful but they loved it. 

Sam Richardson is in Office Christmas Party also! Scene Stealer! 

1h20m – Stick Man?


Get your boosters kids! 

Jimmy is the Norm of his CVS pharmacy. 

Round the horn! 

Cake on the beach?

Jonas brothers roast? 

Foster Brooks roasting Betty White

Talking Peter O’Toole on the Tonight Show. 

Mark-Linn Baker talk. 

Talking the Perfect Strangers reunion scheduled for Sketch Fest. Unfortunately, this year was canceled. 

1h30m – Jimmy’s character needs something from the port. 

Oliver tripped and fell on the dishwasher door and broke it. They all laughed at it. 

Matt horning his way into the Dice’s lady. So is Oscar! Jimmy is furious! 

1h35m – 

Matt cries harder every time he watches It’s A Wonderful Life. 

Category: Fun Phrases

Question: In 2010, Nintendo trademarked what almost rhyming phrase which includes on of its IPs.

We’ll be right back!

1h40m – We’re back! 

Betting on how much warner paid for David Bowie’s catalog.

Oscar: $510 Million

Jimmy:  $125 Million

Matt: $300 Million

Eliot: $900 Million

$250 Million for Bowie vs $550 Million for Springsteen

RIP NNF because of Springsteen discourse. 

ZZTop sold their catalog for $50 Million.

Eliot watched Being The Ricardos. 

Oscar became buds with Betty White when he did The Proposal. 

Free Guy & Breaking Away


Trivia Results: 

Category: Fun Phrases

Question: In 2010, Nintendo trademarked what almost rhyming phrase which includes on of its IPs.

Garon: Mii Too (17 pts)

Eliot: Get Nerdy With Kirby ( pts)

Matt: It’s On Like Donkey Kong ( pts)

Oscar: Play The Game ( pts)

Jimmy: Why Wii ( pts)

The Answer is: It’s On Like Donkey Kong

Taylor Swift more like Joni or Carole King? 

Oscar talks about his daughter’s music taste. 

Jimmy talks about Julian Lennon releasing music just 4 years after his father died. 

Thanks Oscar!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole