28Y – Learning to fly with Mike Siegel

Mike Siegel

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 Welcome in to the program you heard all about in the intro!

Mouse! Why because we love you!

Lots of Mickey Mouse Club talk – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mickey_Mouse_Club#Members

Lisa Whelchel talk! Jimmy used to see her on her bike.

Jimmy talks about his friend from westwood that lived in the same building with Lisa.

Lots of Lisa Whelchel talk.

Jimmy talks about Walter Koenig and Bill Leff both being collectors of Action Figures.

Jimmy almost got beat up at Woolco? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woolco

10 – “That necessitated an ass-whoopin.” – Matt on when he got attacked at a local water park as a kid he had traveled to.

How to avoid a fight at a water park?

Matt recounts the waterpark story from season one. TLDR: He ran

Apparently Jimmy grew up before body shaming.

20 – Matt and fam went outlet shopping for back to school.

Norwalk talk. https://www.google.com/maps/@33.904859,-118.1036654,13.14z

Knott’s Berry Farm – https://www.knotts.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwmK6IBhBqEiwAocMc8khTt1kwvmbXbdJBPGZ-P9_RHaWQ-Sey_qu3N6VJSsWRy0bX0FqCqxoCtUMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Goofy roller coaster talk.

NNF Trip to Six Flags?

Ferris Wheels!

30 – Lots of Roller Coaster talk!

“Welcome back Tidal Wave survivors!”

Jimmy and Oliver saw Stillwater. Oliver loved it

Mail AND Mike Siegel!

Joe Dean sent us some stuff!

Thank you, Joe Dean!!

Gluton Free? Jimmy’s out.

35 – Eating on air?

Adam May sent some stuff. He sent us his Dad’s book and his albums.

Dane Coffey letter! We got a bit coming.

Jimmy tells Mike about his carpet freshener disaster.

Matt has fallen down again.

Jimmy finishes Dane’s letter.

We’re matching G based on the Pardomizer!

Geico ad and insurance talk!

Earthquake talk!


We’ll be right back!

50 – We’re back!

G for the letter game, Y is the episode!

Mike Siegel is here!

Talking car rentals.

Mike is going to Honolulu in September! He’s switching with Graham Elwood for two weeks.

55 – Talking Lallapaloosa, the El, masks in public, and Jimmy’s first pitch!

Jimmy has a story about his cousin who thinks he’s too famous to even walk around. Jimmy was joking about how soon it would be to be recognized with Oliver and as soon as they stepped off the airplane, he got recognized.

60 – Talking pronouncing words wrong!

Jimmy’s reading Colin Jost’s book and he’s laughed outloud many times already in the first 30 pages.


We get a little political to talk about Marjorie Taylor Green supposedly announcing a presidential run.

Fame (the movie) talk!

1h5m – Talking long putters.

The anchored putter ban “prohibits anchoring a club when making a stroke”. Implemented on January 1, 2016, the rule sent shockwaves through the game, particularly among the professional ranks. … So long and belly putters are still legal – as long as you don’t anchor them.”

Last mail. More popcorn? Pre-kettle corn!

1h10m – Jimmy reads the letter with the corn! Thanks Kyle!

Round the horn!

Charlie Milliken sent us some new Around the Horn songs.

My roommates are leaving!

Live shows and Leno!

1h15m – Mike fills us in on some of the live shows he’s done including closing a show after Brian Regan during check drops.

1h20m – Jimmy finished Taskmasters and has moved on to “Would I Lie To You?” He loved it and was clapping his joy and laughter.

Talking Great British Baking Show and Great Pottery Show.

1h25m – Ted Lasso talk.

Colton Dunn and Tami Sagher are alums of Boom Chicago.


1h30m – Love Boat talk!

Round the horn!

Breaking news!

For Mike only? Messi is leaving Barcelona.

1h35m – Put a pin in the caller ID controversy that Eliot brought up.

My G is Greg Fitzsimmons!

He’s got a lot of shows including Sunday Papers with Mike Gibbons https://sundaypapers.libsyn.com/

Mike took a flight lesson at Santa Monica Airport.

Talking about revisiting “Welcome Back, Kotter”

1h40m – Laverne and Shirley talk.

Trivia question from Jeopardy!

Of the reports 5 Ws which two were not on the field during Abbot and Costello’s famous baseball routine.

Jimmy and I are correct! Where and When!


1h45m – What’s up, Palms?

Am I moving to Palms?!

Movie theater talk!

1h55m – Doc Talk! Sparks doc.
Woodstock 99
The Start of MTV doc

2h – Guessing the Rolling Stone greatest video of all-time.


Prince Kiss – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9tEvfIsDyo

Mike talks about his time at VH1 as we go down the list of videos.

Geroge Burns for Eliot
Gary Gulman for Mike
Greg Berendt for Jimmy

Matt’s Five!

Gary Brightell
Gilda Radner
Gary Lucy
Greg Fitzsimmons
Gary Gulman!

Mike Siegel wins $10!

See you next time!!

We’re doing K next week!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth