2911 – Coming aboard with Danielle Koenig

Danielle Koenig
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 2911 – Danielle Koenig
00 Hello!
It’s another rainy night in Georgia! Except it’s daytime and California. But it is raining.
George Michael and Aretha Franklin are both dead.
Who is watching Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart??
Weed is legal some places. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis
Matt made Star Wars art in college.
05 – Matt learned about Bones/No Bones via Elyse!
Matt only got through Greedo and Dengar in his Star Wars Bounty Hunter art project.
Jimmy’s grandfather used to pass them money when he shook their hand goodbye. It started with a quarter and eventually grew to $1.
Jimmy had hernia surgery! Two of us checked on him apparently.
I sent a check in text that siri mangled.
15 – New Apple Music tier?
20 – Cut loose on Z!
Master of None talk.
Aziz Ansari is a busy guy!
25 – The Spinners – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spinners_(American_R%26B_group)#Top_forty_singles
Games People Play is also a song by Alan Parsons Project – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_People_Play_(The_Alan_Parsons_Project_song)
Jimmy talks about getting rid of stuff.
30 – Jimmy has taken on the hunt for bright socks for matt.
Matt talks about a 30-mile bike ride and how he had a flat tire situation. His ride was
Astros vs Braves. No one to route for.
Eliot needed to go back to the bike patch talk.
35 – Jimmy MUST know how long it took Matt. He is never gonna get an answer.
Danielle Koenig is here!
Love Boat talk. Jimmy talks about how bad it is but he can’t stop watching it.
The Kissing Bandit with Billy Crystal.
40 – Jimmy cried after watching a two-part Love Boat.
The mail is here!
It’s a huge box that weighs nothing from Doug Pinetta. He claims It’s gonna be the stupidest gift yet.
45 – It’s a Tennessee Tuxedo hat rack! We love it!
Booster/Vax talk.
50 – We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Jimmy goes right into the The Prisoner which Danielle relates to the globe lights.
Danielle Koenig is here! From How To Survive with Danielle and Koenig!
Jimmy wishes the show comes out on Mondays so he could listen to it on the way here.
Comedy podcast talk.
55 – There is no good way to get fired.
KROQ’s Kevin in the Morning Show team ‘fired,’ host calls station ‘toxic’
Do we only eat female animals??
Agatha Christie talk – https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0895769X.2018.1469087?journalCode=vanq20
60 – More Love Boat talk??
Danielle recalls watching when she was really young.
1h5m – Marilyn McCoo – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_McCoo
Billy Davis Jr – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Davis_Jr.
The 5th Dimension – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_5th_Dimension
No more Smooth!
Charlie IS doing Halloween this year. He’s doing an Amazing Race themed costume? It’s a stick figure neon outfit.
Matt might don his David S Pumpkins suit OR a Loki costume.
1h10m – How To Survive! Production is weak but the hosting is great!
It means something coming from Jimmy and Matt!
Matt was kind of accosted by a homeless person. He has no idea why.
Jimmy gave a blanket to a homeless man recently. The guy asked for one and Jimmy happened to have one.
Watch The Day After outdoors with the neighbor Popcorn.
1h15m – Danielle and Jimmy went to see French Dispatch. Mixed reviews.
Matt wants a little “less” Anderson.
1h20m – Jimmy loves a heist movie except The Misfits with Pierce Brosnan.
Oliver is doing a great Michael Caine.
Danielle talks more about her movie rule: if there are more than one famous cast-members and you haven’t heard of the movie it’s going to be terrible.
Craig Bierko talk! https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0081572/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Go listen to How to Survive with Danielle and Kristine!
1h25m – Roomba talk!

Darryl told Jimmy the Roomba would be great for about a month, then… meh
1h30m – Category is Secret Service.
Garden Squirrel!
Pierce Brosnan love interest chat!
1h35m – Best Bond?
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Awful close to 9/11.
Round the horn!
My friend moved town.
1h40m – Popeye’s Chicken talk!
Matt has some Cars theories.
1h45m – Pixar and Cars talk!
My answer is Taco Bell.
Eliot Hochberg is in shorts.
1h50m –
Trivia Results:
Category: Secret Service
Question:.In order to help boost morale, the CIA put in what chain?
Garon: Taco Bell (11 pts)
Eliot: Dunkin Donuts (8 pts)
Matt: Dairy Queen (1 pts)
Danielle: Starbucks (25 pts)
Jimmy: McDonald’s (11 pts)
Danielle wins!
50th Anniversary of Starbucks!
We’re done!
Or not.
Matt has a quick James Austin Johnson story.
He’s on AST Records and Matt apparently didn’t realize!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth