25J – Smoothing it Out with Todd Levin

Todd Levin
Todd Levin Find the show at Pardcast.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
25 Jon Anderson
00 – Hello! Jimmy’s drinking some fountain coke zero.
Can’t find the J-j-jimmy pardo!
Bring us up to speed!
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:
10 – Jimmy’s teeth are doing really well.
Disney’s last words: Kurt Russell
Jimmy talks about his recent medical check ups. He got a Cystoscopy. He talks about it. There was some fear of bladder cancer but Jimmy is all clear!
15 – He was on some Xanax and at one point he fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the next day, fully clothed.
20 – Everything’s great for Jimmy now!
Masked Singer talk. Stop guessing Jamie Foxx!
Jimmy and Matt talk about their concerns with the show.
25 – Matt has a celebrity sighting!
Mike French!
30 – Todd Levin is here! He’s in some kind of costume for sure.
Filling in Todd on the celeb sighting.
35 – JB Smoove! Apparently dressed beautifully.
Jimmy talks about him being on Funny Money and being hysterical.
Matt talks about JB Smoove being an SNL writer and pitching the same sketch every week that they never aired.
When did Curb begin?
2002 – Todd
2003 – Jim
2004 – Matt
2000 – Garon
2001 – Eliot
40 – Curb debuted October 15, 2000!
Larry David talk. He used to just walk off stage if he didn’t like the crowd.
Todd Levin is here!
Mike Myers talk!
We’ll be back!
45 – We’re back!
25J! Todd can’t lose the jumpsuit.
Jimmy talks about his Resist tshirt.
Talking Trump’s tweet about Elijah Cummings.
Is Trump worse than John Wayne Gacy?
Lazy Queen shirt.
50 – Talking fountain drinks.
Jimmy could be a theater ticket taker but not a concession guy.
Jimmy loved Parasite. Won’t get into details. Todd says JoJo Rabbit is the 2nd best movie of the year.
55 –
Todd: 25
Matt: 11
Eliot: 12
Jimmy: 7
What kind of person shall not be honored on a US postal stamp, according to the US postal service and the Citizen’s Stamp Advisory Committee?
A. A living person.
Todd wins!
55 – Cake vs Pie As adults its Pie as a kid its cake.
Matt’s dad enjoys his desert.
60 – Trump is president of Baltimore also!
I’m going with Jon Anderson!
John Parr wanted to sue Conan over a spoof of the song.
Talking Suing over Parody.
1h5m – We hear some of the 2 Live Crew.
1h10m – Jimmy talks his cousin Ron. He’s befriended the band Yes.
Jimmy doesn’t have a shooting car. He’s not a Kingsman.
Jm J Bullock?!
The Gay Ted McGinley.
1h15m – Matt asks Todd about Spiderman stealing his glasses look.
Turns out the glasses he has are the glasses Robert Downey Jr used to wear.
1h20m – Matt talks about wearing a Miami vice blazer for three months as a kid.
1h25m –
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth